
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A Promise for the Future


System Store Interface:

Random Blueprint: Requires 10 SP per blueprint

Advanced Store (Restricted)


Hashi stood before the random blueprint generator, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Let's try our luck. Maybe I'll get something groundbreaking, like advanced AI software," he thought excitedly. But he quickly pulled himself together and reminded himself, "I shouldn't be daydreaming."

Hashi's thoughts raced as he contemplated the workings of the random blueprint generator. "How does it actually work? It can't create objects out of thin air, right? There must be some underlying laws or rules governing its functionality. After all, the existence of this system itself follows certain laws. Well, I guess I'll find out for myself," he pondered.

Clicking on the system store interface, the display transformed to reveal the array of options. Hashi navigated through the menus until he found the section dedicated to random blueprints. His excitement grew as he selected the random blueprint, eager to see what this broken system had in store for him.


• are you sure •

[Y] / [N]


However, just as he was about to confirm his choice, he heard footsteps approaching the gate. Turning his gaze, he saw his mother, her face contorted with anger. "Boy, do you have the audacity to ignore my words?" she began, her voice filled with frustration.

Reacting swiftly, Hashi rushed towards her and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. In that moment, memories of the tragic incident that claimed his mother and brother flashed through his mind. Understanding her son's distress, his mother's anger subsided, and she reassured him, saying, "Don't worry, Mumma is here for you."

After some time, Hashi regained his composure, and his mother, with a protective tone, intervened and defended him, saying, "Don't bully my sweetheart." Her words conveyed her unwavering support for Hashi.

His mother's defense provided a moment of solace for Hashi. He felt a renewed sense of strength and determination to pursue his dreams. With gratitude in his heart, he continued his conversation with his mother, who asked with concern, "Are you okay now?"

He nodded and replied, "Yes." His mother then gestured for him to follow, saying, "Okay, come. Your father is waiting for you."

As Hashi walked alongside his mother, he couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. "After so many years, I will finally meet my father," he thought to himself. The anticipation grew within him.

Entering the kitchen, Hashi spotted his father engrossed in conversation with his younger brother. Catching sight of Hashi, his father playfully called out, "Sato, come! If you take any longer, we'll start eating without you."

Suppressing the overwhelming urge to embrace his father, Hashi looked into his eyes and softly uttered, "I've missed you so much." In response, his father, with a hint of humor, retorted, "Are you still half-asleep?" Yet deep down, he recognized the struggles Hashi had endured due to his absence, constantly striving to provide for his family despite their hardships.

Noticing the unspoken emotions in the room, Hashi's mother intervened, defending her beloved son. "Don't bully my sweetheart," she said firmly, emphasizing her unwavering support for Hashi.

His younger brother chimed in, accusing Hashi of making excuses to avoid pursuing higher education. The words hung in the air, but Hashi didn't refute the accusation. He knew his family's concerns were rooted in their love and desire for his well-being.

Understanding the weight of the situation, Hashi's father then directed his attention towards his son, expressing his worries about the challenges he might face if he abandoned his studies. But before his father could finish his sentence,

Hashi interjected, his voice filled with determination, "I am not saying that I'll quit my further studies. I still have at least six months left before my school is over. I just want to help you guys during this time."

Listening attentively to Hashi's words, his father emphasized that their happiness was paramount. If Hashi believed he could achieve something in a year and was willing to give it his all, his father was willing to support him. "Sato, look, all I want is for you and your brother to be happy. If you believe that in one year, you can achieve something remarkable, then I give you my full support. Give it your 1000 percent," his father said with a mix of hope and concern.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Hashi tightly embraced his father and mother, feeling the warmth of their love and support. His younger brother playfully reminded him not to forget about him, and Hashi wrapped him in a warm hug as well.

After the heartfelt reunion, the family gathered around the table to share a meal together. As they savored their food, Hashi's father inquired about his plans for the upcoming weekend, asking, "Are you going to school after this weekend?"

Hashi nodded with determination in his eyes and replied, "Yes, I will go to school. But after that, I will embark on this journey to prove myself."

The chapter ended with a sense of renewed hope and a promise for the future. Hashi was determined to make the most of the opportunities before him, driven by his family's unwavering support and his own inner strength. and offcourse system as well.