
The God of Machines

Centuries prior, the Gods blessed this world with their magical powers, granting their abilities to everyone born from their lineage. Luckily, everyone is descended from a deity, but unfortunately, their power wanes with each generation, until the modern day, where the young generations cannot hope to become powerful. Lua Moonsilver is one of these younger generations. He is a Tinkerer descended from the God of Machines, and is very weak compared to his ancestors. He was destined to live out his days making toys. By unknown circumstances, Lua encounters a gem in a forest, that gets him into contact with one of these ancient Gods. He learns about the secret of evolution, granting him the priceless knowledge to become stronger.

UnexSituation · Fantasy
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225 Chs


Evolution.. Lua thought to himself, wondering how such a thing was possible. The reconstruction of the human body..

The Lord of Secrets continued on with his explanation,

"Evolution is exactly as it sounds. In order to accommodate your growing strength, your body needs to grow alongside it. In order to evolve, there are certain things you need to accomplish before doing so.

First of all, you need something to reconstruct your body with. These are usually simple items such as coal, ammonia and some fertiliser."

Lua was taken aback for a moment as he pondered the items needed for evolution. As he found a pause in the Lord of Secrets' explanation, he dared to ask:

"I understand things such as coal and ammonia, but why fertiliser?"

The Lord of Secrets chuckled deeply, his voice reverberating throughout the room.

"Fertilizer and the human body share a common material that is necessary for the reconstruction of your body."

A common material.. so it can just be anything that contains that material, not just fertiliser?

"Can I have the entire list of materials needed for reconstruction?" Lua asked, a slight hint of curiosity in his voice.

He saw the eye do a nodding motion, then pause slightly. It was as if the Lord of Secrets was trying to remember the exact recipe.

"The following recipe is only for your evolution to a Classification 12. These materials are the same for all descendancies, so you do not need to worry about learning incorrect reconstruction materials from other descendancies.

Additionally, as alchemy is a subject that is underrepresented, you may struggle to find the exact materials that contain these.

- Carbon. Commonly found in things such as coal and sugar.

- Hydrogen. Simple enough, found in water.

- Calcium. It is the same material your bones are made out of.

You need twenty grams of each, mixed into a fine powder. If using liquids, it can become a soup or something akin to a potion as well. It does not matter in the end as long as you consume every last drop of the material."

Noting these down, Lua looked up at the Eye that had just finished recounting the recipe and the warnings for them.

"You said this was only for Classification 12, does that mean you need more stuff for higher Classifications?" Lua asked, fearing the Lord less and less.

The Lord shook his "eye", doing a negative motion.

"Not necessarily. Most of the time, you just need different materials to go from Classification to Classification. It does not always have to be more of the previous materials."

Lua nodded understandingly, quickly noting down this information. The Lord of Secrets' ethereal voice began to shake the room once more.

"I am running out of time to spend here. You know how to reach me, but do not disturb me too often." He said, chuckling. "Even a deity needs some rest."

"Before I part though, know this, child of the Machine. Although I may be mortal enemies with the Machine, that is not necessarily true for you. I will bless you with the ability of Secrecy, so that no matter what you do, you will be able to cloak it from other existences."

After the Lord of Secrets said this, Lua's hand began to feel an intense pain as a vertical eye was slowly etched out on his skin. After the excruciating pain was over, he found that the Lord of Secrets had not given a pupil to the Vertical Eye.

Secrecy.. He certainly holds his name up as the Lord of Secrets. I shouldn't use this ability too freely, though.. I might accidentally give the Lord of Secrets a free entry to my body. As Lua pondered the potential ramifications of accepting this boon, the Eye of the Lord of Secrets began to shake violently.

"Farewell, child of the Machine." The Lord of Secrets said his goodbye, before the eye disappeared into nothingness once more.

Lua suddenly jolted awake. He was sitting at his desk, drooling over a piece of paper in his sleep.

I dreamed that? No.. that cannot be possibly right.. It was far too detailed to be a dream. Lua thought, wondering how long he had been asleep for. And besides.. Lua lifted his hand, looking straight at the pupil-less vertical eye. Lua couldn't help but chuckle at this sight.

Blessed by a God... How intriguing...

Lua stood up from his desk, pacing around the room. He moved furniture around again, but couldn't find any traces of the Vertical Eye left behind by the Lord of Secrets.

It is as I thought. He pulled me into a deep sleep, enough for me to begin drooling. Our conversation happened in the dream, but everything affected the real world in the end. Lua looked at the paper he had written notes on in the dream. The notes were still there, covered in drool partially, but his handwriting was considerably worse than the one in his dream. He laughed upon seeing this.

Sleep-writing is a task I didn't expect to master in any way..

Lua remembered the concept of evolution upon seeing the papers, and immediately fell into deep thought.

I need to decrypt the information on the gem and learn my corresponding evolution method.. I know the recipe, but I don't know how to properly move forward.

Lua suddenly got reminded of the other three symbols on the gems. Could they possibly represent other Gods?

It's possible.. Do I need to enter contact with all four gods to decrypt the information? That can't be right.. That's basically gambling my life away!

Lua shook the thoughts away and decided to find an easier solution to this problem.