
The Goddess Salvation System

"The Goddess Salvation System" depicts the story of Frank, who unexpectedly traverses to a mysterious and perilous parallel world. There, he discovers himself as the partner of the Goddess, endowed with a series of mysterious abilities and tasks. As the Chosen One, he not only possesses formidable reproductive powers but also can acquire abundant experience and skills through faith connections and sacrifices. While exploring the unknown, Frank must make careful choices to survive and achieve his goals in this enigmatic parallel world.

c_l_dd · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 7- awakened

"Yes! Tiffany obeys Master's orders!" Tiffany happily spread her legs to run.

Frank frowned, calling her back, "Wait, come here."

He thought for a moment, tore open the torn pocket, ripped it into strips of cloth, hugged her and made her sit on his lap, holding up her feet and wrapping them with the cloth.

Her cute soles were scratched. He furrowed his brows, "You'll have to make do for now. Once I'm done with things, we'll go into the city of Lorsa and get you some new clothes. And this collar..."

He took out the key given by the slave trader, unlocked it for her, and threw the collar along with the chain into the pit.

 "You don't need to wear it anymore. Since you're voluntarily following me, you don't need such boring things." Tiffany looked at him with a complex expression, watching for a while before tightening the bandages on her feet, wiping away tears, and quickly running towards the stream.

Frank looked at the still unconscious Ivanka. The new body that crossed into this world wasn't as beautiful as she used to be, but it had a hint of tranquility and delicacy. There was a mark on her forehead symbolizing a slave—a small peach blossom tattoo. If she wasn't sick, this girl would probably fetch the highest price in the market.

But she died of illness and traded for Ivanka's new life.

So, Tiffany's collar seemed like dog grass in the local language, consistent with the tattoo on her forehead. Shouldn't she be called Berstic directly in the local language?

Forget it, Tiffany sounds better. After all, she was his first completely local follower. In case the Goddess Sect grows larger in the future and she refuses to leave, he'll appoint her as a saint.

Touching Ivanka's face, he couldn't help but ask in his heart, "Vicky, when will Ivanka wake up?"

"Her soul adaptation ability is extremely poor, she may be in a coma for several days. But why do you need to wait for her to wake up? Soul anchoring doesn't require the anchor to cooperate with you. When I summoned your soul, I confirmed that you had sufficient mating knowledge. You should know what to do."

Frank's face instantly turned red. His male pride didn't allow him to admit the fact that all that knowledge wasn't of much use. He had to abruptly change the topic and ask, "Does oral absorption count as well?"

Frank's face instantly turned red. His male pride didn't allow him to admit the fact that all that knowledge wasn't of much use. He had to abruptly change the topic and ask, 'If absorption through mucous membranes counts, does oral absorption count too?'

"Yes, according to the types of knowledge you remember, I can promise you that all mating activities can efficiently absorb the energy of Holy Semen. However, breast and foot fetishes are not included. I suggest you not to waste your valuable divine power.'

In fact, I've been a little confused. Could you explain this Holy Semen to me in detail now?'

"I've explained it quite thoroughly before. If there's anything you don't quite understand, you can ask during the process." Like those three attitudes you mentioned... yes, the three attitudes, I didn't get that.

"Those mainly determine the efficiency of the female target's energy absorption towards you. The three attitudes are belief, affection, and lust, which are quite easy to understand. Belief refers to the degree of worship and faith in the goddess you represent, which is similar to the grading system for ordinary believers. Affection is the degree of admiration and fondness towards you. Lust refers to the desire to mate and reproduce with you as the target. Excluding the special cases of none and infinite, these three attitudes can roughly be divided into ten levels each."

Frank paused for a moment and asked, 'So how does this affect the absorption efficiency?'

"Simply put, after each absorption of Holy Semen, the proportion of the sum of the three attitude levels to the total level determines the proportion of experience points absorbed in this instance. For example, if two of the three attitudes are none and only belief is at level 1, then the absorption rate for this instance would only be 1/30, just like the guaranteed situation when all three are none. With 100 million experience points, you'd only get a little over 3.3 million. Improving the girl's attitude towards you is necessary to increase the efficiency of Holy Semen."

So, I have to give my all. I have to make the girl not only my loyal believer, but also love me intensely, and at the same time, be in heat every time she sees me? Frank was extremely astonished, suddenly feeling like 100 million experience points weren't that much.

"Not necessarily. Haven't I mentioned the two other scenarios, none and infinite? Every woman has a chance called a contract. When any one of your target's attitudes reaches level 10, you can initiate a contract, binding that attitude at level 10. Once bound, that attitude will be locked at its maximum value. As long as the attitude with the maximum value exists, every absorption of Holy Semen in the future will be fully converted, without considering the levels of the other two attitudes. Of course, once bound, the other two attitudes can no longer be contracted, so you must think carefully."

What effect does binding the maximum value have? If I bind a bunch of extreme affection, won't it lead to self-mutilation and my little brother being cut off? Frank suddenly remembered a novel he had read, and a chill ran down his spine.

"The limit is the maximum value of the attitude: bound piety, bound affection, and bound lust. What they will do depends on their personality. Your concerns are not unfounded, so I suggest you choose the binding project carefully. As part of the goddess, I believe binding belief is the safest."

Frank pondered for a moment and asked, 'Is there a way for me to know the target's attitude level?'

"You can have a rough idea using divine sense to appraise."

Can you appraise Tiffany for me?

"Tiffany's level of belief in you: skeptical; her level of affection for you: heartbeat skipping; her level of desire for you: none."

Frank froze. What does this mean? Are there specific levels? No numbers?

"I've mentioned before, gamification of divine sense can only provide precise numbers for things directly related to you. For other targets, only non-numeric descriptions are available. However, after you activate Holy Semen, you can see the absorption efficiency on the selection interface. Additionally, when an attitude reaches level 10, I will promptly remind you whether to initiate a contract. You can rest assured."

Frank looked at Ivanka, worried yet curious. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Then, can you appraise Ivanka for me?"

"Sorry, she is not a part of this world's life. The system she follows after receiving Holy Semen is completely specialized. She is different from all other women and cannot provide belief values to you, nor can her three attitudes be appraised. But I assure you, the blessings she receives through Holy Semen will be the most helpful and useful for you. I suggest you make her absorb it once a day to maximize her growth."

Frank furrowed his brow, feeling somewhat uneasy.

Can you explain how she's specifically different?

"After you activate soul anchoring on her, I will explain in detail for you. Please take action as soon as possible." He leaned against a tree, suddenly feeling like laughing.

He had been chasing Ivanka for over a decade, barely catching a whiff, and now, before crossing over, Ivanka begged him to be with her, and after crossing over, there was a goddess urging him to be with her.

What's more, he now wanted to, and could, be with her.

Ivanka's new body lay limp on the ground, completely powerless to resist.

Just now, he thought about jerking off and feeding her to activate Holy Semen.

But now, his cock was a little eager.

As a chosen one, he wasn't afraid of contracting diseases, and he didn't care much about those little red bumps. As long as he thought about it being Ivanka's soul inside, he became painfully hard.

He stood up, considering finding a secluded place to make his move.

Tiffany tidied herself up and came back, jogging happily, standing in front of him with a bright smile.

Indeed, girls needed to tidy up to show their true selves. Tiffany's birthmark was too prominent, occupying half of her face, but upon closer observation, if it weren't for the birthmark, her appearance wouldn't be considered ugly. She was quite a gentle and delicate girl. As for the drawback of malnutrition and delayed development, it was actually a strength in Frank's eyes.

"Vicky, is there a way to remove Tiffany's birthmark?"

"It's not a real birthmark; it's a kind of childhood illness. However, while this disease isn't fatal, it's much more difficult to deal with than the condition in Ivanka's body. To cure it with your current Holy Semen, it will require many absorption sessions. I suggest you gather faith to raise the levels of various skills as soon as possible. Each increase in Holy Semen level not only adds an additional 20 million experience points but also enhances the healing and seductive powers of Holy Semen simultaneously."

"Huh? Seductive power? What's that? Does drinking it make someone fall in love with me? Isn't that a bit dangerous..."

"Holy Semen has healing power for the races of the Light side and seductive power for the races of the Dark side. So, the goddess chose a stable area in the Light side as your starting point to avoid you being captured by the humanoid creatures of the Dark side and becoming a semen-extracting livestock."

"Gee... that sounds really dangerous."

"Um... Master, do you have any orders?" Tiffany thought she had been scrutinized by Frank all along and asked shyly, lowering her head.

"Well, you could style your hair like this; it would be much cuter." He reached out and separated a section of her untrimmed brown curls, letting them fall in front of the left side of her face, covering the birthmark.

"Don't worry, I'll cure this thing on your face for you. Until then, let's just cover it up like this. You look much cuter this way."