
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter: 19 Happy Times

Chapter: 19 Happy times


Tsk! Tsk! I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up being someone's boy toy in the future with the way you let her treat you.

"Hahaha, it's fine, that's a skill too!."

As he packed his luggage Michael could hear the systems mocking.

But he didn't care and just went along with whatever it said.

After grabbing some clothes and underwear from his closet he stuffed it all into a backpack and Michael was ready to go.

Michael didn't really want to pack too much and if he needed anything he could just buy it on the way or on Quinn's Island.

"Heh! You're already done packing?."

"Yea, see....backpack."

Ana was stunned.

This was the true meaning of packing light.

Although Ana was puzzled as to why Michael was only taking a backpack with him on vacation she didn't ask further and decided to trust that Michael knew what he was doing.

Not wanting to waste any more time. Ana Clung on to Michael's arm and let him out the door.

On the way to the airport Michael finally understood why the system was making fun of him.

All along the way Ana was in incharge of finding a taxi, Paying the taxi fare, buying the plane tickets.

She took charge of everything and didn't allow Michael to pay for anything.

Michael truly felt like he had become a gigolo.

To this, He could only sigh. Who told him to be so Handsome.

All jokes aside. Michael did feel bad that Ana was paying for everything. But thinking about how it was her that invited him, any regrets he had about the situation quickly flew out the window. Besides he could always repay her later it was only a matter of when.

Flights to Quinn's Island were very common and people flew from Newkingsville to Quinn's very frequently. So Michael and Ana didn't have to wait long to board their flight.

Along the way Ana kept Making small talk with Michael. She was visibly excited and Michael could tell she was really happy to be going back to her Country after not going back for four years.

Ana kept telling Michael stories about her and her parents and where she lived.

Just the way Ana told and described the people and places from her memories made Michael excited and he couldn't help but wish the Plane flew a little bit faster than it did right now.

After two days on a plane. Michael and Ana finally landed in Quinn's Island and boarded off the plane.

Michael couldn't help but feel sticky and a little bit tired afterwards.

Funny enough Michael lived multiple lives inside the training room but not even in a single one of those lives did he ever ride a plane.

If someone had told him it would be so tiring and he would only be able to sit and watch movies for two days he probably would have just bought the whole plane.

At least in that way, he would be able to lay down and take a nap.

But looking at it from another perspective.

Michael was able to spend Some Time with Ana which was also good.


After landing, instead of heading towards Ana's house directly. Ana brought Michael to a hotel.

After two days of not showing and not being able to sleep well. Ana Though it was a good idea to relax and take a shower before going anywhere else.

After taking turns using the shower. Ana and Michael took a nap only for them to fall asleep all the way until nine pm at night.

Although unintentional it also gave them an excuse to explore the night life of Quinn's city.

After their nap Both Ana and Michael decided to Grab A bite to eat so they made their way out of the Hotel and into bustling city streets.

As they walked Down the street Ana kept being distracted by the shops on either side of the street. As she looked inside the window of the shops she couldn't help but let out Shouts of excitement and wonder at the products being sold.

This made Michael wonder if he was a true native to Quinns Island and Ana the tourists and not the other way around.

Not long after that Michael and Ana found a nice place to eat where they Sold Authentic Quinnian Food.

The owner of the restaurant was a fat middle aged man with a long beard and a chef's Uniform named Paul.

As it turns out, he had just opened up his first restaurant after inheriting his dad's food stall and to celebrate he was having a discount on everything on the menu.

After taking notice of this deal Ana's eyes sparkled brighter than when she got gifts from Michael and dragged Him towards the restaurant with the excuse of letting Michael try the food she grew up with.

After Ana let The owner know it was Michael's first time visiting Quinn's Island, Paul tried his best to give Michael a good experience in his restaurant and personally cooked his best dish for Michael to try.

All in all the restaurant's food was delicious to say the least.

After dinner Michael and Ana kept walking down the dimly lit streets laughing and talking on the way, when they ran into a park that was getting ready to light up some fireworks so they decided to stay and watch the show.

After a couple of Minutes of waiting the crowd began to gather as it was almost time for the fireworks to start.

And without warning. The first firework flew out of the mouth of one of the cannons and flew up into the sky before exploding.

It was a very beautiful scene.

And as Michael looked at the fireworks show that were lighting up the sky. Ana Clung onto Michaels arm and leaned her head on what was supposed to be his chest without Michael Noticing making them look like a couple to any passers-by who were none the wiser.

To Ana, these were truly the happiest moments of her life. And as she felt Michael's warmth and as she listened to the steady beat of his heart. Ana only wished This Moment could last forever.

Just her and Michael.

My apologies for the spelling errors in the previous chapters. As I have been writing the chapters with my phone its been hard to go back and re-check my work. I'll try and correct it later when I have time.

Uriel_Obleacreators' thoughts