
Fight for Amelia's freedom.

The situation is tense and Amelia's uncle is in a rather serious position. He can't just pick up and give up confrontation with Kai. Because then this person will be disgraced to the entire Association for the game of Jinx and he will simply be stripped of his title. He has no other choice but to agree to the battle.

"Boss. We've arrived. Are you okay? What happened?"

At that moment, security, which Black called, ran in. They were three large men in black suits. Trained and well prepared. No teenager can handle them. They'll get the kid out of here in an instant if need be.

"Nothing. You can be free. You're not needed. I'll handle it myself."

Only Jacker kicked them out and sent them back. He was too angry with this child and he wanted to personally punish him. Defeat the Jinx. And if he refuses the challenge, then he will be branded a loser. And he couldn't afford it.

"As you say. If you call."

The guards left the room and went back to their posts. Leaving Kai, Amelia and Black alone. Now no one else will interfere with them, and they can calmly fight. And to reveal the winner in the official and fair game of Jinx.

"Hey kid! Where did you get your pass?"

Black was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes that such a child had such a thing. Not everyone can get it, and it's not easy to get a ticket. Only those who, in the opinion of the commission, are worthy and deserving, receive this thing. There are only a few thousand such people all over the world.

"Yes, I borrowed it from a friend. Why?"

Kai was just lucky that he had such a good friend and was able to lend him this ticket. Just on the very day when it is so needed. Only it was a lie. After all, in fact, it belonged to this guy, and not to some other person. He just didn't want to expose his rank to others.


Black snorted menacingly at this brat.

"Okay. Let's play and I'll show you what a real master is."

Jacker thought for a moment and decided to accept the challenge. Yes, to teach the tomboy a lesson and put him in his place. To not be recognized. He'll show him what it's like to be a real Jinx player and what it's like to fight against a pro. He intends to completely destroy it.

"And take Amelia with you. Let her also take part at your side."

The guy even suggested that he take Amelia to his team and fight against him together. But he did it anyway. After all, this pass ticket was obtained thanks to the niece and her incredible strength. Without her, this man is nobody and there is no way to call him. He is not capable of anything without his precious gold mine.

"This is crazy. You will lose. You won't be able to defeat your uncle if I side with him."

The girl was worried. It was sheer madness. He would never be able to cope if the Goddess of Fortune was on her uncle's side. She just foresees the future and will crush the boy who is so desperate to help her. And she really didn't want to do that.

"Don't worry. For someone like him, I'll never lose."

But Nait was not a bit worried. He was sure that he would win and never lose to a bastard like this man. No matter how, but he will definitely cope and save Amelia. After all, he promised himself that, no matter what, he would get her out of here. And he clearly has no plans to break it.

"What an arrogant kid. I'll make you pay for what you said."

Black was irritated by this impudent attitude and self-confidence. He got more and more angry. Only the guy did not flinch and was not afraid. He was also full of determination and desire to win. Although he promised his sister never to play Jinx again, but now he will break his word to her and do another.

"We'll see."

Before starting, they all went together to the underground floor, where there was a huge 3D arena for association members to fight. It differed both in size and rules from ordinary card battles. Because each fight was registered on the panel, a certain rate was set, which went into the box. Moved towards that player and opened, which won.

"Put your bet. Just remember, to get Amelia, you have to bet something equal to her value. It's unlikely you'll have anything that interests me."

"What about this? Will it go as a bet?"

Kai took out a box from his backpack and put it in a drawer. Only this was not an ordinary thing, but a very valuable thing. The one that the whole world wants to have. After all, this thing reveals the secret of the Jinx game, which players from all over the world are so eager to get their hands on.


Amelia's uncle screamed in shock.

"It's the Digital Vice box. The same legendary treasure that reveals the secret of the game. Where did you get it from?"

Jacker was just in shock and could not believe his eyes. Not only does this puppy have a ticket, but the most important thing in the whole world. Who is he anyway? Why does he have so many important things? This kid is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

"I told you. Borrowed from a friend."

Kai lied again and didn't tell the truth. But it was already difficult to believe in such a bike. What kind of friend is there who owns such a treasure? Is he really the person who was able to defeat the 20 strongest players in Jinx? This is the only option that comes to mind.

"So, a good enough bet for you?"

After a moment's pause, Nait asked in a serious tone.

"Oh god. Of course. I agree. I will defeat you and finally know the secret of Jinx."

Well, for Black, none of that mattered anymore. He agreed to the terms and was sure of his victory. Because on his side is a girl who can predict the future. No one can overcome the power of providence. Not one person in the world can cope with it.

"Well then, I propose to begin."


Two players approached their tables. We turned on the control panels and launched a developed intelligence that monitors the game and compliance with the rules. It is this smart machine that is responsible for honesty and integrity in the conduct of games.

Bets accepted. Members are included.

They opened the boxes and put their bets in them. Because Amelia was a human and she couldn't fit in the box and was recorded as a player. Her name was written on the panel as a prize, and one of the valuables was thrown there. At the end of the game, the winner must confirm that he received the prize. Otherwise, the loser for non-compliance with the rules will be excluded and a certain punishment will follow.

"Ahhah. Are you serious? It's a starter deck. You don't even have Vinline. Are you a loser?"

Kai took out the starting deck and thereby made Black laugh. He's going to fight without Vinline. Only beginners use this set. And such a loser challenged a member of the association? Now he is more confident that this is not his ticket, but it was lent to him. A professional would never bet such a weak deck and such a high stake.

"No. Just for a scumbag like you. This deck will suffice."

The guy was not a bit afraid and was confident in his victory. He even snapped back at his opponent. Thus, belittling him and infuriating him. As if specifically forcing him not to hold back and fight at full strength.

"Well, that's it. You got me. I'll destroy you."

The game started.

Put your cards on the white box.


Black Jacker goes first.

So the confrontation between the two players began, which will determine the future of Amelia. This battle will decide her fate. Will she be free or will she remain the eternal hostage of her uncle? Now everything depends on Kai.

"Very soon. Digital Vice will be mine."

In his mind, Black was already dreaming of how he would defeat this youngster and become the full owner of the most significant thing in Jinx. He will get it and then become the richest man on the planet. He will have everything.

"Forgive me. Sister. Only once, but I have to break my promise."

And the guy thought only about his sister, whom he promised not to play Jinx anymore. But he has no other choice. For the only time in his life, he will have to break his word to help a girl who is in dire need of help.

"Amelia. What card will he bet on the first turn?"

Before starting the battle, Jacker first asked his niece. To know what his opponent will bet and put a stronger card, which he definitely cannot beat.

"I'll tell you now."


"He will place Laparogue."

The girl looked into the guy's eyes and immediately determined what he would bet on his first move. She told this to her uncle and did not deceive him. Because she didn't have the opportunity. If he cheats, he will quickly find out about it.

"Great, so I place Quilifisa and end my turn."

Quilifisa is a monster from Vinline's "Wild Avengers”. A female and green creature that is hung with clover leaves all over its body. She brings good luck in battle and has a very slender little body that is also very agile. 4 ticks. Hit - 250. Evasion - 170.

"I place Laparogue and end my turn with that too."

Laparogue is a regular horse from the starting deck that protects its master and fights to the last drop of blood. Until he gives up his fighting spirit. 3 ticks. Hit - 100. Evasion - 250.

"I'm drawing a card."

Everything turned out just as she said. He really played the card that Amelia said about. She knew it just by looking at her. Her strength is terrifying. It is even difficult to imagine how it will be possible to fight such a thing at all.

"Place Bechalips. He will place Holy Eucalyptus on a gray field next turn and block the ability to attack for 3 turns."

On the second move, she did the same. And she also suggested which card to put. To deal maximum damage and deprive as many lives as possible. The guy was in complete shit. It is unlikely that he will be able to somehow cope with the Goddess of Fortune. This is already evident from the very beginning.

"Good. I'll bet Bechalips."

Bechalips is a strong centaur from Vinline "Wild Avengers". Defender of his allies and well wields his ancient bow, given to him by his mother. 4 ticks. Hit - 270. Evasion - 200. Effect - When this card is on the field, all monsters on this side get +10 to hit.

"Quilifisa, Bechalips. Use the punch."

"Laparogue use dodge."

The monsters rushed at each other, arranging a real and epic battle. This 3D field clearly displayed the ongoing monster battle and looked so exciting. Not at all like it was on the Aistix board. This is many times more spectacular. Like a live fight.

The monster is destroyed.

Player Kai Nait loses 2 life.

Black destroyed the monster on the field. And also the second monster dealt a blow to the player's lives. Thus forcing him to lose as many as two points. Two more hits like that and it's over. Kai will lose this battle and he will never be able to save Amelia.

"I put the Holy Eucalyptus on the gray field. Now neither side can strike for 3 turns. And this ends my turn."

Also during Nait turn, everything happened again exactly as the Goddess of Fortune had said. No deviations and no mistakes were made. Everything continued to go against Kai. He only delayed the inevitable for now, and if he doesn't come up with anything in 3 moves, he will lose.

"I'm drawing a card."

"His next card will be. Mighty Warrior Jintachi."

Both players took one more card before starting the next turn. And then another prediction from Amelia came into play. Judging by the accuracy, they should not be doubted, and the guy will most likely do what she said again.

"Then I'll. Place a Glicigle. And end my turn."

Glicigle is a ferocious ancient bird with sharp claws. Vinline "Wild Avengers". It has a ferocious disposition and therefore does not spare its opponents. Destroys them without hesitation. 4 ticks. Hit - 280. Evasion - 220.

"I place the Mighty Warrior Jintachi. And I also end the turn."

Mighty Warrior Jintachi - A knight who fights on the principles of valor and honor using his sword. Hardened in battles and seen many battles in his life. 4 ticks. Hit - 260. Evasion 180.

"I'm drawing a card."

Everything repeats and nothing changes. All monsters on Kai's side are weaker than those on Black's side. Once 3 moves have passed. He will destroy them in an instant with one blow and defeat Knight. The outcome is obvious.

"This will be an easy win. I already have it in my pocket. In 2 turns, I will destroy you. Puppy."

Black was already completely sure of his victory and did not doubt for a second. The advantage was entirely on his side. And all the monsters are an order of magnitude stronger than those that the enemy had. The game will end in an instant as soon as Holy Eucalyptus finishes acting.