
New route. Kyoto.

Description of the game.

The essence of the Jinx card game is quite simple. There are 40 cards in a deck. Each player has 6 cards in his hand. On the Aistix board, there is a white field and a black field. White is for the deck - the place of the deck. And the black one is for the dropouts - the place of the dropout. At the top there are 4 green places for cards, and at the bottom 2 yellow ones. Green ones are for summoning weak monsters that have 4 ticks or less. And yellow ones are for summoning strong monsters that have more than 4 checkmarks. Another place is left in gray. This place is intended for special cards that have certain properties.

Also between them, in the middle, a 3D model has been created, which enlivens the game and makes it more realistic. All cards on the field come to life and turn into combat monsters. There are 20 Vinline in the world. It is a stack of 100 cards of one specific type. They are sold in stores and you can buy them almost everywhere now. Except for the rare ones, of course, which are always produced in a limited collection and few people have them.

There is also a special move phase system. First, Aistix himself determines which player goes first, after which his turn comes. The second player goes next. When both players have finished their turns. The battle phase in the 3D arena begins. Where the losing card is sent to the elimination zone, while the winning card remains on the field. Then comes the second round. Etc.

In addition, each has 4 lives, and with the death of a card, the player loses one life point. When his life points run out on his scale, it means that he lost. Time to play is limited. Everyone has 20 minutes and whoever runs out of time first. It will also be considered a loser. This was done in order not to drag out the battles too much.

The monster cards themselves are as follows. They have hit points and dodge points. Checkboxes that show the strength of the card. As well as certain descriptions with useful data that can help in the battle. If one player uses hit points and the other uses dodge points, then the battle takes place between hit and dodge. If both use a blow, then between blows. The monster with the most points wins.

Return to the plot.

In the end, Kai defeated Black and freed Amelia. Uncle with difficulty, of course, but still let go of his niece. So he left at least some money for himself and the right to be a member of the Jinx Association. True, now he is unlikely to agree to fight in a card game with anyone in the future. Because the next defeat would mean the end of everything for him.

"So what do you plan to do next? You are now free. You can choose your own future and you will never have to use your power again. If you don't want to."

Leaving the card room. The guys stopped at the crossroads, and the guy asked the girl affectionately. What are her future plans for life and what is she going to do next? She kind of wanted to stop predicting the future and use her trait. Now she can safely stop doing it.

"I don't know. I have nowhere to go. I don't have any friends or relatives. So I'll probably go back to my uncle."

Only now she has nowhere to go. She was left alone. And besides returning to her uncle, the niece simply has no choice. So most likely, she will continue to live with him under the same roof. For somehow I don’t really want to stay on the street, and returning to the apartment of my deceased parents is not an option.

"Are you kidding? Don't do it. He's a mean villain who used you for his own purposes. Don't go back to him."

Nait was surprised by the girl's decision and shouted menacingly. He asked her to change her mind and not make hasty conclusions. Living under the same roof with this vile and treacherous villain who used it for his own purposes is wrong. There must be another way to solve this problem.

"Where else should I go? I don't want to stay outside."

But unfortunately the Goddess of Fortune did not know him. She was completely despondent and desperate. How can she live on? What to do? These questions tormented her and there was absolutely no answer. So she made such a choice in order to somehow survive in this world. Otherwise, she will become homeless.

"Let's go to my sister in Kyoto. She will help you make a new life."

Then Kai invited her to go to Kyoto to Britney and live there for a while. His sister is very good. She will not leave her friend in trouble and will be able to deal with her life's difficulties. The brother was absolutely sure of it.

"I don't feel comfortable pushing you any further. You've done so much for me already. I'll never be able to repay you in my life."

Amelia was terribly uncomfortable accepting an offer from a man who had already done a lot for her. So her whole life is not enough to pay him off for saving her from the evil Jacker and the fact that he opened her eyes. She does not want to further drive herself into debt to him.

"What are you talking about? Thanks to you. After all, thanks to you, my gray life has acquired at least some colors. I already thought that I would forever lose the will and desire to continue playing. But when I saw your ability, I cheered up a little."

And you don't have to give anything in return. He doesn't need anything from her. He helped her out of the goodness of his heart, and not for anything. It is enough that she herself is satisfied. In addition, nothing has happened in his gray life for a year now and the whole world was dull and gloomy. Until he met her and found new colors on his life path.

"Well, well. I don't know."

The girl broke down, still not agreeing to accept the guy's offer. Not that she was afraid to go with him to such a distance. No. She completely trusted him. It was just too arrogant in her opinion. Pour out so many of their problems and make them solve the person they just met today.

"Everything has been decided. Let's go get ready. We'll leave today."

Nait still stood his ground. He listened past the ears to everything that Amelia told him. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the train station. Where they will buy tickets on the same day and leave Tokyo for another city.

"Ah. Wait. I'm not ready yet. I need to get ready."

Along the way, the Goddess of Fortune stopped and broke free of the guy's tight grip. You don't have to drag her along. She is already ready to follow him. Just before they leave, the girl wanted to go home first and collect all the necessary things. She will not go without luggage and only in what she is wearing.

"Then let's go to your place first. We'll pack our things and then go to the station."

Kai agreed and they both changed direction towards the house where Amelia lived with her uncle. He was just nearby. Somewhere 10-15 minutes walk from their location. And the flight they need will be only in 2 hours. So they succeed anyway. Even with a margin, they have time.

Amelia and Black's house.

"Here. This is where I live. This is my house with my uncle."

Pretty big mansion. Double decker. About 300 square meters in size. Made from high quality materials. Not everyone can afford such a luxury. But here's what's even more amazing. So this is what a young underage girl was able to earn for such expensive housing, on her own.

"Wow. How huge. Must be worth a lot of money."

Nait both gasped at the top of his voice. He was struck by this beauty, which was opposite. He always lived quite modestly and usually. So no idea what it's like to have various expensive items. My parents didn't make much money. They always had enough for a normal life. But they couldn't afford anything special.

"Yes. We bought it six months ago."

Amelia spoke sadly. Quiet and thin voice. And his eyes were full of sadness and indignation. Because she doesn't really need any of that. Not all these riches, or other material values. All she wanted was to feel free. Just like in times gone by. when her parents were still alive.

"She's earned so much from her ability. But there's no joy in her eyes at all."

The guy noticed that the girl does not experience absolutely no joy from her achievements. He just didn't talk about it out loud. So I thought to myself and nothing more. After all, he understood that any one careless statement could offend her.

"I'm ready. We can move out."

After 10 minutes, the Goddess of Fortune was fully assembled and ready to move to Kyoto. A city she had never been to before. For her, this will be a small pleasant adventure. After all, the girl always dreamed of traveling the world. And now she will be able to fulfill part of her dream.

"Good. We'll just stop by Seil's on the way. I'd like to say goodbye to him. He's my best friend."

Before leaving, Kai wanted to visit his best friend, Seil Gunger. And say goodbye to him before leaving. After all, it is not known how long this trip will last and when they will meet now. Yes, and last time, when the guy went abroad and did not say anything. A friend then took offense at him for a long time, and they did not talk. Pretty vulnerable. Although you can't tell by looking at it.


The girl agreed, and they both went to Seil's house.

"What? Are you going to Kyoto with Britney with Amelia?"

On the threshold of Gunger's house, Nait immediately went to the main point and said that he was going with Amelia to his sister. It came as quite a surprise to the best friend. Especially the fact that he is not traveling alone, but in the company of a beautiful lady. And not some kind, but the real Goddess of Fortune.

"Well, basically yes."

"When did you have time? That is, I wanted to ask, when did you manage to make friends?"

It would seem that this was not the first time they had met in the morning. Haven't met yet. But in the evening they go to Britney's together. Seil couldn't believe his ears that this sort of thing happens in real life. For him, Kai at the moment looked like a real macho, able to pick up a girl in a matter of minutes.

"Long story. No time to tell."

Unfortunately, the guy wasn't. They simply did not have time to tell in detail the essence of the story and how it all happened. The train they need will soon arrive at the station and they need to hurry so as not to arrive late in Kyoto. If they miss this one, the next one is in a few hours. And they will end up in another city late at night.

"Tell me on the way. We'll have plenty of time on the way."

Well, since Nait does not want to talk now, then he will tell on the way. Günger also intends to join them on this little journey. He has no intention of staying on the sidelines and joining the two as well. For life in Tokyo bored him so much that he would only be glad to dump it somewhere.

"Are you going too? And how will your parents react to this? You have to study."

But Seil hasn't finished her studies yet. How does he plan to do it? Parents will certainly not let him go and refuse. Because he needs to improve some subjects and pass exams for a higher score. They are strict and expect great things from their son in the future.

"I already passed all the exams and got a passing grade, so they won't mind. Besides, I'm already tired of hanging out in Tokyo. I need to change the environment a bit."

The problem with estimates has been fixed. Gunger simply did not have time to brag to his friend. In just a week, the guy managed to retake all the subjects and close this academic year with satisfactory results.

"Just let's hurry then. We have to have time to buy tickets before 4. I don't want to take an evening flight and arrive at night."

Kai yelled menacingly at his friend to hurry up and start getting ready. Hinting that they won't wait long. Otherwise, they will go to Kyoto without him.

"Okay. Give me five minutes."

Seil should not have any problems with this. It is enough for him to go upstairs to his room, throw a few things into his backpack and you can safely move forward. Yes, and he was always fast in this regard. He never made others wait long and could not stand it. When they made him wait for a long time.

"Ah, yes. So you're playing Jinx again now. Shall we play one battle with you on the way? I'll take Aistix with me."

On the stairs, the boy stopped and turned to Nait. He looked on with an insanely sparkling smile and was glad that his friend was finally playing Jinx again. I've been waiting for this moment for a whole year to arrange a duel with him on the Aistix board.

"No. It was a necessity. I will never pick them up again."

Alas, that was a one-time occurrence. More like this will not happen again. Kai is not going to continue playing Jinx and he does not intend to break his promise to his sister. He just didn't have any other choice. Amelia could not be allowed to remain in the clutches of her evil uncle, who used the poor girl for his own selfish purposes.

"But why did you stop playing it?"

The Goddess of Fortune did not understand the reason and wanted to ask all the way. It just didn't come up with a convenient opportunity. Now that they have spoken on this topic, you can find out more. What happened to him that such a skilled player stopped taking cards in his hands? It was clearly evident from it during the duel that Jinx was madly in love. Usually, such people do their favorite things all their lives and do not see anything else.

"Because of this game, my parents died."

Here comes the terrible truth about Kai's past. Actually the reason is closed more deeply. Now it became clear why the guy stopped playing card games. Because the injury received on this ground does not give him the opportunity to rehabilitate. This is probably why Britney also forbids her brother from playing Jinx.