
The Goddess of Creation and Destruction

Gaia Moraitis, a human with an ability, despises having one. To her, possessing an ability entails significant responsibilities and plays a crucial role in the deteriorating hierarchy of the world. But what if she carries an even greater responsibility? Something more complex and immensely challenging. Will she be able to endure it?

Jennyoniichan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Vine Control Ability

Zhyke still pulls Gaia until they exit the coffee shop. "What happened there, Zhyke? Who are they?" Gaia asked. "They're nothing, and don't you dare overthink what I did. Miss Sage, leave you to me, so you're my responsibility," Zhyke replied sharply to Gaia. "I know that, jerk. Protecting me is the last thing you'll do," Gaia retorted. Zhyke got annoyed with Gaia's response, expecting gratitude. "Fvcking talk to me properly, Gaia," Zhyke demanded. As they headed back to the Academy, Zhyke still didn't let go of Gaia. So, Gaia quickly withdrew her hand as they entered the gate.

As they entered, Gaia heard shouting near the gate, and she recognized it was Zeira. She immediately ran and found Zeira struggling against those holding her.

"Let me go! What the hell! Let me kill that asshole!" Two guys held Zeira's hands, and Miss Sage stood in front of her. Gaia raised an eyebrow seeing the slight bruise on Zeira's cheek. Despite Zeira's continued struggle, Gaia approached. "Let me go! Don't force me to use my ability," Zeira threatened the guys holding her, causing them to step back.

"You will not do that, Zeira," Miss Sage gently said. Zeira glared at Miss Sage. Gaia, now close to Zeira, called, "Zeira..." Zeira's gaze shifted to Gaia, and she saw the darkness in her expression disappear. Gaia signaled to the two guys to release Zeira, who then ran towards Gaia and hugged her.

"Gaia... I-I need to find the one who killed my brother!" Zeira's shoulders shook, and Gaia felt the dampness on her shoulder. Gaia gently caressed Zeira's back and faced Miss Sage. "Miss, I'll take care of her," she assured. "She needs to come to the headmaster's office. She broke a rule, so she must be punished," Miss Sage stated seriously before leaving them. Only Gaia, Zeira, and Zhyke remained outside.

"Mind explaining what happened, Zeira?" Zhyke asked. Zeira, being part of the royalties, and as the King, Zhyke wanted to know what transpired. But Gaia cut him off. "Can we, Zhyke? Let her breathe first," Gaia requested. Just as Gaia was about to speak, Caiz and Fier shouted from behind.

"Gaia! Zhyke!" Caiz, with Fier, had a serious expression. "Where's Zeira?" Caiz immediately asked, and Gaia turned her body to show Zeira still clinging to her, unable to stop crying.

"I heard what happened," Fier said, looking at Zeira, who had now broken the embrace with Gaia. "You attacked a civilian, Zeira," Fier added, keeping a stern posture. "Is it true, Zeira?" Gaia asked gently. Instead of answering, Zeira cried again, prompting Gaia to comfort her.

"Calm down, Zeira. Tell us why you did that. I know you didn't intend to," Gaia said. "The guy I talked to said he knows who killed my brother," Zeira replied amidst sniffles. "Did you even think that what that person said might not be true?" Zhyke interjected into the conversation.

"And what explains the gossips I heard that you attacked someone?" Caiz asked, and Zeira's expression turned serious.

"That guy planned to put something in my mango shake. My partner and I went to the CR, and when we returned, I saw him putting something in my cup. I confronted him immediately; he resisted and took another person hostage, so I had no choice but to use my ability on him. But before he could leave, he shouted that he knows who killed my brother. That's why I wanted to follow him, but I was stopped," Zeira explained. She lowered her head while clenching her fists. She really wanted to avenge her brother.

"Don't believe anyone, Zeira. Who knows, it could be a trap," Caiz advised, irritating Zeira.

"You don't know what I'm going through, Caiz. So, you have no right to tell me anything. Stay out of it!" Zeira shouted before running towards the Academy entrance. Gaia was about to follow her, but Fier stopped her.

"Let's leave her alone. She needs to cool off."

Hours passed, and Gaia and Zeira were now inside a room. "I'm sorry, Gaia," Zeira apologized for her earlier outburst.

"It's okay. I'll be fine," Gaia reassured her. Gaia smiled, causing Zeira to be at ease.

"I'll miss you, Gaia. I'll be gone for a week. Take care of yourself, okay? Join Fier; I've entrusted you to them."

Headmaster Kraig suspended Zeira for a week, stating that a rule is a rule, and attacking a civilian is prohibited. Gaia found it ironic that she was attacked at the Academy, yet those who caused trouble for her were not punished. Gaia blamed Zhyke's hierarchy system.

"Okay, and a week is easy. I'll miss you too," Gaia said with a smile, embracing Zeira.

"Come on, I'll walk you outside," Gaia invited her because it was almost midnight.

"No, Gaia. I can-" Gaia immediately cut her off.

"Zeira, please... I want to see you off," Gaia insisted and held Zeira's arm.

They exited their room. Some students were still outside, and there was a group hanging out near the dorm entrance where there was a couch.

"Goodbye, Zeira. We'll take care of Gaia," a girl on the couch said with a smile as Gaia and Zeira walked past. Gaia ignored the girl, and they continued walking until they reached the Academy gate. A car was parked outside to take Zeira.

"Well then? I'll go ahead, Gaia. Take care. I'll miss you so much!" Zeira hugged Gaia tightly again.

"Take care too, Zeira. Don't go out alone," Gaia reminded her. She might be targeted again by the guy who tried to tamper with her drink. The two bid farewell for a few minutes before Zeira left. Gaia was left alone.

"Go back to your dorm, kid," a guard said to Gaia. She just nodded and walked back to the dorm. Gaia walked quietly until someone suddenly blocked her way.

"And now, the trash is finally alone," Gaia bit her lip. She knew this would happen. Gaia recognized the girl in front of her. She was the one who was almost harmed by Zeira. This girl hadn't learned her lesson and was causing trouble again.

"What do you want?" Gaia said bravely. The three girls laughed at Gaia's words and looked at her as if she were a big joke.

"Oh, the useless one is trying to act tough. Let's see how tough you really are," Gaia was surprised when vines wrapped around her two legs, rendering her unable to move. Gaia remembered what happened in the classroom; it could be the same person responsible for that.

Gaia raised and lowered her chest to try to calm herself. She closed her eyes as she felt the vines slowly climb up to her neck. She did nothing until her vision darkened, and all she could hear was the laughter of the girls. Gaia let them do what they wanted. She had already planned something that would make them suffer, just as she did. It was payback time.

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