
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
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12 Chs

System? EXECUTED!!!

Empty. That's what Shen Li felt as she opened her eyes and looked around at her surroundings.

Shen Li was shocked to see that she was floating in a sea of stars. As she looked around, she heard a voice calling her name.

She looked around warily and said," Who's there? Show yourself."

Soon a light appeared, and a small floating boy appeared. He was about the size of her hand, and he had cat ears and a tail. His hair was black and his eyes a dark red.

Shen Li gasped and said," What are you and where am I?"

The floating boy looked at her bored and said," You died, and your soul bonded with me. I'm called the God System. I have no other name so feel free to call me whatever."

Tears fell down Shen Li's face as she looked at the boy and said," I'm dead, but how?"

The boy pointed to the side and a screen came up. Shen Li could see herself walking down the street when suddenly a car came out of nowhere and ran her over. The car never stopped, but instead continued to race away. The screen returned back to Shen Li as she saw the light leaving her eyes as she layed there dying.

Shen Li cried for a few minutes and as she watched the screen the memories came back to her, and she remembered the seething pain that she felt all over her body as she layed dying back then.

The screen disappeared and Shen Li looked back to the boy and said," I know I died but that still doesn't explain what you mean when you said that my soul bonded with you."

The boy sighed and said," I'm just a system so I need a host that I can take into a bunch of different worlds and complete the missions in them. Your soul's compatibility with me was the highest out of all the souls so your soul automatically bound to me."

Shen Li nodded, and he continued saying," Now if you complete the missions then you'll accumulate points, and you can use those points to buy items from the store. Once you have over 10 million points saved up then you can buy a wish. You can wish for anything, including bringing yourself back to life."

Shen Li nodded, and the boy continued to explain a bunch of things to her like the skills she could learn while she was in the system space to help her out in each of the worlds she went to. Shen Li would only be able to enter the space after she completed each world though, and the skills she needed to learn had three levels. Beginner, master, and god level. She could only learn one level at a time for each skill though. So, Shen Li would have to select that skill again the next time she entered the space if she wanted to advance to the next level.

As the boy finished explaining everything to Shen Li, she looked at him and remembered that he didn't have a name. She couldn't keep calling him boy, and she couldn't just call him system either since he was in the form of a small boy.

"Li Huo."

The boy flinched a bit startled and looked at Shen Li puzzled so she continued to explain," You said you didn't have a name so how about Li Huo."

The boy, now named Li Huo, nodded and said," It'll do. Now enough talking. It's time for you to select a skill."

A screen suddenly appeared in front of Shen Li with several options displayed.


Martial Arts




The art of Seduction


Li Huo shrugged and said," It depends on the world."

"Can I get a hint on what the first world will be like?"

Li Huo shook his head, so Shen Li sighed and randomly selected cooking, trying to put the words art of seduction into the furthest corner of her brain.

The next thing she knew Shen Li had appeared in a kitchen. Her cooking lessons began, and Shen Li soon found out that she really knew nothing about cooking.

Years passed and when Shen Li appeared back into the sea of stars, she could now consider herself a cooking expert. She could already make a healthy meal in any kind of environment. So, Shen Li wondered what the other two levels would teach.

Shen Li looked at Li Huo and said," Why do I feel like years passed while I was in that place?"

Li Huo glanced at Shen Li and said," That's because it did. You spent 50 years learning how to cook at the beginner level."

Shen Li looked at Li Huo shocked and said," WHAT!!! 50 years. Doesn't that mean I'm 71 years old now. How could I waste so many years of my life just learning to cook?"

Li Huo shook his head in annoyance and said," You're still 21 years old. You're only a soul now. So, you'll always be 21 years old no matter how many years pass while you're completing your missions."

Shen Li nodded, and Li Huo continued," Now then it's time to enter the first world."

Everything went dark suddenly as Li Huo said,"3, 2, 1. Transfer."

Shen Li opened her eyes and sat up feeling a bit dizzy. She looked around and found herself lying inside of a tent.

"Li Huo, where am I?"

Li Huo appeared in front of Shen Li and said," You're in the first world. Your name is now Meng Suyin. You've only just entered the military so you're just a private."

Shen Li nodded and said," Ok so what are my missions?"

A screen appeared in front of her and showed:

" Main Mission: 1. Find out the mastermind behind Major General Feng's assassination. 2. Stop the Major General from dying. 3. Level up to a Lieutenant."

Li Huo looked at Shen Li and said," You'll also have a few side missions in each world, but you won't find out what they are until you run into them."

Shen Li nodded and the screen in front of her changed and showed the picture of a handsome man with blonde hair and pitch-black eyes.

(Name: Feng Mingli

Position: Major General

Fiancée: Meng Yun)

Shen Li, now known as Meng Suyin, looked at the screen then back to Li Huo and asked," Is that Major General Feng?"

Li Huo nodded and said," Yes this is the target of your mission. Make sure you protect him."

Meng Suyin looked at Li Huo shocked as she realized something and said," Wait a minute, I can't protect him. I can't even protect myself."

Li Huo shrugged and said," It's your fault. You should've picked martial arts instead of cooking as your skill to learn."

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo and said," Now wait just a second, you're the one who wouldn't tell me what the first world was like, and I ended up having to just pick my skill randomly."

Li Huo smirked and said," You should've put some more thought into your choice instead of just choosing randomly, and that's not your only problem."

The screen in front of Meng Suyin changed and another picture was displayed. The girl had long brown hair and chocolate colored eyes.

(Name: Meng Suyin

Position: private

Siblings: Meng Yun, Meng Jianyu)

Meng Suyin looked at the girl on the screen and said," Who is that?"

Li Huo rolled his eyes at her and said," That's you."

Meng Suyin shook her head and said," No it's not. I look nothing like that."

Li Huo stared at Meng Suyin for a second and then shook his head and sighed as he said," That is you. You're in Meng Suyin's body now. So, this is what you look like."

Meng Suyin nodded her head and said," Oh," as she realized he was right. Meng Suyin had forgotten for a second that she was in a different body now, and that her appearance had changed.

Li Huo just sighed in exhaustion but quickly perked up as he remembered something and said," Anyway as I was saying you have to protect Major General Feng using Meng Suyin as your new identity, but there is a slight problem..."

Li Huo frowned but Meng Suyin could easily see amusement hidden in his eyes as he continued saying," You're in the world of a novel, and in the original story Meng Suyin became known as a traitor. It was rumored that she had released confidential information to an enemy base and because of that several lives were lost in battle. So, the Major General confronted her and since she couldn't prove her innocence, she was executed."

Meng Suyin gasped and said," WHAT, I'M GOING TO BE EXECUTED!!!!"

Li Huo just shrugged and said," Yes you will, if you don't come up with a plan. Don't worry though because you still have time before the Major General comes to confront you. All you have to do is prove your innocence. Anyway, Meng Suyin really didn't betray the Major General because she was madly in love with him, so she just followed him to the army. So, she was basically just his stalker."

Meng Suyin sighed in relief and said," Oh that's good. So, I'm actually innocent. Wait a minute did you just say stalker? I'M IN THE BODY OF A STALKER!!!!"

Li Huo nodded and smiled as he said," Yes, but Major General also has a fiancée who happens to be your little sister. So, Meng Suyin was stalking her brother-in-law."

The screen in front of Meng Suyin changed and a new picture was in front of her showing a cute girl who looked a little younger than Meng Suyin. The girl had long blonde hair and eyes the color of the sea.

(Name: Meng Yun

Position: Second daughter of the Mengs

Siblings: Meng Suyin, Meng Jianyu

Fiancé: Feng Mingli)

Li Huo looked at the picture and said," That's your little sister Meng Yun, and also the Major General's fiancée."

Meng Suyin looked at the picture and said," She's actually pretty cute. I can see why the Major General would want to marry her."

Li Huo shrugged and said," It would be wrong to say he wants to marry her because it's not like they're in love. They're in an arranged marriage made by their parents. Anyway, we don't have much time before the Major General comes. So, you better hurry up and come up with a plan."

Meng Suyin's eyes widened, and she said," How long do I have until he gets here?"

Li Huo shrugged and said," Around five minutes."

Meng Suyin grabbed her hair in a panic and said," Ahh, help me come up with a plan. Why does he even think it was Meng Suyin who betrayed the army?"

Li Huo shook his head and said," I can't help you too much in these worlds. So, you'll have to come up with a plan by yourself."

Meng Suyin screamed in frustration and said," AHHhhh!!!! You're useless. That's it, I'm going to die."

Meng Suyin looked down as tears came to her eyes. Suddenly the flap to her tent opened and in stepped the man she saw on the screen a few minutes ago. Feng Mingli.

Meng Suyin stiffened as she looked up at the intimidating man before her. Every instinct in Meng Suyin's body was telling her to run. That this man was dangerous. The two soldiers behind him definitely weren't making her any calmer.

Meng Suyin couldn't run since they were blocking the exit, so all she could do was stand up and salute the General as he glared at her with his pitch-black eyes.

The General nodded at Meng Suyin and said," You'll be coming with us to the Commander's tent to be interrogated about your whereabouts on March 18th, 3031. We've received intel that you were found missing from your post."

The General made a gesture to the two soldiers, and they quickly grabbed each one of Meng Suyin's arms and led her to follow the General to the Commander's tent.

As Meng Suyin was being led to the tent Li Huo appeared next to her and said," A side mission has appeared."

The screen from before reappeared in front of her, but this time it showed:

" Side Mission: Pass the General's interrogation.

Reward: 100 points

Failure: Death"

Shocked Meng Suyin shouted," WAIT A MINUTE."

The soldiers and the General both stopped and turned back to look at her.

The General looked at Meng Suyin in annoyance and said," What?"

Meng Suyin's body tensed under the General's gaze as she said," Sorry, I thought I saw a rabbit."

The General's face grew darker as he said," You stopped us for a stupid rabbit."

Meng Suyin looked down and said in a low voice," I didn't mean to, but the rabbit looked weird. It was ...."

Meng Suyin stopped as she tried to think of why her imaginary rabbit would look weird.

Li Huo was next to her clutching his stomach and laughing. It was the first time Meng Suyin saw any real emotion on his face, but it was because he was laughing at her expense.

Li Huo chuckled and said," You do know that you could just talk to me in your head, and I'll be able to hear it."

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo and thought,' No I didn't know that.'

Li Huo shrugged and said," Oh, well now you know. Anyway, you better come up with a way to save yourself from this situation. Look at the General's face. His expression is getting darker and darker. The longer you take to answer his question, the angrier he'll get."

Meng Suyin looked at the General's face and saw his expression had really gotten darker.

'Well then help me come up with an answer as to why my imaginary rabbit would look so weird.'

Li Huo shook his head and disappeared leaving Meng Suyin to fend for herself.

Meng Suyin looked back at the General and tensed as he said," Why do you keep looking around? Hurry up and tell me why this rabbit of yours was so weird. Be prepared for the consequences if your answer doesn't satisfy me."

Meng Suyin gulped and said," T-the r-r-rabbit it was .... w-white."

Meng Suyin stopped there and had the sudden urge to slap herself upside the head. A white rabbit isn't unusual, but she didn't know what to say so it just slipped out.

The General's expression grew darker again as he said," So the rabbit was white."

Meng Suyin nodded and decided to act even dumber than she already was as she said," Yeah and it had these really bright red eyes. I think it might have been a ghost rabbit."

The General crossed his arms and looked at Meng Suyin expressionlessly as he said," A ghost rabbit.... Why do you think it was a ghost?"

Now Meng Suyin had a new problem. Why would she think that rabbit was a ghost?

Frustrated Meng Suyin screamed Li Huo's name in her head.

'Li Huo help me. I'm just making myself look like an idiot out here. Talking about ghost rabbits and all.'

Li Huo appeared next to Meng Suyin and said," Then why don't you actually start pretending to be an idiot. It might actually help you survive the General's interrogation later."

'What!!! If I do that, how will I be able to complete the main mission. There's no way they'll let an idiot be their lieutenant.'

Li Huo shrugged and said," Maybe, but it's the only option you really have right now. How else are you going to get yourself out of this situation and safely make it through the interrogation? Remember if you don't clear your name then you'll be beheaded."

Meng Suyin gulped and thought,' Fine, fine. I'll do it. It's just pretending to be an idiot. How hard can it be.' 

Li Huo seemed to have read her mind and said," It won't be hard to pretend to be an idiot since you already are one."  

Meng Suyin glared at Li Huo and was about to respond but was interrupted by the General. 

The General titled his head to the side with his arms still crossed as he said," Well.... Hurry up and answer the question. Or should I try asking you a different question? This one should be easier to answer. What color do you want your coffin to be?"

Meng Suyin tensed and said," To answer the first question the rabbit was white, so it was obviously a ghost. Why else would a rabbit be white? Not to mentioned it appeared to be bobbing up and down with a weird glow," then Meng Suyin titled her head to the side and tried her best to put on a confused expression and she continued saying," and for the second question, why do you want to know what color I would want my coffin to be?"

The General's jaw clenched in anger as he said," Rabbits are white. It's one of their natural colors. The rabbit was bobbing up and down with a weird glow because it was hopping in the moonlight. And, to answer your last question, I'm letting you pick your coffin out ahead of time because you're starting to get on my nerves. Not to mention you're still being interrogated so you better come up with a reasonable excuse as to why you were missing from your post. And, if it's not a good reason, then you can go ahead and clean your neck for the guillotine."

Meng Suyin shivered but thought of how an actual idiot would respond to this threat as she said," General, I have no idea what you're talking about. Why should I get sent to the guillotine just because I was missing from my post. What is a guillotine anyway?"

The General looked at Meng Suyin darkly as he said," You will be sent to the guillotine because the time you were missing is around the time that some confidential information disappeared from the commander's tent. And the guillotine is right over there. If you see it yourself, I think you'll understand what is."

Meng Suyin looked at the guillotine that Feng Mingli pointed at and gulped in fear but on the outside her face showed a hint of confusion as she said," I still don't understand what that is. What does it do?"

The General's expression seemed to grow even darker as he said," I can strap you to it and you can go and find out for yourself."

Meng Suyin looked at the General and shivered once she saw that he wasn't kidding. At least she didn't think he was because his expression was so serious that it was hard to believe that he might be kidding.

Meng Suyin cried out to Li Huo in a panic and said,' Help me. He's serious. If I don't get some help, then I'm seriously about to die even before I get interrogated.'

Li Huo shrugged and said," You don't need my help. Someone else is about to come and help you get out of this situation."

Right as he said that a guy appeared running up to the General. He had silver hair and dark grey eyes. Even in his uniform he was really handsome, but for some reason Meng Suyin had a bad feeling about him. He just seemed like bad news.

As if reading her thoughts Li Huo said," That guy is trouble for you. He's the current lieutenant, Xiao Fan. You'll need to have his job in the future if you want to pass this world safely. And if you fail, the next world you'll be sent to will have a punishment waiting for you."

Meng Suyin looked at Li Huo and said,' You said if I don't pass this world I'll be punished. Well, how exactly will I be punished?'

Li Huo just stretched his arms and yawned as he said," Don't know, don't care. The punishment could be anything so I wouldn't worry about it."

Meng Suyin appeared flustered as she said,' How can I not worry when I don't know the punishments. It's not like I could get struck by lightning, or get burned alive right?'

Li Huo just tilted his head in thought as he said," That certainly is a possibility. Like I said, I don't know the punishments. That's decided by the Goddess of Punishments."

Meng Suyin looked at Li Huo curiously as she said,' Goddess of Punishments?'

Li Huo nodded and said," Yeah Goddess of Punishments. It's just like it sounds. She's just one of the Gods or Goddesses that live up in the heavenly realm, but she's the only Goddess you'll need to be aware of right now."

Suddenly the Lieutenant, Xiao Fan, yelled," General we have a problem."

Feng Mingli looked at Xiao Fan and said," What is it?"

Xiao Fan paused for a second and said," The enemy base has appeared at our borders, and the enemies Commander is almost at our base camp. It won't be long before he reaches us."

Feng Mingli scowled as he said," How did he find us. Our location is pretty hidden. We chose this location because it's impossible to navigate these enchanted woods without a map."

Xiao Fan," The soldiers recently discovered that the map was one the things missing from the commander's tent."

Feng Mingli shook in anger and then suddenly tensed as he remembered Meng Suyin was the one suspected of stealing from the commander's tent. Now he also suspected that she might have been the one to give the map to the enemy base.

Feng Mingli turned to Meng Suyin with angry eyes and said," It was you wasn't it. Don't play innocent. I know you're the one who gave away the map to the enemy base."

Meng Suyin shook her head frantically as tears started to pool from her eyes, but she didn't get a chance to defend herself as Xiao Fan suddenly took out a phone and said," General, I don't think it was her. We went through her things and found her phone. You should probably see for yourself what's in it. It definitely proves she didn't have the time to sneak into the commander's tent to steal the map."

Meng Suyin looked confused as she looked at Li Hou and said,' What's he talking about? What could possibly be in that phone to prove my innocence?'

Li Huo chuckled and said," Pictures that's what. Pictures that the original Meng Suyin took before you entered her body."

Meng Suyin titled her head confused as she said,' What pictures?'

Li Huo smirked and said," The pictures she took when she was spying on her dear brother-in-law. The ones she took while he was working, talking to soldiers, bathing, and even sleeping. There are hundreds of photos on that phone to prove that you didn't have time to steal that map since you were too busy snapping photos of your beloved brother-in-law."

Meng Suyin panicked as Feng Mingli took the phone and looked at the pictures. His face darkened as he scrolled through the phone until finally, he handed the device back to Xiao Fan.

Feng Mingli turned to face Meng Suyin and said," Looks like there is actual proof that you're innocent, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to escape punishment. You'll be detained for a couple of days to reflect on your actions. You can have your phone back once you get out and all of the photos have been deleted."

Meng Suyin thought about it and pouted as she said," But it took so long to collect those photos to just delete them. Can't you let me keep a few of them. It's not going to hurt anything they're just photos."

Feng Mingli shook his head and said," Since they're just photos you won't mind if we delete them."

Meng Suyin shook her head and shouted," No! They might be just photos to you, but to me they're my treasures. They help keep me calm. Please, please, please, just let me keep one."

Feng Mingli sighed and said," Fine, but I'll be choosing the one that stays, and it definitely won't be any in the bath or the ones where I'm sleeping."

Feng Mingli shuddered and muttered under his breath," I don't even know how you got all of these photos in the first place."

Meng Suyin acted like she didn't hear him and pouted as she said," But those are the best ones."

Feng Mingli glared at Meng Suyin and said," You can either take it or leave it. If you're not satisfied with my offer, then I can go back to deleting all the photos."

Meng Suyin rapidly shook her head as she grabbed Feng Mingli's arm and said," No, no, please, I promise to be satisfied with any picture that you pick. Please don't delete them all."

By the end Meng Suyin's eyes had begun to tear up as she frantically tried to act like the original Meng Suyin would have. She couldn't exactly cry on cue, so she had to dig her nails in her hand hard enough to draw blood.

Feng Mingli looked down at the girl that was grabbing him with tears in her eyes. She appeared to be crying in pain. Like the thought of losing every last photo might actually break her. Feng Mingli was too caught up in the moment to notice that Meng Suyin was actually crying in pain from digging her nails in her palm.

Feng Mingli soon recovered though and looked down to where she was holding onto his arm as he said," Fine but take your hand off me before I cut it off."

Meng Suyin tensed and immediately ripped her hand away from Feng Mingli's arm.

Feng Mingli felt amused at her reaction, but his expression stayed neutral as he turned to Xiao Fan and said," Lock her in a cell for three days without food. Only give her a cup of water a day. That'll be her punishment."

The screen from earlier appeared in front of Meng Suyin and said:

Side Mission: Complete

Reward: 100 points

Total points: 100.

Li Huo said," It looks like you've safely passed the interrogation."

Meng Suyin,' But I'm still being punished for three days without food.'

Li Huo," Yeah but you're not being executed."

Meng Suyin nodded and said,' I guess you're right.'

Li Huo smirked and said," I always am."

Meng Suyin just shook her head at Li Huo and turned back to see Xiao Fan walking towards her after saluting his General.

He grabbed her arm and started leading her towards her cell when suddenly there was a loud sound. There was a BOOM and suddenly there was fire in the camp.