
West River Expanse Kingdom

A carriage bumped down the road towards a gigantic castle.

The imperial scholar, Lin Chun Da, was holding his mother's hand and smiling with contentment.

In the foreground, the legendary Lin City reared its head as the carriage passed the final hill. It was the highpoint of their travels. After four hours in the carriage, they saw the sparkling towers and their gilded frames.

It was a famous city, the capital city of the West River Expanse, and the official hometown of some famous imperial scholars. Their new father, however, was considered one of the top men. He didn't show it though. He had a plain but beautiful face, and a modest presence. He almost reminded Wang Fang of his previous husband. However, there was no longer a feeling of attraction when he saw men. It was replaced by a sort of reverence for the male persona.

"So, do you know anything about Lin City, Wang Fang," Chun Da asked. His fierce brown eyes expressed intense curiosity.

Wang Fang shook his head. "No, all I know is that a powerful prince lives here. He's one of the eighteen sons of West River Expanse's King, correct?"

The West River Expanse Kingdom indeed had eighteen princes. Each of them were given a city to earn a chance at the throne.

It would take roughly 2000 years for their father to pass away. He was at a cultivation stage that increased his longevity to 5000 years. However, 3000 years had passed since he reached the stage he was at. Wang Fang didn't even know about the stages beyond Qi Condensation. The information he received in the brothel was limited, and it was an unspoken rule to never talk about cultivation in front of commoners.

"Yes, very good! You know more than most people your age," Chun Da said, "However, I'll tell you something very important about this city. Do you want to hear what it is?"

Wang Fang nodded as he held onto his flower pot.

The carriage was kicked up every few seconds, however, a petal never fell.

The scholar put his arm around Wang Fang's mother and stared out the window. He waved the three kids over before he pointed out the window.

"We're the only city of eighteen cities to have a famous academy, and you shall both go there when you turn eighteen!"

Wang Fang looked out the window and saw a gigantic tower poking at the clouds. His vision was exceptionally good at the tenth Qi Condensation stage, and he noticed its name.

"You mean the military school, Lin Han Academy? Would you really send us there?"

The scholar nodded before the carriage turned a few more times down the hill. It kept curving down the road before Wang Fang and company arrived at a beautiful castle.

Three servants opened the door and pulled Wang Fang out.

They were immediately brought inside the castle and given a tour.

Wang Fang, once inside, was shown the gigantic cultivation chambers, and the huge library.

He gulped when he saw this and tried to restrain his smile. However, his sister didn't hold back and immediately ran to one of the other rooms. There was hundreds of dishes prepared on the dinner table.

She turned beautiful in the last three years. However, she didn't restrain her appetite.

"Hahahaha" Lin Chun Da laughed. "Feel free to pick any room on the third floor. "This is now your castle, and I am now your father as well as your beautiful mother's husband. Whenever you wish to read a book, or use a cultivation manual, just let me know. I will not skimp on the family of such a gorgeous lady!"

Hong Lui gave him his hand with a pleasant smirk on her face. She walked up the stairs with him.


After his mom had left to see her new room, Xu Wang Fang looked around before he entered the huge library.

Thousands of books were right in front of him. And there was only one gold book that stood out. So, he turned around to check that no one was following him and plucked a petal of the seemingly delicate rose in his hands.

A table was not too far away from him, so he placed down the gold covered book he grabbed and flipped through its pages. Instantly, a tremendous cultivation method flowed into his body. He already completed the nine sacred stances and was hoping to learn more about cultivation. Instantly, another immortal technique appeared in his psyche.

A hand pat him on his back before he turn around surprised.

"You really shouldn't be touching that," A gorgeous maid said. "That's the keepsake of Lin Chun Da's grandfather. If he saw you touching it, you might be kicked out immediately."

The maid walked over towards the door and peaked out. "Hurry, put it back and pretend like you didn't see it," She warned, "Every other book is alright, but not that one!"

Wang Fang was confused. "I thought he said that anything was alright?"

The maid shook her head. "Just put it back and find another book," She said, "Some of his grandfather's remains are kept inside that book. He'd kill you if they were lost!"

Wang Fang gulped and immediately hopped up into the air. The bookshelves was over 50 stories tall, and like a light feather he placed the book back before he flipped down with another one in his hand.

The maid was shocked and dropped what she was holding. "Uhm, are you a cultivator? But weren't you brought up in a brothel?"

She stared at him with confused eyes as Wang Fang realized his folly. However, in his last life he was quite good with words, so he should have no trouble making it seem perfectly natural.

"Ha, Lin Bojing had suspected his father would marry my mother. So, he never held back on helping his new brother," Wang Fang said, "However, it's something that we kept to ourselves all these years."

The maid nodded her head. "Well, regardless, it will be our little secret," She said, "However, please just call me Fen He."

Wang Fang nodded before she head off to return to her choirs. He, however, was smiling as the information from the book flooded his mind. He now knew what he could do to reach the next stage!

Regardless, he still had to find a room and walked out into the hallway as he whistled.

There were maids all over eagerly going about their chores, and a few of them were staring at him. He could almost tell what they were thinking. They were wondering how he was so lucky, and he didn't have an answer for him.

All he heard about was that his mother was good with words. However, he never saw what went on during her sessions. Whether it was singing, or something else, she had gotten them a second chance at life.

Xu Hui Yin, a second later, jumped on his back. "Brother, we're finally out of there," She said with contentment. There were countless guys who were waiting for her to turn fifteen. She was extraordinarily beautiful and would've been taken advantage of by the manger once she passed legal age. Wang Fang understood she was worrying about this. He pat her on the back before he commented on her fierce appetite.

"Hmph, just don't eat so much that we get kicked out of here Hui Yin!"

His little sister laughed as they walked up the stairway to find a room. It didn't take them long to decide on rooms across from each other, and it also didn't take long for them to adjust to this new castle. In roughly a week they were both at home.

Wang Fang already had a morning routine that started at 4 am.

Like an early bird ready to feed on some worms he slid down the spiral staircase and entered the cultivation room.

It was much easier to train in here. However, today he wasn't alone.

Lin Chun Da also couldn't rest, and he was walking down the stairs for some morning training.