
The God of Martial Arts

A young scum receives a supreme inheritance, obtains a heavenly divine vein, learns a supreme martial art, and masters a superb dan art, which makes him proud of the world on his martial path!

DaoistjxgTY4 · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 85: Don't give up your life

Chapter 85: Don't give up your life

Never give in! This is what Shen Xiang kept telling himself in his heart, while Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou also lost their voices, they seemed to acquiesce to the fact that Shen Xiang was doing this dangerous thing, and at the same time, they were deeply shocked by that indomitable spirit of Shen Xiang.

"Hmph, an ant-like person!" Elder Dan's voice sounded like it came out through clenched teeth, sounding as if he was angry now.

Shen Xiang had just taken a few steps and fell down again, this time he was lying on the ground, and they were overflowing with blood.

"Did not you also come from a mole? One day, I, an ant, will definitely surpass you." Shen Xiang gritted his teeth and said, his voice was weak but full of pride to hear.

Shen Xiang was not able to stand up, but he crawled over a little.

"Brother Shen ..." Yun Xiaodao looked at Shen Xiang, his eyes moist, he remembered that he just gave up because it was too hard, and Shen Xiang now desperately wants to pass the second test with his life, he just does not want to bow down to that strong woman, even if he is a mole.

"Big brother Shen, you will definitely be able to come through, hang in there!" Yun Xiaodao originally thought that Shen Xiang was hopeless, but he did not expect Shen Xiang to be able to hold on and could not help but shout.

"Shen Xiang, let's enter the inner gate together, the old man I had your kind of perseverance back then, I wouldn't have to stay in the outer gate for so long!" Zhang De was also infected by Shen Xiang.

"Shen Xiang, hang in there! You can definitely do it!" One of the people in the square shouted up.

Looking at that Shen Xiang who was crawling slowly on the scorching ground a little bit, looking at the blood evaporated from his body, the crowd was deeply shocked by this.

"Shen Xiang ... Shen Xiang ... Shen Xiang ..." hundreds of people in the square roared in unison, the voice resounded through the clouds, the late night The Taiwu Gate in the late night was enveloped in the sound that made people's blood boil.

Listening to the crowd's high-pitched cries, Shen Xiang was full of blood, running the few remaining cases of true qi in his body, crawling forward, his body had been numbed by all kinds of severe pain, and now all his perseverance was supporting him to crawl!

Elder Dan's delicate body trembled, she didn't expect that so many people would dare to support Shen Xiang in front of her, this is simply toppling her!

"Don't struggle, a mole is a mole!" Elder Dan's voice was filled with anger as Shen Xiang was only two steps away from her.

"Ah..." Shen Xiang let out a miserable cry, only to see a burst of blood coming out from his hands and legs, obviously Elder Dan did it on purpose, she had enhanced her power.

This is simply a personal vendetta, but Elder Dan is the number two person in the Tai Mo Sect, no one dares to say anything about her!

"Now I'll see how you can walk over!" Elder Dan breathed a sigh of relief, except that Shen Xiang's eyes full of determination made her very upset, Shen Xiang actually did not give up yet.

"Haha ..." Shen Xiang actually laughed out loud, there were only two steps left, that was not only the door to the third test, or the victory or defeat between him and Elder Dan.

Although he is far inferior to Elder Dan, but he must win Elder Dan here!

"Old me will never you to yield!" Shen Xiang, who was laughing, suddenly shouted out loud, only to see his back suddenly erupting with flames, and a pair of huge wings appeared on his back.

The wings fluttered rapidly, spewing out bursts of sizzling fire waves, lifting Shen Xiang's body up, it was only a split second, but it brought Shen Xiang's heavily injured body behind Elder Dan.

Elder Dan was frozen, everyone was frozen.

Shen Xiang actually possessed a martial art like True Qi Feathers, which was a very precious and rare martial art! At the most critical time, it allowed Shen Xiang to leap that two-step distance and pass the second test!

"Haha... old me passed the second test, haha... haha..." Shen Xiang's whole body was weak, lying on the the ground, looking at the bright moon in the sky and let out a burst of wild laughter.

The people in the square did not speak, they listened to Shen Xiang's wild laughter, their hearts only shock, excitement, envy, admiration ...

"Stop laughing, there is still the third test." Yun Xiaodao wiped the tears from his eyes and stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth, and Shen Xiang instantly distinguished that they were all spirit grade lower grade pills, a few True Qi pills to restore true qi, and Nine Return pills to quickly heal internal injuries ...

This made Shen Xiang's heart burst with emotion.

"This is White Jade San, take it and use it!" Zhu Rong walked over and threw down a jade box.

White Jade Scatter of the middle grade of the Spirit class, that is a very precious healing elixir, the stingy Zhu Rong actually gave it to him, which made Shen Xiang and Yun Xiaodao and the others look at him with incredulous eyes.

"No need to thank me!" Zhu Rong said in a very godly manner.

Yun Xiaodao and Zhang De also quickly applied the medicinal powder inside the jade box on Shen Xiang's body, which was a white jade-like medicinal powder, crystal clear and very beautiful.

"Elder Dan, the disciple dares to ask you, why are you targeting me in this way? You are doing this is a communiqué personal vendetta!" It is impossible that Shen Xiang did not have anger in his heart, just now he had let loose in front of Elder Dan, and he was not afraid now.

"I made it very clear that you are young and vigorous, I want you to sharpen your skills in the outer sect!" Elder Dan actually did not get angry, things have come to this point, she can no longer say anything else.

"A personal vendetta? So what if it is? I have strength, I can do whatever I want, the rules of the Tai Mo Sect can't restrain me yet, they are only set up for you!" Elder Dan said disdainfully, "You want justice? Strength is justice, if I want, I will kill you now, no one can say anything about me, and no one will take revenge for you!"

"You can indeed do this, but some things are not absolute, just like you can't block me down and I still passed the second test!" Shen Xiang sneered, "But one day, I will get it back! You'd better get me killed now."

Zhang De and Yun Xiao Dao were applying medicine to Shen Xiang, but their hands couldn't help but tremble, they didn't expect Shen Xiang to dare to speak to the number two man of Tai Mo Sect like that!

Elder Dan suddenly laughed out loud, her laughter was very stiff and unnatural, which made people's hearts feel hairy.

"Good, good! I'd like to see how far you can grow. I promise you, as long as you can defeat me one day, you will be allowed to punish me, and let me marry me too!" Elder Dan said loudly, making people stare again.

Shen Xiang was also surprised, but he teased, "I don't care to marry you, wearing a mask all day, maybe it's an ugly monster too, I'll be at a disadvantage then!"

Yun Xiaodao and Zhang De wanted to sew Shen Xiang's mouth shut, actually saying these lifeless words one after another, while Zhu Rong also walked far away, fearing that Elder Dan would suddenly lose his temper for fear of being affected by the ripples.

"Don't you want your life?" Elder Dan's voice was incomparably cold.

"If I wanted my life, I would have fled a long time ago, do you think I look like the kind of person who wants his life?" Shen Xiang responded lifelessly.

"You think I don't dare to kill you?" Elder Dan walked over and purple flames emerged from his slender jade hand.

Seeing that purple flame, Shen Xiang's heart was horrified, he had heard Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou say that only people with the Soul of Fire could release purple flames.

"Then come on, so I won't fetch you ugly bastard in the future, and you won't have to marry me, a heavenly ..." Shen Xiang hadn't finished his words, but Yun Xiaodao covered his mouth.

Elder Dan put away the flame in his hand and said in a cold voice: "What I said will definitely count, as long as you win me, I will marry you and be at your disposal then!"

"And ... my looks are in no way inferior to your fiancée Xue Xianxian!" Elder Dan finished speaking and flew away.

Yun Xiaodao and Zhang De were both frozen, while Zhu Rong hurried over, grabbed Shen Xiang's shoulders with both hands and asked with a disbelieving face, "Xue Xianxian is really your fiancée?"