
Chapter 12 Arthur Was Scared

Michael saw Sofus' face and said with disdain, "Get out of here."

"Get out!" shouted Sophie. He rushed to Michael and gave him a terrible kick.

Sofus kicked at least four thousand kilograms. Even a fierce animal like a wild bull or a tiger could be kicked away with a single kick.

Sofus' strength had reached level thirty-three.

However, Michael was not afraid at all and easily blocked it with his right hand.

It was easily blocked.

"How is that possible?"

Sofus was shocked the next second. Because the power of this kick had reached four thousand kilograms, and it was impossible for Michael to block it.

"No, you are a genetic soldier?" Sofus said in shock.

But Michael didn't seem to like talking nonsense. He grabbed Sofus' neck and lifted him up.

Sofus left the ground and slapped Michael's arm in pain.

"Michael, let go of my brother right now."

"Bastard! Kill him!"

The members of the Soro family roared.