
Lucky girl.

Four years ago.

A group of twenty researchers have found a strange cave in a place called the cradle of mankind.

A year later, a game appeared in the world that won the hearts of millions of people.

"John. What is this language? Can you read it?"

"I don't know. But you can try."



2030 year. Entertainment technologies in the world are developing at an incredible speed, and the Jinx card game has become the most relevant in our time. Battles in reality, fierce confrontations and a lot of other positive emotions she brought to the youth.

As far as we know, this game was created many thousands of years ago, and we just took over the development of the past and improved it. Thus making it public.

It is said that this game has some secret that can only be discovered by defeating the top 20 players in the world. But in two years, no one on earth has yet managed to do something like this. Perhaps now such a person has appeared, ready to challenge them?

Nowadays. Hall of card games.

"Seil. Who's walking towards the gaming tables?"

My name is Kai Nait. I am 15 years old. After I returned from abroad, I stopped playing Jinx. So, sometimes I come to the city hall to kill time and look at beautiful girls.

"Have you heard of her? It's Amelia."

And this is my friend Seil Gunger. He is also 15 years old and a total failure at Jinx, but he always tries to be cool. To get as much attention as possible.


The guy was fascinated by the appearance of the girl, and he could not take his eyes off her. There was something unusual about this little girl, something special. Something that other people don't have. And this is something that did not let him go and made him continue to watch.

"Ahhh. Fuck it. You're not going to get anything anyway."

Seil noticed and immediately destroyed all his dreams. For, I had already heard about her bad character. Rumor has it that a lot of people tried to hit on her, but not one of them managed to start any kind of relationship. Because she always turns them off.

"Good afternoon. Did you order me?"

Amelia went to the third table in the tenth row. There were two guys playing Jinx. One of them paid money and ordered the services of this person. To help her win the game. After all, this girl is a real sorceress who brings good luck.

Absolutely everyone who used her services always won games. It just cost quite a lot. 100,000 yen. Not every child could afford such a luxury.

"Ah, yes. They say you bring good luck. Will you help me? Otherwise, I'll lose."

But the player on the left was quite rich. Therefore, for him such an amount is not a problem at all. He's also mean and mean. His parents spoiled him. He absolutely does not like to lose and will never admit defeat. Ready to go to any lengths to defeat the enemy.

"Of course. Show me the cards?"

The girl immediately agreed to help. Since he had already transferred the full amount to the account of her employer and simply could not refuse. Therefore, she asked to show her the cards in his hands, so that she could assess the situation and understand how he could win this duel.

"Here. Look."

After Amelia looked at the cards. She touched the Aistix board and the deck that lay on the boy's side. For about a minute, I stood and just analyzed. Yes, she didn't do anything. And time kept going, and it was limited. If you do not hurry, he will lose due to the expiration of the time limit.

"First turn, put Galtora and use evasion. Second turn, also put Rygor and use evasion. On the third turn, you will get an excellent card. Use it and hit. And put this card on the gray field. If you do as I said. Be sure win."

The girl finished the analysis and told him what to do. The plan seemed absolutely absurd. For he has only 3 lives, and if he loses two of them now, then the third move will be his last. The risks are too great. He will have to hope for luck and bet everything on his last move.

"Are you sure? Something I doubt."

The player was enveloped in anxiety and doubt. He was afraid that her strategy might not work. But her predictions have always come true and have never let anyone down. And there were no other ideas. So he simply had no choice but to use this plan and follow it.

"Don't hesitate and may good luck be with you."

In the end, everything happened just as Amelia said. The guy won on the third move. With only a minute left and the last life. He got Wars Brikal, which is placed on the yellow field. But to use it, you need a special card Light of Venus, which is placed in the gray field. And he had both cards in his hand. The second player could not oppose anything to this combination and was defeated.

"I won. I really won. Thank you. Goddess of Fortune."

The first player screamed like crazy with joy and could not believe his eyes that he had done it. It was a real miracle. It really looked like she could see the future. But is that impossible? Surely she's using some kind of trick to do this? Or does she actually have some special ability?

"Hey. What did she just do?"

Kai, watching this battle was simply dumbfounded. The guy was sure that the first player would lose and he did not have a single chance. The victory of the second was obvious. But something incredible happened. The guys saw it on the TV screen, which showed duels in the hall of card fights.

"I have no idea. But she was called the Goddess of Fortune. This girl is a real magician. She tells the player what to do and he always wins."

Seil didn't know much himself. Only the rumors are different, which go around the district. But the fact is that no one has ever refuted them. Yes, and this was said mainly by those people who themselves personally used its services. Therefore, it is impossible to deny this and repeat the opposite. And nothing remains but to believe in miracles.

"Can she predict the future?"

"Looks like it does."

"I'll go to the toilet, I'll go, otherwise something itched me."

"Come on. And I'm home. Parents said to return before 6."

After watching this incredible game. Nait went to the bathroom, and Gunger went to his house. He couldn't get away from what he saw. All his thoughts were riveted to Amelia. He couldn't think of anything else. He was so impressed by her peculiarity that he even thought about playing a game with her. Yes, personally convinced of her ability to predict the future.

"Hmm, Amelia. She's interesting. I wish I could play with her. Unfortunately, I can't. I already promised Britney that I would never pick up Jinx again."

"Ha. That stupid girl thinks I'll let her go as soon as she pays off the debt. That's naive."

Walking back down the corridor to the hall. Kai accidentally heard the conversation of an unknown man on the phone. From the office, which was on the left side. Not far from restroom.

"What are they talking about? We need to get closer."

He became terribly curious, and he quietly crept up, trying to quietly eavesdrop on the dialogue. Couldn't resist. This is his worst feature. It's been like this since childhood. Always stuck his nose where he didn't belong. And he did it unconsciously. On an instinctive level.

"Amelia will always be mine. She will work for me for the rest of my life, and I will never let her go. Never."


This man in the black suit was talking about Amelia. The same girl he met today in the hall. And apparently they use it for their own purposes. Trying to cash in on her abilities. As if some bandits, or kidnappers, have taken her hostage and are holding her against their will.

"They're talking about Amelia. Are these people using her for their own evil purposes? Those bastards. I won't forgive them for anything. I have to tell her about this."

Nait could not afford to pass by such an injustice. Like a comic book hero, he had to warn the girl about the evil intentions of these guys and save them from the clutches of these monsters. No one should do this to other people. This is gross and wrong.


Running away from here with all legs. The boy tripped and fell to the ground. So absurd that even the most a little ashamed. He looked like a complete idiot. It's so easy to pick up and fall on level ground. It’s incomprehensible to the mind, and how do legs hold such a thing? He himself is surprised. You can't tell from him that he's such a goofball.

"Who's here?"

A man in dress uniform heard this loud rumble that sounded near his door and went to check. Because he was afraid that suddenly it was his precious Amelia who returned and heard the whole conversation. If so, he will be in big trouble.

But luckily for him, it wasn't the Goddess of Fortune. And some unfamiliar guy who abruptly got up from the floor and ran as fast as he could to the exit. And still, you can not let this child go. We need to catch him and find out what he knows. To avoid problems in the future.

"Danger! We need to break away from him as soon as possible."

"Stop! Stop who I'm talking to."

The grown man followed Kai and tried to catch up with him. Only it was completely useless. There's no way he can keep up with this guy. For their difference in speed was simply colossal.

"Huh. Barely escaped. It's good that I used to run, otherwise I would have been captured for sure. But this person is bad. We need to find Amelia and warn her."

Kai successfully broke away from his pursuer and was able to get out of the card room and onto the street. Now you should find Amelia. Yes, tell her about this evil man and his intentions. But the problem was that he had no idea where to look for it. After all, he knows absolutely nothing about this girl, except for the name and ability.

"Only where should I look for her? I don't know anything about her."

"Oh. Got it."

And this is where deduction comes into play. She couldn't have gone far. Might as well be in the card room. The work of the institution will end only after 2 hours. And since there are visitors, then her work is still ongoing. Therefore, the guy decided to proceed to the back entrance and secretly search the entire building.