
Goddess of failure.

The battle between Remy and Kai escalates. The most powerful card in his deck came out on the field. A goddess of fortune who looks exactly like the living Amelia.

"That card again. How I hate it."

Remy looked at the Goddess of Fortune who was standing on the field with hatred. He would love to tear it up, but he couldn't. Because he wanted to beat my opponent at his best.

"Yes. After all, it was thanks to her that I defeated you last time."

"Yes, but she never saved your parents."

Only here with this card is connected not only good, but also bad. For she did not save his family from the terrible tragedy of the past. She failed to make her miraculous fortune in the life she created on the playing field.

"I remember."

Kai felt sad thinking about what had happened in the past. Memories came flooding back, which he tried with all his might to forget.

"Tell me. Didn't you yourself say last time that this card is called the Goddess of Failure? So why is she the Goddess of Fortune again? Can't you part with her?"

"No. It's not like that. I just…"

A year ago.

End of the final battle. Remy is on his knees completely defeated, and Kai, with his head held high, is on top, like a real winner.

"Damn. No. I lost to you Kai. You are now the official champion. Congratulations."

"It's not like that. We're both champions. After all, we walked this path together Remy."

Remy got up from his knees, approached the opponent and handed him the Digital Vice box.

"There can't be two best. Take it. The Digital Vice box. It's yours."


As a sign of respect, Kai took back his trophy. The strongest weapon in the Jinx, shrouded in mystery.

"Remember. One day I'll get my revenge and take her back. I'll be number one."

Nolan doesn't need two champions. He wanted to be the only one to carry this title. So one day he challenged him and takes the prize. Yes and will be number one in the world.

"Will wait."

Nait left the stadium and approached his parents' car. And then he smiled from the top of his head and spoke happily.

"Mom, dad. I'm back."

At that time he was more cheerful. Beams of light shone from it. Just like a normal child would.

"And how did the battle end?"

Mr. Nait asked with curiosity in his voice.

"I defeated Remy and he gave me the box. Now, I'm the strongest in the whole world."

At such a young age, the boy achieved incredible heights. The parents were proud of their son. So the mother patted her son on the head.

"You are our boy. I have always known that you are very strong. Ever since childhood."

Mrs. Nait was very caring. She supported her boy from birth and tried to give him a comfortable childhood, full of love and affection.

"But do not dare to be arrogant. You must always remain yourself. For a great power can destroy you."

And the father, in turn, although he also loved his son very much, always reminded him. Strength is a dangerous weapon that can do harm. Therefore, you should always be careful with her.

"I know dad."

"Let's go home."

The whole family got into the car and they drove home. Parents forward, son back.

On the way home.

"I am the best in the world. The best in the world."

Kai shouted throughout the car. His emotions were running high. Some time ago, he was an ordinary schoolboy from Japan, and now he is a world champion.

"Looks like our son is happy."

"Yes. Only I'm afraid that he become like Remy in the future."

"Don't worry. You and I will definitely save him."

Kai opened the Digital Vice box and a bright light came out of it. It was dazzlingly white, so much so that it eclipsed everything around with its rays.

"Kid. Did you enjoy being strong?"

An unknown voice sounded in the boy's head.

"Who are you?"

The guy did not immediately understand what was happening. Therefore, he rushed from side to side, thinking who was talking to him. But when he heard it a second time, everything fell into place.

"I am the power you don't have."

"The box. Can you speak?"

This is not just some kind of toy. Digital Vice is alive. But who it is is hidden inside of her. And why was it sealed. At that moment, Kai had many questions to which he wanted answers.

"Yes. If you want, I can give you even more power. Just reach out into the light."

Before the boy could stretch out his hand into the light, his father distracted him. He turned to him while driving and spoke softly.

"Son, who are you talking to?"

"With a box."

At that very moment, the lights all over the car shone brightly. Just for a moment, and then he disappeared and something very terrible happened.

"Darling, be careful."


"Mom. Dad. Don't die."

And so the disaster happened. Because Mr. Nait got distracted from the road. The light shone brightly, they crashed into the truck and crashed to death. Only Kai, his deck, and the Digital Vice box survived.


"It's all my fault. If I hadn't opened the box that day, then my parents would not have died and would still be alive."

Tears flowed from Kai's eyes as he recalled that fateful day. Feelings surged. Now he didn't look like himself. His calmness and composure disappeared in an instant.

"That's right. It's all your fault. You took the goddess of fortune with you, but even she didn't save you from the accident. That's why this creature doesn't deserve its name."

Remy angrily raised his left hand to the level of his face and pointed with his index finger at the Goddess of Fortune. The very card he hates with all his heart.

"I know all this without you. My move."

Nait put his shattered state in order. He took a card from the deck and prepared to continue this battle.

"I put Jang on the field. I put the Core of Lovin on the yellow field and summon a monster from the bowels of the Earth. Come out Janga Lov."

Janga Lov - A sorcerer that traps his enemies in the ground and buries them with his head. 7 ticks. Hit - 370. Dodge - 250. Effect - Monsters cannot use attack and can only dodge.

"Janga Lov. Destroy Iron Horus."

Iron Horus goes to the graveyard. The player Remy Nolan loses a life point.

Remy Nolan is next to play.

"Luck is on my side. It's time to show my new power. Your false goddess won't help you anymore."

Remy took a card from the deck and immediately put it on the yellow field.

"No. Where did you get it from?"

Kai was surprised because he saw his opponent's hand and his cards.

"Divine cancellation."

A card that cancels all effects. It was a new trump card against the Goddess of Fortune. Now Nolan has turned the game around. But can he beat Knight? It depends only on him and of course good luck.