
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:8 Physique Upgrade, A gift for Ana

Chapter:8 Physique Upgrade, A gift for Ana


Where do you want me to drop you off?

Do you mind driving me to New Kingsville University?

Alright, it's on the way.

Not long later Cindy arrived at NewKingsville University, after some small talk she dropped Michael off and headed back to work.

Opening the door to his dorm, Michael caught sight of Ana sitting on top of the kitchen counter snuggled up in a blanket watching a movie on her laptop while snacking on some chips.

"Ana? What are you doing up there?."

"Huh? Oh Michael your back!"

"Ehh? Why do you smell like a woman?"

"Wait ..you left early this morning, why are you back only now, smelling as if a woman rubbed herself on you?"


Ana asked a series of questions looking at Michael with an inquisitive gaze.

"Are you replacing me?"

"Pfft! Stop joking around, it's none of your business."

"Fine, fine, whatever you say!

I'm hungry! Michael Cook for me!"

"Alright! I know!"

"First, let me take a shower."

As Michael sat on the tub relaxing and enjoying the water he opened the system Interface and messages after messages appeared.


Mission successful!

Physique Upgrade and K&K acquisition will be given as a reward.


Hidden reward triggered!

First mission accomplished!

For completing your first mission successfully THE HOST will be given a military grade Rolls-Royce phantom.


Physique Upgrade: The host will be purged of impurities, the muscles, bones,organs, and other parts of the body will be enhanced to the limit (note: The enhancement given is limited only to the max limit of a human. For example An Olympic athlete.)

K&K acquisition: All properties under the K&K trademark and financially operated businesses will be given to the host that is to say you will own 100% of the properties under K&K

Military Grade Rolls-Royce phantom: Rolls-Royce phantom modified to military standards. As time went on with the advancements of technology old Military vehicles were discarded and were upgraded in order to resist attacks from foreign enemies. As an experiment a group of researchers made a car capable of resisting the harshness of space and anything on land. Using Category 4 & 5 ores and some other classified materials in its process there is no safer car in existence and as to why use the Rolls-Royce phantom? Well That's because they won a bid...yes the military gave out bids in order to receive funding...sigh it was a tough year."

Would you like to receive your rewards?


Wow! Just in time. I needed a car for my new villa hahaha.

Yes I accept.

Rolls-Royce phantom has been sent to Williams Villa #1

K&K documents have been sent to Williams Villa #1

Proceeding to upgrade physique.

0% upgraded

As his physique Upgrade began, Michael's body began to radiate heat, from the inside to the outside, and soon his body was as hot as a frying pan.







Just as the heat got so intense that smoke started coming out from Michael's body, the physique Upgrade reached 100%

"Oof! Wow, that was intense!"

"Eww, Now I need to change this bath water, it's almost black, I can't believe all this black substance came out of my body."

Taking a look at himself and the water around him, Michael could see a thin layer of black dirt almost soot like substance all over his body and the water in the tub was brown to the point where it was almost black in color, just smelling it would give people the urge to throw up.

"Eww this smells really bad, System, i'll be having a word with you later."

After taking a shower Michael made food for Ana.

Today was spaghetti day, and they both ate with relish.

Ana told Michael about her day and how she was so bored shortly after finishing her tasks of the day, that she ended up watching some movies on her laptop, but because of some reason or another another she didn't feel comfortable watching movies on her bed so after a while of searching she thought it would be fun to camp on the kitchen counter.

Listening to her story Michael didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

If it wasn't for the fact that they went to the same university, Michael never would've thought she was in her twenties.

Just as they were having fun chatting and laughing, Ana's expression suddenly became serious.

"Hey, Michael? What are your plans after graduation?"

"Hmm.. Why so serious? Don't tell me you miss me already? We haven't even finished the school year, we still have some time to spare till then."

Oh, yeah! You're right.

Ana smiled at Michael agreeing with him, but deep within her eyes a touch of unwillingness was hidden within them.

And as if to spare them from finding a random subject to talk about after Ana's question.

There was a knock on the door.

Knock! knock! Knock!

Michael: Just in time

Ana: Who is it? Did you invite someone over?

Michael: Just wait and see, it's a surprise!

Opening the door Michael was met with a beautiful blondie she was carrying a couple of bags with her on one hand and a clipboard on the other.

And as her gaze landed on Michael, the young girl couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Michael! I'm working part time down stairs. We received these bags from a carrier and were told that they were being delivered here for you, so here I am hehe."

"Great, thanks, I've been waiting for them to arrive."

"No problem, just sign here....thank you!"

"And here this is for you."

As she spoke the young girl handed Michael a Piece of paper and hurriedly ran off. Not giving Michael any chance to ask about the paper he was given.

Turning it over Michael was Speechless.

The blondie had given him her number.

"Did I get more handsome? Sigh one day I'll end up being taken advantage of again."

"Is that the girl you smelled of when you got back? She's quite cute!."

It was Ana who spoke, and even though she was smiling and making fun of the matter.Michael couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine.

"Hehe no."

" Anyway, that's none of your business."


"Alright, stop messing around, come take a look at this. I got you something while I was out today, so that you won't say I don't treat you well whenever there's something good."

Curious, Ana leaned over to take a look.

"Huh? no way, is this for me?."

Yeah, I got it while I was out, now hurry and take it out."

As Michael spoke he took the initiative to take the stuff out of the bags.

There were seven bags in total.

In four of the bags there were a couple of shirts and jackets recommended to Michael by the sales representative.

On the other tree, one contained a phone whose model was the same as Michael's. The only difference was its color, since it was a gift for Ana Michael decided to go with the color pink.

On the second bag there was box with a full set of jewelry, although simple in appearance the contrary could be said for the price, as the total amount for the set was close to a million dollars, the box contained a set of bracelets, a necklace, and pair of earrings, the material was of a rare metal found on an asteroid owned by the jewelry store, as for its appearance, although similar to silver it wasn't silver but nonetheless when crafted into jewelry not only was it beautiful but it also sparkled as if it were made Diamonds, hence the price.

Michael chose this set of jewelry for Ana for a very simple reason, for one, she deserved it, plain and simple and another reason is that Michael really thought this set was made for Ana. Its appearance was simple yet beautiful and the earrings were in the shape of an Icosahedron making them resemble something like a star.

As for the third bag, it was a bag full of makeup and beauty supplies recommended to him by the lady's from the beauty department. The contents on the bag would make any woman envious if they were to know about it.

After taking a look at the rest of the bags Ana was tongue tied, Let alone the clothes, everything looked so expensive she didn't know what to do with herself.

"Michael! Did you rob a store?

Do you need me to help you hide?

Where did all of this Come from?

Are you sure this is all for me?"

Listening to Ana ask him a series of questions with great concern and astonishment really made Michael feel touched and happy.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure, just take it. I made some investments some time ago and only now are they bearing some fruits, I'm no longer short on money.

So you don't have to worry. Just take it as a gift from me.

After Ana heard Michael say those words she calmed down a lot, after all Michael had never lied to her before and at most if he didn't want to say something he just wouldn't there was no need for him to start now.

As for the gifts, Ana still wanted for Michael to take them back. After all they looked so expensive but after Michael continued to refuse and even threatened to just throw them into the trash if she didn't want them Ana had no choice but to give up and take them for herself.

"Thank you Michael! You're the best!."

With that she ran up to hug Michael.

"Silly girl, why are you being so polite?"

"After all, you have been taking care of me all this time, treating my wounds and helping me out every time I was beaten up. This is just a small thanks after making so much trouble for you in the future. I'll be sure to repay you a thousand fold."

"Aww, Michael! You're gonna make me cry!."

"Sigh, please don't!."


What a scumbag!

Do you take pleasure in making little girls cry!

"WTF.... How is this my fault."