
The God In Asthy Kingdom

The never ending story of Asthy Kingdom came to an end after the Gods and Devils reunited. Asta However Defeated GOFONME but this was left as a mystery because Asta lost his memory after the Fight. Asta, the superior of the Devils became a God who was made the protector of Asthy Kingdom after the AMAXON War ended. He lost almost all his love ones during the fight including his dearest "Daira"... Asta also didn't remember Daira but he always sees part of her face in his dreams. Daira was already living her next life in another Universe, As they struggled to get along, past enemies arises to retaliate on the Gods. Find out more... Brought to you by Big Maker...

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12 Chs

Chapter 10: The Battle Formation...

The Devils united together and were waiting for their new Superior to show up.

Since Lucifer Returned he haven't come to meet the Devils, he have been leaving in the shadows as he gives orders to them.

Lucifer decided to show up to the Devils because the Gods were already aware of his Return.

The following day Asta was fully prepared to attack the Dogan Universe. Aphar already prepared all the backup fighters for Asta.

Salma also carried some of her top warriors to support the fight. Kalli and Galeo were also prepared for the fight.

Fug and Yonal will also be joining the fight once they're done taking care of things in the universe that they went to protect.

News got the Dogan that Asta and the Gods and preparing to invade so he also prepared to await them.

Dogan is a Creator who have a white Oakin of creation, this is an ability that enables a GOKULA to create any kind of being he wants.

Dogan quickly multiply the elders to ten and loaded them with enough powers and abilities.

Avalon was also fully prepared, she didn't want to hold back like she did the last time when she was fighting with Salma.

Asta: Okay, the last time we were there, I looked around and discovered that we have four major people to take care off which is very important.

Salma: I think you mean the three elders because am taking Avalon, leave her to me.

Dogan on the other hand was also preparing his formation.

Dogan: Asta the son of Asto is extremely powerful, they say that he defeated GOFONME but I don't quite take that to be true. On the other hand is Salma, she is the sister of Asta.

Avalon: Let me take care of her, after all we both have an unfinished business together.

Dogan: Next is Kalli the God of War, he is also very powerful, he can fight with dead armies.

Elder A: (one of the three elders) Let me handle his.

Dogan: Of course, but you're not doing it alone, take one of the new Doganites with you.

Elder B: Let me handle the next person.

Dogan: of course, he is not a God so we don't have a problem with him. The Gods managed to defeat Paka in the universe we were invading, now they're coming to us. We have to show them what we're made of.

(On GOFONME's universe)

Asta: They invaded a universe and killed lots of innocent lives, now we're going after them. We have to show them what we're made of.

(On the Dogan Universe)

Dogan: The Gods have survived for centuries without their GOKULA, they're not kids so we have to treat them like adults, show no mercy today.

They're not coming alone, They will definitely have backup fighters so we need to prepare for what ever that is going to show up. If we can drive them out of our universe, the next battle is going to be in their universe and we're going to burn it down to the ground.

Avalon: we won't let you down.

Harlan: Who is my opponent darling.

Harlan is the wife of Dogan, she is one bad bitch. She loves and sound lovely but she is ruthless than Dogan himself.

After Dogan Harlan Is the next in Power, her abilities is unstoppable. Even Dogan doesn't like to provoke Harlan because she is very hard to calm down.

Dogan: I wasn't expecting you to get involved on this fight. (he said to Harlan)

Harlan: My Universe is at stake here, and also my baby girl. (Referring to Avalon)

Avalon: Mum, I will be fine and we're going to protect our universe, you don't have to worry yourself.

Harlan: Am fine, am okay and I promise to control myself.

Dogan: Avalon, please talk to your mother, maybe she might listen to you.

Avalon: Mum, we're going to be fine, okay let's do it this way, we're going to call you when we need backup.

Harlan: No I can't.

Avalon: Mum, please do this for me, please.

Harlan: Okay, fine I will.

Dogan: Don't come to the battle front no matter what.

The reason why Dogan doesn't want Harlan to join the fight is because she easily gets out of control and she is going to fight and kill until there is nothing left to fist on.

Once Harlan gets out of control, she knows no one, the last time she almost killed Avalon, or let me say she did kill her but Dogan managed to revive her somehow.

Why Harlan is so special to Dogan is because he fell in love with her while she was a young girl.

Dogan didn't create Harlan, she is a child of another GOKULA like him, that's why her powers are extremely great.

Apart from the three elders and the extra once Dogan created, he also have two warriors that he doesn't joke with.

These two warriors are like Guardian fighters, their work is to go to other universes and get work done for Dogan.

For Centuries now Dogan have being invading other universe in cold blood, he have also been killing other Superiors in these universes.

Dogan wanted to be famous just like GOFONME and Asta, he wanted others to speak of him, he doesn't mind what they speak about him Whether good or bad, all he wants is for him to be talked about.

Dogan cleared a very large premises that is enough to contain the war.

The space Dogan created was one tenth of his universe, he was all set and was waiting for Asta and his people to show up.

Asta already finished drawing the formation of his plan, he have already finished setting everything up and all that was remaining was for them to start heading to the Dogan Universe.

Just as they were to leave, an urgent message arrived requesting that Asta Should show up at the new Underworld or the two children of Maya will be killed.

To be continued...