
The God Of Void

In the desolate expanse of endless nothingness, a lone figure known as the 'God of Void' embarks on a harrowing odyssey. This tale delves into the realms of horror, psychology, and relentless action as it unveils the deity's journey through the abyss of existence. Walk with the Void, where darkness reigns supreme, and the boundaries of sanity blur, promising an intense and chilling narrative that will leave you breathless

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The Enigmatic God of Void

The Dimension of Vaikuntha stretched before me, a breathtaking cosmic tapestry, where stars twinkled amidst a vast expanse of darkness. My eyes were caught in the death throes of countless beings, battling in the shadowy depths of death.

This was a realm of gods and legends, where destiny was not found but forged through will and strength.

Vaikuntha was a dimension that shifted with the situation, its ground like a vast reflecting mirror, filled with water that mirrored the blood-red sky and ominous dark clouds above.

In the chaos of this celestial warfare stood Sunyata, the God of Void—me—a figure both enigmatic and powerful.

I emanated an otherworldly aura, a magnetic force that could be felt from any distance. My dark eyes radiated a soft glow, drawing power from the depths of my very being, almost as if they were windows into the infinite. It was something beyond comprehension. The universe seemed to revolve around my presence.

Caption: In despair, even the strongest beings would tremble, no matter how mighty they were.

My sightless eyes turned, a motion filled with profound zero understanding. My right arm felt numb and heavy as my katana fell into the water.

SFX: Swoosh, Crack... The katana cut right through the water, stuck in a vertical position, covered in blood and water.

My eyes widened in anger as I stared at the God of Time, Anant. The silent stare was filled with unspoken questions and emotions. The fate of worlds hung in the balance, the tension in the air almost palpable.

With furious rage, I pointed my index finger towards Anant and shouted, "Anant, you've taken her away from me! Every moment is disappearing into the cosmos. Aksahaya's life was precious, and you've extinguished it!"

Standing between us, her presence filled with love and grace, was Aksahaya, the Goddess of Eternity.

Her ethereal form shimmered with an inner light, casting a soft glow in the darkness. She was a beacon of serenity amidst the cosmic chaos, and her eyes held wisdom and kindness that transcended understanding.

Note: Anant is the brother-in-law of Sunyata and the brother of Aksahaya.

Aksahaya fell to the ground, her form dissipating into the cosmos. Anger turned into despair as I ran to her, falling to my knees. I cradled her head in my right hand, tears streaming down my face as I tried to smile, but it flickered. "Ahh! You're still trying. You can't fake yourself from me, Sunyata," she whispered.

I hugged her tightly, crying like a baby. "I am sorry, Aksahaya. I cou... couldn't..."

She whispered, "Don't worry."

"Ahh! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Ahh, sorry, Aksahaya. I couldn't save you!" I sobbed.

"My death was for the greater good of all beings. It was necessary, so forgive everyone, Sunyata," she said weakly.

I asked, "Your own brother, Anant, killed you for the greater good? I can't accept it. I won't, and never will."

Her voice trembled. "Sunyata... I... I... lo..." Her neck was torn off by Anant's hands, and he threw her head away.

My eyes widened in shock as I held her headless body. Her neck rolled far away. I slowly turned my gaze to her rolling head.

SFX: Roll, Roll, Roll...

Her head stopped rolling, and I screamed in pain and despair, "AHHHHHHHHHHH! No! No! No! AHHHHHH! What have you done?! AHHHH!"

Her body disappeared into the cosmos, leaving an empty space in my arms. Her eyes, filled with love, began to fade away. I ran to her head, bent down, picked it up, and brought it close to mine, crying in agony.

"Akashya, why? Why did this happen?" Her remaining head also disappeared, and my tears fell into the endless waters of Vaikuntha. I slowly stood up, my back to Anant. He stood silently in front of me after killing his own sister and my love.

Blinded by grief, unable to think of anything but my past memories, I slowly turned toward Anant. As he came into my sight, my anger surged, tears still streaming as I whispered, "No, no, no. I am done this time!"

Anant, with no emotion on his face, spoke, "Sunyata, I understand your pain, but please believe me. What I've done, I did for the greater good of all beings."

My eyes widened in disbelief. Staring at Anant, I began to move toward him. The whole dimension shook, sending shockwaves through the water as I walked. "Greater good? What are you talking about? What justifies killing the Goddess of Eternity, your own sister, and my love? How will you justify it all?"

I picked up my katana as I moved. A quake erupted, and every being trembled.

Everywhere I looked, memories of the past flooded my mind. The tears vanished in the fury of my anger. My voice, filled with anger and grief, echoed through the dimension. "Justify killing your own sister? God of Time, can you bring her back? No, right?"

Anant replied, "It's for the greater good. Try to understand it."

My body heat rose, evaporating every water particle near me as I shouted, "Greater good, greater good, greater good! The hell with this greater good! You took everything from me, and you and I both know you can fool my wife, but not me. There is no greater good like that."

Anant smiled and started to walk towards me. I shouted, "I knew this war was to take everything from me." He said, "No! You have it wrong, dear. It is for the greater good!"

We reached each other. He was taller than me. I looked up into his eyes and asked, "Now tell me, what greater good is that, brother?" Anant threw a heavy punch towards my heart. I dodged backward to avoid it.

Anant said, "You need to die for that, little brother!"

My anger intensified even more. I attacked with my katana, and he came at me too.

SFX: Swoosh, Swoosh...

Anant attacked with his fists, making the katana blade crack. SFX: Crack... I threw the katana into the air. It flew and got stuck in the water again, its blade completely broken.

Anant said, "Now, die." I replied, "Me? Dying? After you!" I focused my dark energy around my body. "AHHHHHHHH! Come forth!"

I dashed towards Anant at full speed.

SFX: The water was cleaved as Sunyata dashed towards Anant. "You will die now!"

Anant received a small cut on his right chest but held my hands and delivered a heavy punch. "Zoitra!!" I flew far away, unable to control myself.

My whole body ached, every part broken. I looked at the sky with anger, trying to lift myself. "Is this as far as I can go after 64 days of starting this war? Move, damn God of Void, move!"

Anant came and stomped on my head. I screamed, "Move!" My head was crushed.

Anant said, "Huh! Bye-bye, Sunyata!" As he walked away, thinking I was dead, all I saw was darkness, not a single light. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Wake up, the God of Void, Sunyata." I was looking at my dead body on the ground.

The entire dimension heard a scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" So loud, my eyes filled with the true power of void aura covering my body. I closed my eyes, and my body recovered from death. I opened my eyes, filled with anger, looking towards Anant.

He smiled.

With a single dark punch, I landed a blow on Anant, unleashing a cataclysmic release of energy that left a trail of destruction. Omniverses exploded in a dazzling display of cosmic fireworks.

As I hit him, he tried to defend himself, but he moved backward as I hit him with punches. His body began to be consumed by the void.

He refracted that energy back at me and hit me. My anger, still burning within, gazed upon my unbeatable brother-in-law.

His inner conflict became palpable as he grappled with Anant's strikes. I stood at the precipice of my own soul, torn by the desire for vengeance that resonated within the depths of my being.

Anant said, "Die for the greater good, as your wife told you."

I had enough of hearing this. "I've had enough of this 'greater good' talk. I will nullify everything from existence." Suddenly, Vaikuntha turned into a dark space with no lights, leaving only Anant and me.

I shouted, "Now, die!"

A choice made, to nullify everything, to remove all existence. I wasn't sure if he could stop me. But suddenly, Vaikuntha returned to its former state. My eyes widened in shock. My power increased exponentially, and Anant's left arm was on the ground, torn off!

He reverted to his true power, capable of destroying every dimension in existence, and I also returned to my full power to fight him.

Anant called, "Time! Come forth!"

Sunyata called, "Void! Come forth!"

To be continued in Chapter 2 .