
The Goddess of Gods

How could I die leaving my handsome men!? A civilized woman died and met the God of beauty, contracted she would be sent to a new world where she would be reincarnated as the last noble of her family. A journey full of deception, peril, conquest, AND MEN, Gods included

Surabashi · Fantasy
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6 Chs

New world!

I opened my eyes

Am I alive?

'If I'm able to talk then I'm pretty sure I'm alive'

'Why does my body hurt so much'

The last thing I remember was crash landing on top of the castle, is that why my body hurts?

I couldn't lift my body properly but my mind is working. I'm on top of a bed laying down 'The bed is quite dirty, how can somebody live this way?'

No, the bed isn't the only dirty thing, the entire room where I'm in is dirty, to be precise it feels like nobody had lived here for a very long time.

The room looked like roman architecture, with dust, cobwebs, leaks from the ceiling, and cracks on the walls, Am I in an abandoned castle?


A strong breeze came out from the window


I slid out of the dirty blanket covering my body, I saw two pairs of LEGS!

'Yes, I finally have legs! but these are not my legs, it is too pale'

I brought my arms to my eyes and my hands were pale as well, I looked around the room and saw a broken marble vase in the corner of the room.

One foot down the dirty floor and I almost collapsed, 'I'm really weak, aren't I?'

I weakly walked toward the broken vase, I carefully touched one of the shards...Ouch!..I pricked my finger and a drop of blood fell on the floor.

I saw a woman in the reflection of the vase, she had white pale skin and wavey light pink hair 'She's beautiful, no celebrity can be compared to her on earth, I wouldn't be surprised if people gave her everything she wanted.

'Though she is beautiful, she looks like a dried-up grape, a risen, Ugh I hate raisins' The woman in the reflection is severely malnourished and was pale enough to not have seen sunlight for a very long time.

'Am I maybe a vampire??'

'Vampires are said to be very pale, and I'm very pale, but I saw myself in the reflection, or is that for mirrors only? Isn't that a stereotype though? Who am I kidding vampires are not real...I have met a God though so I guess anything is possible'.

I looked down at the floor that has a drop of red stain.

'Well I'm not hungry for blood, do vampires even drink their own blood? Isn't that a cycle? a blood cycle.'

"Master!" the door inside the room burst open.

"Are you okay Master?" A young boy who looked like he was 9 years old with darkish blue hair and light brown skin asked me.

He wore ragged clothing that was mismatched, even if I didn't know the fashion of this era I knew that those came from different cloth lines. 'He called me Master, Do I have a fetish or something?

He looked malnourished just like me, no, he was worse. I could see the bones from his skin.

"Ah, you are hurt master" The blood trickling down my finger stained the white pajama-type dress I was wearing.

The boy took a piece of cloth from the table side and tore it to fit my finger, he bandaged it up quite neatly.

"ahrqpahghgh" I opened my mouth to talk to him but indescribable words came out of my mouth, 'I knew that my throat was damaged in some way but I couldn't believe it is to the point that I couldn't even talk'

"I understand master, Please rest, and drink this cup of water I was able to pick up some berries outside the castle." The boy handed me a worn-out challis, Inside of it was a brownish liquid, it had some dirt in it. Some might think that the boy was trying to make me more ill, however, I can sense sincerity from his actions.

I drank what I thought should be water in one big gulp trying my best not to spit it out 'This is disgustingggg, I want soda, A latte, anything other than this!'

I saw the berries in his hands and grabbed them, I ate the berries hoping it would relieve me from the disgust 'So soar, though it's better than nothing.'

After I had consumed what the boy gave me I stared at him, his face looked completely shocked.

'Did I do something wrong?'

'Ah, this body and the boy must have been together, some of my habits are not aligned with what the boy knows.'

'I can't do anything about it, since I do not know anything about this body, nor the world around me.'


'Why are you shocked?'

"Miss please don't speak, it might worsen your voice" The boy panically said after noticing that I was reacting to his reaction of me eating and drinking.

"I was a little surprised that you took what I gave, You used to not eat or drink and I had to force you to." The boy said warmly while guiding me towards my bed.


"Miss don't talk please!" the boy reprimanded me he looked like he was about to cry whenever I opened my mouth, well it doesn't feel bad, I better keep my mouth shut.

I got back to my bed and the boy went out to get more food

I started thinking about what I could do, 'According to the contract I'm supposed to have a sort of blessing'

'Quest should also be a thing, if I can decipher this right it would be similar to a game'

How do I unlock those though?





Nothing is coming up, Am I supposed to say it out loud, I can't even say that the sounds that come out of my mouth are words.

'Wait, How did I understand that boy? I am obviously in a different world, their language is different from where I came from!'



[Knowledge of Noble Sarah]



"URGHRHGhGHGHEH" So much pain, my body is burning, and my head feels like it is being split open!





[Knowledge of Noble Sarah]





[Further process may cause damage]

[Finding possible solutions]


[Solution found]


[Partial Knowledge of Noble Sarah]


[To unlock remaining memory further progression with the system is required]


'That was 10X more painful than my period cramps!'

'What the hell was that voice!? It sounded like it was inside my head.'


'I see so this is the life she had lived, or I have lived.' Sarah held her head from the pain she felt.

I came from a family that worshiped The God of beauty. However, some bad guys wanted to attack us? I racked my brain to pry more information but I noticed something odd.

'Everyone in the Household from The head to the servants, all of them withholds information. Most if not almost all of the interactions Sarah had with people were fake.'

'The only true information I can access is-'

'I am the only remaining member of the household Maganda.'

'Something tragic happened to the household, from the memory I had my father wore heavy armor with a polished silver longsword attached to his side, it was not. My mother tried to hold it in but tears were running down her face. She hugged my father, her body was trembling.'

"Jonathan I w..ant to *sniff* fig..ht!" My mother mumbled her words onto my father's chest. As a child, I was wondering what she wanted to fight? Was it fun?

"You know you can't dear we talked about this, no one will protect this house If both of us leave no one will be there to protect our child." My father replied firmly.

I heard all of this from above the stairwell a few steps before the stairs to the ground floor holding onto my pink bunny stuff toy. I was having tea with my friends, even though no one is able to hear their voice but me. They said to keep it a secret but all of them are nice! Though they only become alive inside my stuffed toys when no one is around, they said they were sleeping but when I tried to talk to them while they were asleep they wouldn't wake up.

My Nanny caught me talking to me trying to wake up my stuffed toys and talk to them. She said that she believed me and joined our tea time with Mr. Scruffles, Tony the Bear, Bobby, and my Favorite Bunny.

I knew she didn't believe me when I said they were able to talk and play with me, but that's okay my friends would play with me a lot whenever mom and dad were busy and I was always a burden to them with my sickness I didn't want to cause any more trouble.

I took a few steps down the stairs, I wanted to know why everybody was wearing metal clothing and metal sticks on their sides, and why are they all gathered in the main hall beside the door to go outside the castle.

"I know..I..know" My mother hit the breastplate my father was wearing. Angry that she couldn't be with her beloved, but she knew all too well why she had to stay.

I didn't know why my Mother hit my Father but for some reason, I couldn't contain my emotions and started crying. I balled my eyes out, unable to suppress my emotions. I felt my heart beat faster. Gradually it was harder for me to breathe. My wailing sound became inaudible.

"WAhHh..kh..ugkh.." I felt like I was dying, my body couldn't move, my throat was burning all my insides were in pain.

Everyone heard the noise I was making, I knew I was causing trouble again, this have happened a lot of times before.

I felt weak, I want to sleep but it hurts so bad.

"Miss is about to fall" One of the soldiers in the hall shouted, The flight of stairs would surely cause severe damage to anybody to fell from the peak. What about a kid with an illness!? The soldier did not even want to imagine.

They rushed towards the stairs praying that nothing would happen to their miss.

Like a storm, the wind passed by all the soldiers, and instantly their madam appeared holding onto Sarah before she would even hit the floor.

"The physician call the physician!" My father screamed, unable to control his soothing anger.

I have never seen my father angry, even when this happened before he always tried to remain calm. It always felt like he didn't want to show it. 'Or that's how I would like to integrate these memories.'

The memory ended with me on my mother's lap and the chaos ensued due to the state of my body.

"Im so-Rry" I did something bad again.

"Baby no! You don't have to be sorry it's all my fault!" My mother tried to smile the best she could but her eyes couldn't lie, a drop of tear fell down her face onto mine.

A few other snippets were drawn out.

I had my eyes closed but my ears open, I was unable to understand what they were talking about but I could hear the doctor man and my parents talking.

'Doctor man? I am being influenced by the memories'

To summarize Sarah has what you would call on earth Rett syndrome, a psychological and physiological setback that hinders the growth of the mind and body. It may not be the exact same case in this scenario but that's the closest conclusion I have.

Sarah should avoid experiencing extreme levels of emotions, Anger, Sadness, and even Happiness. I cannot laugh nor cry, the moment I do my body responds negatively and I am forced to feel excruciating pain for weeks after.

My condition was never revealed to the public, my parents made an albie to the nobles for my absence from society because of my beauty. Though this was not truly wrong, Sarah and I or we? Are truly beautiful. The history of our family shows that the more beauty a person had the closer they are to God, that was proven by our founder who was the Saintess of The God of Beauty.

My parents believe I am of equal footing to the beauty of our founder, or even more. And a lot of the bad guys would hurt me if I left the castle. I always found the story interesting, I would sometimes grow bored of these castle walls but knowing I had a purpose for staying eased my anxiety.

Only a select few know about my condition outside the Castle, one of them is my uncle.

Our Family trusted at that time but-

I can't remember any more than that story.

New memories flashed in front of me, they were less complete than the previous ones.

'The workers of the household left or had died, some were sold, while the people outside the castle ran away.'

My uncle came in one day into my room, he was dazzled by my beauty. I felt the extreme lust coming out from him. But he held back and left, after saying to the couple of maids and a young boy "Let her breathe life only to the point of being alive, do not harm her in any way. Unless you want to face divine retribution"

The maids never took care of me the same way the people of this castle did before.

Years passed by and one by one the maids would disappear with the remains of the house. The couple of months were the most painful. non of the so-called maids knew about my illness and I couldn't help but be emotional with everything that has been happening. Everything from me was taken, my parents, my nanny, my home, my friends; now even my life.

Ahem* even if they are stuff toys for you guys they are still my friends! Ahem*

The only one remaining is the boy, Kai.