
The god who owns a system for humans

《El Dios que posee un Sistema para Humanos》 Realizing that he woke up in a parallel world, Ryan felt upset, especially since even if he won a system he now has to repair it. But luckily he was in a world that could easily help him with his problems. But just when he almost made it, his whole life is turned upside down due to one small mistake. Worse yet, his world was also turned upside down for who knows what, but even if he wanted to help, Ryan was now lost somewhere else and apparently, he wasn't alone... (Note: This synopsis includes content from the prequel: "Tumult of Souls"). PS: The novel is already corrected and updated.

AGGA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

[Chapter 2: Trap System]

Ryan in turn felt his weight lighten, it's not like a protoss has never tried to merge with a system as such.

But the soul of the Protoss is very delicate or at least it is in this world.

However, delicate does not mean that it is weak, on the contrary, the soul of the Protoss were powerful enough to withstand attacks capable of destroying galaxies.

Not to mention that the few races that could kill a protoss were an alternate version of themselves, but even if they were allowed to use their racial abilities that was certainly the panacea.

The protoss on Ryan's side also had terrible life-saving abilities.

And the world being what it was, all these abilities would only make them the worst of enemies.

But putting the Protoss aside, Ryan also spoke calmly.

Now was a critical time and if someone interrupted this meeting or even informed his counterpart about him, he would never be able to easily activate the system.

But luckily for Ryan.

The girls also gave him several suggestions to correct his problem, the worst was undoubtedly extracting it, so he discarded it immediately with the excuse of being something historical for his race.

Of course, there were also somewhat bizarre ideas like putting the system in a weapon or ring, but if that breaks there would be nothing.

And as for the most acceptable idea, this one was about sealing all memories and racial traits from him while he was transported to a pseudo mental world where he would be put under stress conditions and hopefully activate the system. (similar to a dream)

But even though it sounded simple, the 'simple' act of doing it would not only put him in a risk of death, it could also make him lose all his abilities with no chance to recover them and that was not an option...

But Ryan was also given a week to prepare mentally and then come back.

However, he refused.

There was no time to doubt and if he didn't do it now, it would be impossible to do it later, not only because all the news that circulated about him should have already reached his namesake, but also because of his intuition.

Something told him that if he left now he might never live more than a month and call him crazy, but he never rejected that kind of feeling.

But who would know that his intuition predicted the descent of his race.

Not to mention that he got what he wanted though. Little did he know that they had him on the ropes, not for nothing was he received by the 5 best specialists in the place.

Not to mention that the R in the name of the place already hinted at something.

After all, a boss would never seek out his employees for such a risky operation when the technology elsewhere was the best.

But even if Ryan knew, he would accept it. After all, the poor man survives thanks to the alms of the rich man and of course, he also tries to get over it, but for now, that's a long way off and it was also free help.