
The God of Jesters

Come here folks, let me tell you a wondrous story about a bizarre world. A world with two moons and three suns. A world where death is never the end and birth is just the beginning of misery. A world filled with stories of love, war, and betrayal. A world where the gods are bored of the mundane as much as you. And then there is I, the maestro of this bizarre world that exists solely to entertain you. So follow me and enjoy the misery as much as I do. ***** A mentally ill man who only finds the meaning of life in twisted entertainment stumbles upon the supernatural world. A world full of chaos, and entities that can cause one to go mad. But what if you are mad to begin with. Let’s watch our Jester as he crafts entire plays to entertain an audience that only exists in his head. #delusional-protag #evil-protag #mischivious-protag #tragedy #multiple-povs #curses #horror #lovecraftian #hidden-world #narrator #magic #infinity-novel

GoGo · Horror
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411 Chs

2.15.1 The secret of the dream

Things are not always what they appear to be on the surface.

The ill girl, although appearing just like other victims of dream sickness, held an insane amount of dark magic in her body. Which felt somewhat similar to someone Maisel had been hunting.

"Bring her to the Library." Remira said, intending to continue her investigation away from the public.

But Maisel was different. He was aware of how much of a fox Kairut was.

"Leave her be, she is a distraction."

The gears in his mind moved.

There was only one reason why Kairut would do this to Thalia's body. "He is out, she is just a distraction he has used."

He was aware of all the exit points that Kairut can use and hence was aware that there had been no activity from any of them, beside the main one which was used as front.

"Call the men who brought her here." At Maisel's order, the hospital staff called up the security team of Lucien's Abode who were there to answer some questions.