
The God Of Void

In the desolate expanse of endless nothingness, a lone figure known as the 'God of Void' embarks on a harrowing odyssey. This tale delves into the realms of horror, psychology, and relentless action as it unveils the deity's journey through the abyss of existence. Walk with the Void, where darkness reigns supreme, and the boundaries of sanity blur, promising an intense and chilling narrative that will leave you breathless

Stren01 · Action
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After that , I went inside  and opened the door , and what i saw was...

Chapter 3 : Remittances

As I entered the room and opened the door, my eyes fell upon a lone envelope2 lying on the floor. At first glance, I thought it might be some sort of invitation, a pleasant surprise perhaps. The notion crossed my mind that someone had invited me, maybe Seon or Kondo.1

I bent down, my heart racing with anticipation, and carefully picked up the envelope. With trembling hands, I tore it open to reveal its contents. But my hopes were shattered like glass.

SFX: Gulp Gulp Gulp

Inside, there was no invitation. Instead, it was nothing more than the dreaded bill for the apartment rent that I needed to pay. A sense of detachment washed over me as I clenched the bill in my fist. My hand, heavy with grief, hung limply by my side, yet my lips curved into a bitter smile.

"Huh? Another bill... I wonder what this month has in store for me, after so many expenses. First, the double school fee, then the apartment rent, and don't forget the food funds."

A single tear welled up in my eye, and I bit my trembling lip, gazing ahead into the dimly lit alley. All I saw was darkness, not a glimmer of hope.

"Well, this is life," I muttered to myself, trying to muster a laugh. It sounded forced, like a novice trying to act out a laugh.

I took a deep breath, SFX: Huffffffff, and whispered, "Well," then proceeded to remove my shoes, placing them beside the cabinet where a forgotten cleaning cloth lay. I turned on all the lights, and they flickered eerily.

"It flickers, just like my life," I mused with a strange smile on my face.

After changing my clothes, I sat down near my mattress, clutching a plastic bag in my hand. My fingers delved into it, retrieving an instant spicy noodles pack. Yes, I had just bought it, a meager treat for my hunger tonight.

"Huh! This will have to satisfy my hunger for now. Let me get some hot water ready..."

As I stood up, my legs gave way, and I stumbled. "Ahhhh!" I exclaimed, but I steadied myself and went on to prepare the hot water. I poured it into the cup, closed the lid, and now I had to wait.

While waiting, I stared at the cup noodles and dug into my pocket, retrieving the last bit of money I had for the next three days of this month. I opened my palm, revealing three coins.

"300, 100, 50... that's 450 Rs left," I murmured, clenching my fist tightly.

My eyes remained fixed on the cup noodles. I debated saving half for breakfast tomorrow, as school would reopen in six days. "Well, I'm super hungry; I can't save it for tomorrow," I declared with a faint smile.

Slowly, I opened the lid of the cup noodles, and a wave of hot, spicy aroma wafted up to my face. "Ahhh! So tasty as always. Thanks for the food," I whispered, then picked up a pair of chopsticks and began to slurp the noodles, savoring each bite.

"Yummy, it's so yummy. Ahhh, why does it taste so good now? I've been eating this for the past six years. Why now?" My happiness was palpable as I continued to slurp away.

SFX: Slurp Slurp

Slurp Slurp

Slurp Slurp

"I'm filled," I sighed contentedly, closing the lid and placing it near the water pot. I'll dispose of it tomorrow. Slowly, I lay down on the mattress, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me.

"One of... the best... days, I guess," I mumbled as the lights in the room dimmed and faded out, as they always did. I stared up at the ceiling, taking deep, shaky breaths.

SFX: Huffffff HHHHufffff Huuuufffff

Gradually, my eyelids grew heavy, and I succumbed to sleep.

The next day...

My eyes snapped open, and as I attempted to rise, a tremendous weight bore down on me. It was as though invisible chains had tethered me to the mattress. Panic gripped my chest as I struggled against this oppressive force. After a few agonizing moments, I finally managed to break free.

I stumbled to the washroom, turning on the tap and splashing water onto my face. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, uttering, "What a pitiful sight."

With sheer determination, I readied myself for the day ahead. As I stepped outside, my gaze drifted upward to the ominous dark clouds that shrouded the sky. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation of rain. "The rainy atmosphere, hmm," I muttered, beginning my journey to the café where I worked.

While on my way, a stroke of luck crossed my path. There, on the road, lay a thousand rupees. A surge of joy welled up within me as I picked it up. However, a sudden realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. I whispered to myself, "Someone might be desperately searching for this money. Perhaps their children are hungry, waiting for food. I should take it to the police station." A bittersweet smile formed on my lips as I made my way to the authorities and handed over the money to a grateful officer.

"Grrr, maybe I should have kept it. Well, may the person find welfare," I mused before finally reaching the café's back door. To my dismay, the manager awaited me, his face twisted with anger at my tardiness.

The manager erupted, "You dumbass! How dare you be late!" His hand struck my cheek, and I stumbled backward. I attempted to explain myself, stammering, "Sir, I... I was trying..." But I realized he would never believe me, so I rose to my feet without a word.

The manager's voice seethed with frustration as he ordered, "Hurry up and do your work!" I rushed to gather my cleaning supplies and set about tidying the café, scrubbing tables and chairs. Yes, I was a dirt cleaner.

The manager's continuous berating only fueled my frantic pace. "Get it done faster, you asshole!" he barked. My heart raced as I worked feverishly to meet his demands. After the chairs and tables gleamed, the café began to fill with customers.

I moved on to clean the floors, and when I finished, I approached the manager, my head bowed. "Sir, please forgive me for today," I pleaded. He glared at me with intense fury, and I closed my eyes in dread. Another slap landed on my cheek, and he shouted, "Here is your money for this month. You don't need to come back anymore."

I accepted the money, 4000 Rs, without protest. It was futile to argue with an enraged man like him. As I stepped outside, I shielded my eyes from the sky, tears mixing with the raindrops. But I wasn't crying; I was actually smiling.

"Ahhh, what a truly splendid day! AHhhh HAHAHAHHA HAHHAHA!" Laughter erupted from deep within me. I bit my lips and pounded my head with my fist.

SFX: Dub Dub Dub

My hands trembled violently. Then, as if on cue, the rain began to fall. "Why does the rain always fall when I feel so sad?" I muttered, still smiling, my eyes closed. I continued my journey back to the apartment, my eyes searching as if I had lost something precious.

My vision remained obscured, as if a watery veil had descended upon the world, blurring everything in sight. Rain cascaded from the heavens, drenching me from head to toe. The water ran down my face, over my neck, and down my legs. Was I crying? No, far from it. I was smiling, a smile that seemed to defy reason.

"HAHAHAH," I erupted into desperate laughter. I was far from being a psycho, but something deep within me had been stirred.

"I miss you a lot," I whispered softly, the words slipping from my lips. But to whom did I refer? Who was it that I missed so intensely, and why did it feel like a dark chasm of forgotten memories from my childhood, shrouded in trauma?

Suddenly, a truck hurtled toward me, appearing entirely out of control, a deadly projectile aimed directly at me. "Sheesh, I must die today, then," I thought, almost welcoming the prospect. However, at the last moment, the truck veered past me, creating a deluge of water that showered over me.

My laughter took on a wicked quality. "Hahahha, Hahhaha," I cackled as I continued walking. People's eyes were fixed upon me, and they, too, broke into smiles. I couldn't fathom the reason behind their smiles, but I couldn't stop laughing. It was as if a torrent of emotions and memories had been unleashed, and I could do nothing but surrender to the uncontrollable tide of my own psyche.

I spotted a store nearby and found myself standing in front of it. With a sense of determination, I entered, and the store attendants greeted me with warm hospitality. "Welcome to the store, sir," they said.

My initial reaction was one of surprise, and I glanced at the young lady behind the counter. I was on my knees, drenched from head to toe, as if I had just emerged from the downpour outside. With a heavy heart, I joined my hands and began to beg, "Please, miss, give me a job. I desperately need to pay my school fees and rent. Please."

She stood alone at the counter, and her response was a soft and kind whisper, "Sir... Ahhhmmm, a job?" Her voice was gentle and filled with compassion. "Okay, but first, please make yourself dry."

I gazed at her in awe, a thought crossing my mind: "Is she an angel?" Her dark, caring eyes met mine as she stood there in her blue and skin-colored shop dress. She seemed genuinely concerned about my well-being.

I rose to my feet, still overwhelmed with gratitude, and uttered a heartfelt, "Thank you." She then motioned for me to follow her to the back of the store. "Please come with me, young man," she said, opening the door to a room, and together, we stepped inside.

To be Continued in Chapter 4

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