
The Goddess of Creation and Destruction

Gaia Moraitis, a human with an ability, despises having one. To her, possessing an ability entails significant responsibilities and plays a crucial role in the deteriorating hierarchy of the world. But what if she carries an even greater responsibility? Something more complex and immensely challenging. Will she be able to endure it?

Jennyoniichan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


"Hold on, Fier!" Gaia shouts with a smile, catching up with him. They proceed to walk together towards the cafeteria, and Gaia can feel the eyes of every student they pass. As she approaches Zeira, who waves at her, Gaia becomes aware of the whispers surrounding her.

"Oh, here comes the parasite," someone mutters, audible enough for Gaia to catch. "I know, right? She's just trash. If she doesn't stick to Zeira, I'll teach that trash a lesson."

Ignoring the comments, Gaia tries to avoid conflict. She doesn't want trouble to start because of her. Upon reaching Zeira, she takes the seat beside Fier. "What took you so long, Gaia? Did someone bother you?" Zeira immediately inquires.

"No, I just forgot something in the classroom. Why haven't you ordered yet?" Gaia shifts the conversation.

"We waited for you. Come on—hey! Let me go!" Zeira protests as Caiz pulls her to the front of the line to place their orders. Gaia follows them. Zeira is ahead, and someone is in front of Gaia. The girl in front of her raises her eyebrows upon seeing Gaia but quickly changes her expression to a smile when she notices Fier behind Gaia.

"F-Fier, you go first," the girl politely says, and Gaia turns to realize Fier is standing behind her.

"No, it's okay," Fier responds, smiling at the girl. However, his expression changes when he looks at Gaia, who is now sitting down next to Zeira. Gaia, occupied with the chaos at the ordering counter, doesn't notice Fier's reaction.

"Caiz, move!" Fier shouts from behind Gaia, grabbing everyone's attention. Zeira and Gaia look in their direction, puzzled. Gaia notices the strange look exchanged between Fier and Caiz.

"Don't mind them," Fier says to Gaia, who glances at him. To her surprise, Fier stands behind her, and she can feel the warmth of his chest against her back. He gives a nod, and Gaia, slightly flustered, turns back to the counter. Trying to act casual, she places her order with a weak smile.

Gaia misses eating adobo, so that's what she orders. "One serving of—" Gaia is about to complete her order when someone abruptly cuts in front of her. If Fier hadn't held her waist, she might have stumbled.

"Seriously, Zhyke?" Fier says, clearly annoyed, but Zhyke ignores him and continues ordering.

"Let it go, Fier. Looks like he's really hungry," Gaia says, trying to defuse the tension. Zhyke, however, doesn't appreciate Gaia's comment. He shoots her a disdainful look and then glances at Fier, his eyes lingering on Gaia's waist held by Fier. Gaia notices Fier's hand and pulls away, but Zhyke mocks Fier.

"Never knew that you have a low-class taste, Fier. A total useless trash," Zhyke taunts, directing his insult at Gaia. Gaia tries to keep her composure.

"Zhyke, could you please stop?" Gaia requests, her patience wearing thin. However, Zhyke seems to get more agitated and glares at her.

"Zhyke," Fier calls out to him, attempting to calm the situation. Still, Zhyke forcefully takes the ordered food, making a scene. Then, unexpectedly, Zhyke pours a glass of orange juice over Gaia's head.

"Shit, Zhyke! Could you please stop?" Zeira exclaims, rushing to Gaia's side with her handkerchief. Fier is equally furious.

"Zhyke! You asshole!" he yells, not because of what Zhyke did to Gaia but possibly because Gaia might not be able to contain herself. Gaia, with her eyes closed, takes deep breaths to calm down.

"Oh, Gaia? I told you that you don't belong here. You're just trash. Don't mess with me; a pawn like you doesn't have the right to talk back. I am above, and you're just beneath my feet. Know your place," Zhyke cruelly remarks before leaving. Gaia feels the familiar anger boiling inside her, and someone needs to intervene. Fier steps in and tries to calm her.

"Gaia! Deep breath!" Fier's gentle touch on her back extinguishes the fire of anger. She turns to face him, intending to express her gratitude, but she halts upon seeing fear in Fier's eyes. 'Why is he frightened?' Gaia wonders.

"A-are you okay?" Fier asks her, his concern evident. Meanwhile, Zeira continues to wipe Gaia's hair with her handkerchief.

"Y-yes, I'm fine, Fier," Gaia assures him.

"Get back to your businesses!" Caiz shouts at the students who were curiously watching. Zeira faces Gaia, and concern is written all over her face.

"I'm sorry, Gaia. I'm—" Gaia stops Zeira from apologizing. "Don't worry, Zeira, and it's not your fault."

"But—" Zeira's words are cut off by a student with super-speed ability, urgently looking for Fier.

"What is it?" Fier inquires as the student approaches.

"The headmaster is looking for you," the student informs Fier, who then glances at Gaia.

"Okay," Fier responds, and without much explanation, he leaves. Zeira then pulls Gaia towards the dormitory to freshen up.

"Come on, Gaia. Fier needs to report to his father," Zeira says. Gaia, remembering Fier's reaction earlier, pauses in her steps. 'Does he know?' Gaia wonders.