
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Reinforcements arrive.

'Hmm... 750 fragments. So, each kill gave me around 0.5 fragments. I can upgrade my physique now, no I should wait until I am in seclusion. Quite a bountiful harvest!' Raizel felt energised and happy after the inspection.

Taking a trip to this mortal world was a really good decision.

As Raizel sat silently on the huge rock, suddenly a question arose in his mind.

"General," he called out and as he did, the general quickly appeared before him.

With a bow, he patiently waited for the needs of the young man.

"What gods are worshipped here?" Raizel plainly asked what was on his mind.

Gnell nervously shook his head. "We don't worship any gods anymore. The two kingdoms worship two ancient spirits, the fire and the water spirit. We Verdians worship the water spirit while the Leonese worship the fire spirit."

Raizel thoughtfully nodded his head, "You worshiped gods in the past?"

"Indeed sire, around a thousand year ago, our ancestors worshipped a god, but after praying to him for hundreds of years and receiving no response, the practice gradually came to an abrupt end." The general explained whatever he knew without much thought.

"Do you know the name of this god? Or perhaps have any idea of his powers?" Raizel asked.

Hearing this, general Gnell lowered his head. He frightfully shook his head, "I am afraid not my lord."

Raizel upon witnessing that the general had no useful information on the subject waved his hand in the air and casually dismissed Gnell.

Then he fell into a deep thought.

'Could this ancient god be old man? It is indeed a possibility. He left a mark on this world and also became a god here, he also had many believers here, then why did he abandon this place. Faith from all these people would have made him incredibly powerful, yet he chose to forsake such a heaven for gods? Strange...'

Raizel made a mental note to further investigate this 'ancient god' later when he had the time.


Gnell after he was dismissed by Raizel returned to his army— that had set up a camp not too far away from where the young man was sitting.

Just as they saw him walk back, one of the soldiers got up from his seat and strolled towards Gnell.

It was Tatchima, the same soldier, who had conversed with Gnell about the hopeless situation they had found themselves in earlier.

"General what did he say?" He whispered, fearing that the other party would eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Nothing much, just asked some stuff related to gods and spirits." Gnell muttered back.

"Gods? What does he want wi- wait, don't tell me... Is he one?" Tatchima's eyes went wide, he clearly had not expected this development.

"Shh... Don't talk loudly. Listen, I have no idea what or who he is, but he definitely is not human and we should at no cost offend him. Angering him will bring nothing but doom to us and our entire nation." Gnell said with a solemn expression.

Tatchima nodded his head as both of them walked back to the camp. The soldiers there did not chatter or even speak loudly, the incident earlier had scratched their psyche.

Looking at their pitiful faces, Gnell wasn't affected. Had he not been a little more experienced, he would have been no better than them.

He sat down and waited patiently for the reinforcements.

As time went on, the sound of heavy footsteps was once again heard around the desolate plain.

Gnell got up, in the distance he could see an army. It consisted of more than a thousand men dressed in crimson red armour.

Leading them was a fierce looking middle-aged man with long brown hair. He had tanned skin and had the appearance of a ferocious tiger.

"Rudolf is here..." Gnell said in a low voice.

The distant army soon closed the distance and appeared before them. Their numbers were menacing and so was the presence they excluded.

They were no simple men, they were an elite army of the Verdian Kingdom. They were specifically trained and had the might superior to all other armies their size.

As general Rudolf saw general Gnell, a smile appeared on his face.

"You aren't dead. Looks like the army did not attack you afterall. You sure are a lucky bastard Gnell!" He said in a loud, friendly tone.

However, contrary to his expectations, Gnell did not speak and maintained his serious face. This instantly made Rudolf frown.

Gnell was his old war buddy, so everytime they met, they would talk to each other in a vile yet friendly manner.

But today was different...

"Is everything alright?" Rudolf asked as he looked at the army behind Gnell, it appeared perfectly fine.

"Look there..." Suddenly Gnell pointed in a specific direction.

Rudolf raised his brow, but nonetheless complied to the request.

He cast his gaze in the direction Gnell was pointing towards. As the image of the scene scribbled into his mind, his lips slowly parted, and words of shock left his mouth:

"Oh my god!"