
The God of Magic's Secret

What? You all don't know what a magician is? Do we need to start from there? Ok, ok, fine. But promise to pay attention. In this world, magicians rule everything, and I mean it. People even become their slaves to have a better life... Yeah, I'm not kidding, slaves. The strangest thing is that they actually do get to that better life they want. Nowadays, it's not uncommon to starve to death, or worse, become the food of some hungry monsters... and those bastards can eat slowly. But magicians also have a hierarchy. A starting sorcerer or sorceress is not the same as a proper mage. Remember that. You don't want to get it wrong in front of them, believe me. Skipping to the top of the magic world, you can find the Archmages and Sages; I bet you have heard of those, at least. Archmages own their own countries. And I'm not talking about ruling; I mean actual property... Sages, well, they can create or destroy nations at will. The gods of magic? Are you all messing with me? How do you know of that legend but not what a magician is? All right, whatever... It is said that four great sovereigns of magic control everything we know... And that's total bullshit. Why do I say that? Easy... well, okay, not that easy; I don't know two of them. But one is a total prick, and the last one is yours truly. You don't believe me? I don't blame you. Let me tell you a secret. No need to hear my whole story; I'll tell you right now. I don't know any magic whatsoever. So, why, when I wanted to remedy that and went to study magic, I ended up becoming the headmaster of the academy? Well, because apparently, I was the founder... For you guys to understand my pain a little better, we need to return some years in the history of humanity, around ten thousand, I believe. When our world was still called Earth, and that damn goddess took everything away from me... with that, I mean mostly the internet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For character images: https://www.instagram.com/fallen_pages_/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first Volume is already on Amazon! It has unique AI images and also two R18 chapters (so you need to be of legal age to buy it) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fallen_Pages · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Of Life or Death

The sun was still high, and some light rays could be seen passing through the treetops. The same ones that moved slowly to the rhythm of the breeze that had started a few moments ago.

Although it was a quiet scene, as is common sense, we had to be careful to move against the wind, or the monsters could discover our location.

I was in the vanguard of our small group with Fiamme; Lilen and Norvin advanced a little further back, guarding the flanks, and the last ones were Deia and Golgor, who took care of the rear.

"It is the first time I am in the middle of nature… I must admit that you can feel a different kind of tension than waiting for an ambush by a rival group in a dark alley." Fiamme commented in my ear.

"You can't compare a fight between thugs to facing a monster," I said, looking her straight in the eyes. "The main thing is to never overtrust yourself, especially when it seems you are winning."

"Of course, Argyr…Argy."

"However, that doesn't mean you can't appreciate nature for now. One rarely has the opportunity to travel with a group of three magicians."

"Don't mention it; traveling without a magician or at least an armed group is a suicide," Fiamme responded, sighing. "But I never wanted to risk the Fire Fists to that, so honestly, this is my first time out of town."

Our group continued walking for a while until a noise above the trees made everyone stop. But no one was really worried; it didn't take long for a figure to jump down and kneel in front of me.

Indeed, the noise originated from Nili, who had entered the forest to explore the area and find possible dangers. At the same time, she would try to track down some potential prey for our group. Though according to the exam's content, these two things were basically the same.

"My lord," Nili said in a serious tone. "About four hundred paces to the north, a cerberus is lurking. I didn't find any other monsters around it."

Speaking of the breeze that carries odors, Nili, with her Gift [Wind Master], could change the direction of it, always finding herself in a favorable position. For the same reason, not even the cerberus, with its great sense of smell, had been able to detect her.

"But, a cerberus… As far as I remember, unlike the mythological creature, these monsters do not have more than one head. They are more like gigantic wolves with greenish teeth full of poison. It may be a bit too difficult for our group."

"Speak for yourself, Argy; you don't have to worry about us," said Norvin smiling, who had approached accompanied by Lilen. "We didn't come to settle for a simple rabid rabbit."

"Golgor can defeat a single cerberus on his own," stated Deia, who had also approached with her magic knight.

I looked towards Fiamme and Nili. They both smiled at me and nodded. They also apparently had confidence in their newly acquired abilities.

"Okay," I said, looking at everyone. "But remember, just because there haven't been other monsters at the time doesn't mean that one hasn't come close; it wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me."

"Mmm, for a young man, you seem to have quite some experience," Deia commented, directing her mysterious smile at me. "But you don't have to worry; Golgor also has stories to tell."

Although I understood what Deia was referring to, I must admit that it is very difficult for me to imagine Golgor saying anything...

"A lot of talking and little movement," Norvin commented while placing his hand on my shoulder. "If we continue standing here, we are going to lose the cerberus."

"That is no problem," Nili stated, standing up. "At this short distance, I would never lose the trail."

Our group didn't take much longer to get going, with Nili in the lead, who moved nimbly among the trees and the rest of the vegetation. The rest of us did our best to follow her or rather the others except Deia, who had been taken in arms by Golgor when he increased his pace.

Time passed, but we still did not encounter the cerberus. According to Nili, the monster most likely found prey itself and moved away in the opposite direction from us.

"The trail continues; there is no danger of losing it," Nili stated. But the situation could become dangerous if we take much longer to find it.

"It's true," Norvin said. "We could encounter anything".

"Golgor can still speed up the pace if you want; we can go in the vanguard and stop the monster in its tracks," Deia proposed from her seat in the giant's arms.

"Wait, I think we're getting closer," Nili spoke again.

We all remained silent and began to walk more slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. Nili raised her hand, and waves of green-colored waves were released. Soon, the breeze blew again in the opposite direction to us and with greater intensity.

"Remember, the Professors at the academy are watching us with the bracelets," Norvin stated. "We cannot assist unless it is a life-or-death situation."

"It's true, it's up to you," I said, looking in the direction of Fiamme and Nili, "whatever happens, be careful."

"I'm going to go first; the others won't have anything to do," Fiamme declared, making a v sign with her fingers.

"My lord, trust us, we... Something is not right."

Suddenly, Nili cut off what she was saying.

In front of us, the forest opened into another small clearing; we could see a camp similar to ours. But it was completely destroyed, and the lifeless bodies of six people could be seen on the ground.

"Did the cerberus do this? But in such a short time…" Norvin began to say, but he stopped when he saw the direction in which Nili, who had raised her finger, pointed.

Near the camp was the cerberus we were following. Or, rather, what was left of him. His large head had been shattered with what appeared to have been a blunt blow.

"We are surrounded," Nili stated.

Soon, a noise began to be heard around us. Horrible, hunched creatures began to appear from the shadows of the forest.

Their skin was reddish and seemed to be made of clay. They wore armor and carried weapons of different sizes and shapes, indicating that they had been collected from their defeated enemies.

From their deformed oval heads, their pupil-less and entirely yellow eyes stared at us.

"Red hunchbacks," Norvin said, a shadow crossing his face. "This definitely counts as a life-or-death situation."