
the God of Warrior douluo

legendary story of former UFC champion who reincarnated to the world of douluo and his adventures to become a God. ps: the original story belong to original author of douluo Dalu.

Miliyant · Fantasy
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25 Chs

ch 4

3 months had passed, Tang San and Yang Menghu were going to the notting town to study. On their way to Notting Town, they were escorted by Jack's grandfather and a village youth. Notting city is located not far from the Holy Spirit Village. after 12 hours of travel they finally arrived at the town of Notting. After entering the city, Grandpa Jack asked the people where the notting academy was located. after several questions they finally arrived at the gate of the notting academy. near the gate there is a guard guarding the notting academy. "Excuse me Mr. Guard, is this really the notting academy?" Grandpa Jack asked politely. but it seemed the guard looked up side down on them. then answered in a mocking tone. "That's right, what do villagers like you need here?" grandpa Jack who hear this didn't angry and still answer with polite tone" that's it, Mr. guard we want to register this two young children to enroll in Notting academy". the guard heard this little surprise and still mocking them. "ohh, it's seem like there is still hidden phoenix born in your group of villagers,hahaha". Yang Menghu who always hold back his anger before its about to explode right now.but before he want to punch this guard, there is voice come from inside the academy. "hey, what is happening here?". the person who talk is naturally the master. "oh!, this is the case master, they are the people who want to join in our academy and I just want to verify if it is true or fake" the guard answer while scratching his head. "sorry Mr.??" "Jack you can call me jack" "Ok Mr. Jack, can I see the certificate from spirit Hall?" master asked politely. "oh!, here" giving the certificate toward master. then, for a minute master glance at the certificate then said" ok Mr. jack you don't have to worry, I will take care about this two children about enrollment later". "oh thank you very much master". then grandpa Jack said to the two of them about how to well behave in academy and so on. not long after that, grandpa Jack back toward the village and the Two of them following master toward academy building.