
The Goddess Salvation System

"The Goddess Salvation System" depicts the story of Frank, who unexpectedly traverses to a mysterious and perilous parallel world. There, he discovers himself as the partner of the Goddess, endowed with a series of mysterious abilities and tasks. As the Chosen One, he not only possesses formidable reproductive powers but also can acquire abundant experience and skills through faith connections and sacrifices. While exploring the unknown, Frank must make careful choices to survive and achieve his goals in this enigmatic parallel world.

c_l_dd · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 2- Hello, Goddess

There was a ball of light before him, bright yet not glaring, pulsating slowly and gently, as if it were breathing.

Was this heaven? Or was it hell?

The memories just before losing consciousness were still vivid in Frank's mind. With a slight recollection, he could vividly recall the soft, pristine body of his dream goddess Ivanka, her dark curly pubic hair, and her moist, crimson slit.

Naturally, he also remembered his shameful cause of death—the intense pleasure of ejaculation leading to sudden cardiac arrest.

Just as he was about to curse, he noticed two miraculous things.

First, he was erect.

His flesh pole, wrapped in prominent veins, stood proudly, its glans slightly leaking transparent fluid.

Second, this penis wasn't his.

Or rather, this body wasn't his.

The hand was large and powerful, the muscles compact and strong, the limbs stretched out long and symmetrical. And this naked and robust physique was evidently very young, at most eighteen or nineteen. The erect penis was filled with the vigor of youth, its perineal muscles could lift substantially with a slight effort, almost touching the lower abdomen.

So... was he reincarnated?

He looked around, but it didn't seem like it. It was pitch-black all around, nothing in sight, like being in a corner of the void where not even stars could be seen. It looked more like the world after death.

Apart from the ball of light before him, everything else was a despairing and oppressive "nothingness."

Frank shifted his body, unable even to confirm if he was standing. It was a strange feeling. He sensed gravity but confirmed he wasn't floating. However, there was nothing beneath his feet, and the darkness around him robbed him of any sense of space.

In such a bizarre scene, his penis was as excited as when he first saw the outline of Ivanka's bra strap in high school.

Then, that deep-rooted desire gradually intensified and gained direction.

Frank was astonished to realize that he... was lusting after the ball of light.

He quickly tried to conjure up memories of Ivanka's youthful beauty, lest he awaken some unspeakable sexual fetish and spend his afterlife pleasuring himself.

But soon, his thoughts inevitably gravitated toward the center of that ball of light.

The orb of light gradually solidified. Threads of light flowing on the periphery were drawn together and converged, forming what appeared to be six wings in the background. The central orb of light elongated and contracted, first condensing into a pair of snowy, tender, indescribably beautiful bare feet at the bottom. This was followed by slender ankles, straight legs, a flat abdomen without any excess fat, breasts swaying slightly with each breath, and a swan-like neck... Finally, a dreamlike, peerlessly beautiful face emerged.

What's even more miraculous is that this face bore a resemblance to sixteen or seventeen-year-old Ivanka, as if he had idealized his infatuation a thousand times over in a dream.

In an instant, he felt his desire boiling to the point of breathlessness. Because the goddess before him was completely naked. He reached out with his trembling hand, wanting to touch her gently, but as he approached, he couldn't help but instinctively recoil.

At this moment, the goddess opened her eyes. In those bright eyes reflected his current appearance, while also seemingly containing countless stars. She smiled faintly, and the infinite darkness around them no longer felt oppressive.

Frank even thought, if he had known there would be such benefits after death, he probably would have drunk a bottle of herbicide on the night Ivanka went out with her first boyfriend and jumped into the river with a rock in his arms.

He didn't dare to touch her. Yet she extended her hand, gently stroking his face. The smooth, flawless skin, just the touch of it made him so excited that even his penis trembled. As he looked at his hand hesitating to approach her, the goddess flashed a intoxicatingly shy smile, reached for his arm, and pressed his sweaty palm against her perky, towering chest.

Before even grasping it, the soft elasticity invaded his mind. In an instant, his shaft swelled to its limit, his sexual desire never so heightened before. Neither watching various pornographic films nor fantasizing about Ivanka or even losing his virginity to her before death came close to the fervor of this moment.

He couldn't help but pounce on her, the masculine instincts long confined by the facade of rationality finally completely unleashed. He tightly embraced the goddess, whose body emitted a faint glow, madly suckling her nipples, his hands encroaching to her buttocks, passionately kneading them.

The goddess's slender legs gently curved, her plump, straight thighs lightly sandwiching his erect shaft. No lubricant was needed; the friction from her smooth skin was as soul-stirring as the secretion of ample love fluids from a sexual organ.

Frank had barely thrust between her thighs ten times before his semen jetted out like a water gun, flying out of the halo-covered area and into the void of darkness. The ecstasy, surpassing that of ten times of masturbation combined, pierced his consciousness. He gasped heavily, panting on the goddess's shoulder, drooling, dripping onto her crystal-clear shoulder, only to evaporate and disappear in an instant.

After panting for several minutes, he finally trembled and asked, "Who... who are you?" The goddess let out a soft laugh, shook her head slightly, then reached down with a perfect hand, gently grasping his recently softened penis.

In an instant, the drooping, dejected rod regained its vigor, proudly standing tall as if trying to lift the goddess's body high. Her slender fingers gently encircled it, moving up and down a few times. Then, suddenly, the six wings fluttered, a gentle force pushing Frank down, laying him on an invisible surface.

The goddess knelt on him, pressing his shaft between her mound and palm, her slender yet powerful waist swaying gently.

Excitement reignited, Frank cried out loudly, panting, sweating profusely, his legs convulsing. There was no worry of being overheard.

Then, the goddess lifted slightly, relocating his shaft further back. Frank's eyes widened, bloodshot, fixed on that spot. Within the halo, the pristine mound appeared devoid of genitalia or anus.

But as the glans was guided, and the goddess slowly descended, the flawless skin, like soft pudding, yielded to his hardness, inch by inch. Gentle forces enveloped him from all sides, intense pleasure akin to a nuclear explosion in Frank's mind. Barely a second passed before he slipped into unconsciousness, spasming, nearly emptying himself entirely.

Gone... need more... all gone...

He collapsed, limbs splayed, his vacant gaze refocusing on the stunning face of the goddess after what seemed like an eternity. And at last, she spoke.

Her mouth didn't move, but a voice as sweet and captivating as any voice actor Frank had ever pursued echoed in his mind: "Greetings, spirit from another realm. I am the goddess who summoned you here, Vicky Wooden."

Frank had once been a staunch atheist, but what was happening before his eyes clearly wasn't a dream—his brain hadn't simulated such intense pleasure. And this goddess was so "friendly"; he was becoming her devout follower from today.

"Hello, Goddess... Vicky," he uttered, surprised that what came out was no longer his familiar Chinese but a completely unfamiliar language, yet one he understood and spoke proficiently.

"It seems you've become familiar with your new body," Vicky remained seated on him, caressing his chest, speaking softly. "I'm sorry I had to initiate the most fundamental communication with you first. Only this way can I truly reach your soul and maintain the ability to communicate with you. Because you and I are from different worlds, different universes, different times."

There was nothing to apologize for. This feeling was so great; he wouldn't mind experiencing it hundreds of times a day.

He thought this to himself, while panting, then asked, "But... didn't I die?"

"Yes, but coincidentally, you not only exist in a world with similar laws to this planet's, but you also meet the essential criteria for my summoning ritual. Bliss, reproduction, and instant death." Vicky rose slowly, her hand passing over him, all bodily fluids disappearing. "Bliss to maximize your soul's vitality, reproduction to enable you to sense my divine power, and instant death to free your soul from its vessel, answering my call. Spirit from another realm, from this moment forth, you are the chosen emissary of the gods. Will you undertake my divine power to restore the glory of faith for me?"

Frank almost blurted out a willingness, but his cautious nature made him hesitate for a moment. Curiously, he asked, "Sorry, I don't quite understand the current situation, like... um... why does reproduction allow me to sense your divine power?"

Vicky smiled, her voice divine as it provided the answer in his mind, "Because I am the goddess who governs fertility and production, revered by believers as the goddess of abundance. The joy of harvest cannot compare to that of production, so I can only sense the process of reproduction to find targets. You are the most suitable candidate; you are engaging in reproductive activities, while within your partner's body, life is being nurtured. The effects of reproduction are compounded."

Frank chuckled bitterly, realizing his guess was right. Ivanka's return was indeed to pass him the mantle of fatherhood.

Unfortunately, before he could enact his imagined revenge drama of playing around and then coldly breaking up, he was gone. Just the thought of Ivanka possibly showing up at his funeral, pretending to cry while possibly carrying someone else's child, made him feel miserable enough to want to smash the coffin lid... Well, according to local policy, he probably wouldn't have a chance to get into a coffin, and breaking the urn didn't seem to have much effect.

"I don't have time to explain everything in detail to you," Vicky hurriedly conveyed her will, "Maintaining this space consumes my strength, and I have been in slumber for too long, giving you the necessary blessings has left me very weak now."

"Well, then you have to tell me why this is happening and what I'm supposed to do," Frank said, looking perplexed, eager for answers.

"This world is called Rubihart. I am one of the primal gods of this world. In order to resist the invasion of chaotic forces, the upper planes experienced a terrible war. But during the long years of that war, the life we created in our world forgot their own faith. Without faith, the gods lose their connection to the will of the world and lose the greatest source of power. We had to sacrifice almost all of our remaining power to launch the final seal, isolating the chaotic demons beyond the void."

"We succeeded, but the cost was also immense. Most of the gods sacrificed themselves, and survivors like me could not enter a long sleep. Without the protection of the gods, another force of chaos, seizing the opportunity, occupied the will of the world. It takes the name of Finan Yurozia, dividing the earth and prompting beings to choose between light and darkness, fighting until now. The god creators, indulging in self-destruction, have completely forgotten their former faith."

"I woke up for this, hoping it wouldn't be too late. But the will of the world spontaneously resists the power of the gods without faith. As I am now, I cannot do anything. So, I chose and summoned you, my Frank."