
The God of Lightning

Scott Mills lives in a village on the edge of the kingdom of Prinnesia, but when he turns 16 he is forced to move to the academy of magic in the capital city of Sliphario, where he will find out what kind of element his body will be most predisposed to. However, one day Scott will come across an ancient book, most likely from the Dark Age (500 years before), and little does he know that this event will awaken what had been locked away for centuries.

Simone_7183 · Fantasy
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The Rod

It had now been another month since we left and we had seen different landscapes that went from plains filled with cultivated fields, to forests full of dangerous wild animals, to uncultivated mountains devoid of vegetation, and finally to lakes that left you completely speechless, especially for someone who has never left his village.

Taylor and I decided to camp near the lake in an open clearing so that we could keep better watch. That night it was colder than usual, so we decided to build a fire to keep warm.

<<It's really cold isn't it?>> I said to break the silence that had developed.

<<Yes, however what kind of element do you think I am most predisposed to?>> Taylor asked me.

<<For me to the light, because you've always been a very sunny and fun guy>> I replied.

<<That wouldn't be bad, but do you know how they're going to detect our predisposition?>>

<<didn't your parents tell you that? Whatever, it's basically an empty room with a crystal in the middle that reacts according to type of magic and only students taking test can enter it>>.

<<But sorry how does it woks...>>.

Suddenly I found myself hooded and dragged away by weight, tried to draw my sword, but I received a kick right in the stochamel that made me spit blood and was immediately followed by a violent blow to the head that knocked me unconscious.

I woke up in a small cage that only allowed me to sit cross-legged, but I wasn't alone because I could hear noises coming from other people, but because of the darkness I couldn't see. So I tried to call Taylor and indeed he answered <<Scott is that you? Where are we?>>

<<I think they kidnapped us and now have locked up somewhere. Who knows how long it has been>>

<<Did they bring more people? I feel very sorry for you guys. I've been here about a year, sometimes take us to underground auctions where try sell the nobles>> said a male voice.

<<Shit the situation is critical>> I replied to the man.

<<Haven't we ever tried to escape?>> asked Taylor.

<<It is impossible for us to escape because we are all without mana, that's why they sell as slaves>

<<_We still don't know how to use magic, that's why we were heading Sliphario>> I said.

<<Impossible, if you are here it is because they know that have no mana>>

Taylor and I remained silent, because this seemed very strange, but in fact we had never had mana awakenings. And, thanks to these awakenings rich people are able to teach their children already basic spells, but without knowing their major affinity.

After a while a door opens and I see a figure approaching, although I can't bring it into focus because of the intense light.

We did not get on a wagon because we always walked and we were not that far from the destination. Then I was able to deduce that we were in a city because once we were outside there was a lot of noise, but if no one noticed us it means that we were in a street parallel to the main street and that no one does.

Once we entered another building they took off our hoods and I could see that it was a huge, empty room with a door that would most likely lead into the auction hall, I also saw my sword and necklace ,which my mom gave me, which were in an open box also ready to be sold.

<<Scott >>

<<Scott! >>

<< Ah excuse me Taylor, what is it? >>

<<Do you have an idea in mind to get out of this mess?>>

<<Unfortunately not, and hopefully we haven't strayed too far from our path>>

<<Hey you! Stop talking>> said a guard heading toward me <<I think we'll just start the auction with you. A boy of rare beauty and so young can be worth a good amount money>>.

So he took me by force and led me toward the door and we waited for the seller to finish the presentation.

 <<And 10 here is our first auction we start with this young boy who can do difficult manual labor and the starting bid gold coins>>

Heck 10 gold coins! I could live for at least a year on that amount.

I stood in the center of a stage surrounded by stands that could hold at least a thousand people.

<<Before we start with the stakes, however, it is customary for us to test show you that has no mana>>said the salesman.

And he took out a crystal holding it in one gloved hand and with the other he grabbed my hand and put it on top of the crystal and at the same moment I felt a jolt go through my whole body, shattering the crystal and leaving the whole audience speechless.

<<Impossible you should not even possess mana! Let alone rarest element in the world>> said the seller with a trembling voice.

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