
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Uzumaki Clan

As Madara fought the remaining Ninjas, with jumped in to help out. With the two back facing each other, they went on to kill them all, and the few that ran away Madara father killed them.

"damn, that guy almost took off my arm," Seth said as he looked at his arm.

"I'm almost out of chakra," Madara said as he put an arm around seth to walk.

"really? I ran out long ago. How else would my arm almost come off?" Seth said with a smile

"you two took too long." Madara father said calmly

"We are only six years old. This is the last time I face an army by myself." Seth said helplessly

"I'm with Seth. I never felt my chakra drop to this level." Madara said with a sigh

"if you can talk, you can fight. let's get going." Madara father said coldly as he disappeared.

"sigh." Madara and Seth said as they followed

Months went by, and soon three years went by. Within this year's Madara and set have gone to many wars, wait so many war victories they both got the nickname 'The Two Demon'.

"you called," Seth asked as he appeared before his uncle.

"yes, you have been to many Wars. I will give you something different," he said as he threw a scroll towards Seth.

Seth took the scroll as he went through it as a frown appeared on his face.

"you know I'm bad at hiding, right? I can't be a spy." Seth said with a shake of his head.

"you will spy on the Uzumaki Clan. With your red hair, you will fit in. take this as a chance for you to relax," he said calmly

"what's the timeline?" Seth asked with a shrug

"10 years, your job is to get their most important sealing jutsu. And most importantly, there are words that they are planning to ally with the Senju. We of course don't want this, so see if it's true." He said as Seth nodded as he disappeared

"Are you sure about this? Splitting up the two demons, it would greatly weaken us." a man said as he appeared before Madara uncle.

"Madara just got a little brother. On top of that, he made a new friend. he is not stable at the moment, so I'm going to have these few months be his break." he said calmly

"Madara, I will be going on a mission," Seth said as he appeared before Madara, who was playing with his little brother. Madara did have more brothers but the dead in battle.

"give me a minute to get ready," Madara said as he got up.

"no, this is solo. The time limit is ten years, so I might be gone for a long time." Seth said helplessly

"But we are always together," Madara said with a deep frown.

"you make it sound wrong," Seth said with a laugh

"you know what? I don't care. Don't come crying to me when you get injured." Madara said angrily

"so moody, but I should go pack," Seth said as he entered the house.

"Izuna, I will be back," Madara said to his little brother as he disappeared. he soon arrived in front of a river where another boy was at.

"Hashirama," Madara yelled as he ran towards him...

"This should be enough," seth said as he packed a few clothes into a bag and left.

It took seth a total of 4 days until he reached the Uzumaki Clan.

'I should stay far away until I find a weak point.' death thought as he began walking around the whole clan.

One month later

"I know you are there." a red-haired girl around 8 to 10 years old said as she looked towards a bush.

At the moment, she was sitting by a small river.

Seth stood up, helplessly. He indeed was terrible at hiding.

"why do you want." She said coldly

"you say that as if I was looking at you or something," Seth said with a shrug.

'I can't come up with a good lie nowadays.' seth thought as he turned to walk away.

"you know you are Trespassing." She asked as she slowly got up.

"you know for a kid. You are a bit too boring. Let me leave so you can play in the mud or whatever you were doing." Seth said as he was about to jump into a tree.


The girl suddenly disappeared as her fist slammed into the ground next to Seth.

"..." Seth went quiet for a moment before he started running.

"who is the Kid now," she asked as her hair started standing up.

"let's start over. My name is Seth. What's your name." Seth yelled as he ran

"F**k your name," she yelled as she ran after Seth.

"Ok, miss F*** your name. How are you doing." Seth said, not able to stop himself from making her Angrier.

The girl's anger only increased. Her speed increased as she caught up to seth.


The two traded blows as they went sent sliding backward.

"not bad, so what is your name," Seth asked

"Mito." She said as he calmed herself down.

'father was right. I need to control my anger.' She thought as she coldly looked at Seth.

"Sorry if I got you mad. I'm not used to talking to people. I don't have many friends." Seth said as he held out his hand for a handshake.