
The God Of Life

When people are poor, they breathe wrong. Ding, congratulations to the host, you will get a certain amount of money every time you breathe. Ding, you get a spicy consumption card when you eat a crayfish with explosive taste. Ding, your sleep quality is very high today. Gain energy + 20% of your daily buff. Different Shenhao system, everything in life will bring surprises. Coach, I want to learn to race!

TheBigAut · Urban
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9 Chs

God of Life Chapter 1: When people are poor, they breathe wrongly

The world can be challenging, revealing its beauty predominantly to the affluent.

In July, a fire broke out, and the city resembled a steaming pot.

Wang Yan, shirtless, reclined in a wicker chair in the shade of his small courtyard, struggling with the intense heat. Despite a persistent stomach ache and two bouts of vomiting yesterday, the aftereffects lingered, leaving him hungry but unable to eat.

His cellphone rang suddenly, and with weary effort, Wang Yan answered, "Hello?"

"Wang'er! He Meng's college banquet is set for the 2nd. Will you be attending?" Wang Yonglei's enthusiastic voice echoed from the speaker.

Wang Yan could empathize with Wang Yonglei's excitement. He Meng, a graduate of the experimental high school, was widely admired for her beauty, captivating many boys with her slender waist, long legs, and flawless skin.

Yesterday, He Meng had turned heads in hot pants and a loose long T-shirt, revealing enticing legs that drew the attention of many boys.

Thinking about He Meng's appearance and charm, Wang Yan felt a certain emotion but responded with two words that contradicted his feelings, "Don't go!"

"Huh?" Wang Yonglei seemed puzzled. "Really? Why? She's stunning! What's your take?"

"It's not my scene. Why bother?" Wang Yan's reluctance stemmed from a recent unpleasant experience at Liu Weilong's college dinner.

Wang Yan's red envelope offering was modest, and he faced scornful looks and sarcastic comments. Reflecting on that humiliation, he vowed never to attend such gatherings again.

Gujiao, a mining city, was teeming with nouveau riche. Wang Yan, a representative of millions of urban farmers, lived in a low shantytown, highlighting the stark contrast between him and He Meng in this money-centric society.

Feeling angry and frustrated, Wang Yan suddenly heard a clear sound in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being selected by the Shenhao System of the Life Department."

Wang Yan's attention shifted to the Shenhao System, realizing that his breath now had the power to earn money.

Excited about this unexpected turn of events, Wang Yan experimented with his breath, discovering that each breath earned him money in the system.

Overwhelmed with the potential to accumulate wealth, Wang Yan eagerly explored the system's features and contemplated its upgrades.

On June 8th, Wang Yan completed his college entrance examination, concluding three years of hard work. Two days later, he received a significant sum of money, marking a dramatic shift in his financial situation. With newfound confidence, Wang Yan looked forward to a brighter future.