
The God's Reincarnation in Another World

A certain god is feeling bored and decides he wants to experience something new and exciting. He creates a bucket list of all the things he wants to do and sets out to reincarnate in another world to live out his fun life. Then, one day after he reincarnated, he suddenly lost all of his godly powers and memories as he became stuck in an unknown place. However, in return, he was granted a system with an AI that will help him with his needs. From then on, he starts his adventure in an unknown place filled with demons while being a mortal with no godly powers. •.•.•.• The system doesn't appear in the novel until chapter 10 or so. Hello everyone I'm the author of this novel and the description may seem like a story book for a child but I assure you it is not. Also although I'm still a novice writer I will do my best to write you all entertaining chapters and I hope you'll come to like this novel. Thank you.

LazyWriter069 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 6 - Spirit Summoning [1]

The afternoon lessons ended early when the competition ended faster than they thought. The students returned to their dorms satisfied from watching the fight between Catherina and another top-ranked student earlier.

Catherina and Sian also returned to their house. Catherina had a blush on her face on the way home. Sian pretended not to notice, though he glanced at her face once in a while.


Was what he thought. His mind then changed to thinking about how he would change Catherina's strength. There were many ways to do so, but almost all of them would reveal his power.

Sian's thinking of ways to increase Catherina's strength was interrupted when they arrived back at their house. They quickly entered, less they meet some annoying people(Evan). The house had two floors, with the bathroom, living room, and kitchen on the first floor. The second floor contained three rooms, two of them were occupied by Sian and Catherina, and the other was empty.

Catherina told Sian that she wanted to take a bath first, so he should eat dinner before her.

"I'm still not that hungry yet, Lady Catherina. I'll wait for you to finish so we can eat dinner together."

Sian explained to her that he wasn't hungry yet and that they should eat dinner together. It was just an excuse. Sian just wanted to eat with her.

Hearing his reply, Catherina meekly nodded her head.

"O-Okay... but if you get hungry, you can eat first, okay?"

She said as she dashed to the bathroom. After their short conversation, Sian headed to the living room, tidying it up. He sat on the sofa and positioned himself in a comfortable position. He turned on the TV and watched a reporter with some scales growing out of his body.

"The saints from all around the world just announced that th-"

The TV screen turned off with a push of a button. Sian hurriedly got up from the sofa when he remembered something.

"That's right, as a butler, I should be the one to prepare dinner for the both of us. I don't know how to cook, though. Well, I'll just get takeout for dinner tonight, I guess."

He made a note to himself to learn how to cook later, when he had time, and left the house as he teleported to another continent. To be specific, the Elven continent.


A few oceans away, on a continent, stood a gigantic tree taller than the clouds above, its roots deeply embedded within the earth.

It was a tree that had been around for thousands of years, and some believe it was even around before the beginning of life. There was no evidence proving their claims, so it remained a myth for all.

The tree was what you can find in some fantasy books where elves exist. It was a famous tree called Yggdrasil. A tree that is said to be the center of the world and the originator of elves.

Currently, on that same tree, an elf was cooking a meal for Sian. The elf was basically naked except for the leaves that covered the important parts of her body.

She had two long ears, long white hair that reached her back, and a pair of eyes that were both black and silver. She was taller than most men and had a voluptuous figure to go with her lovely face, which Sian thought was the most beautiful of any woman he had ever seen.

The restaurant Sian teleported to was her place. It was on top of the world tree. Sian had been here before, as he often visited this place when he was either bored or hungry.

He discovered this place a month ago when he got bored in the hotel. When he arrived on the Elven continent, he saw the incredible sight of a huge tree that reached the sky.

He instantly became interested and wanted to explore the tree. However, he was disappointed because, other than the fact that it was very large, it was like any normal tree. He didn't stop going up the tree until he reached the very top.

The top was above the sea of clouds, and it was full of large leaves, each of which was as big as a man. He didn't expect to find anything interesting up there, so he was surprised when he saw a small house in the very center.

He immediately teleported and went inside the small house. It was just like any other house. It had a living room, a bathroom, a room, and a table near the kitchen.

The first time he entered the kitchen, he was shocked to see a woman naked, with leaves covering only important parts of her body.

"Oh my, a guess? I haven't had one for a very long time, but it seems that you are a human. Interesting, the only ones to have ever visited me were the queens of elves."

"I'm sorry for rudely entering your home. I really didn't expect for anyone to be here." That was a lie; he had been hoping for someone to be living inside the house.

"No worries. Come sit down; the food I'm cooking is almost done. At least join me for a meal before you leave." The beautiful elf said inviting Sian for a meal while her large chest heaved up and down every time she spoke.

"Then I'll gladly take your offer. Please excuse me" He said as he seated himself in the chair offered by the beautiful elf. He was still surprised by all of this, especially the sight of the almost-naked elf, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't happy about this surprise.

He was offered a meal by a beautiful girl, and an elf at that, so of course he won't refuse.

A few minutes later, the elf finished cooking her food, and the next thing you knew, she was already seated on a chair.

The empty table was no longer empty as two plates with utensils magically appeared on the table. The plates were then filled with the food she had cooked.

It was a dish cooked using many different kinds of ingredients. Dragon meat, Yggdrasil leaves, herbs and spices that can only be found near the giant tree, and lastly, sauce made from very rare ingredients Of course, Sian didn't know about any of that.

Still, he ate it all in a way that would make others think he was eating the most delicious food in the world, which he was.

The elf couldn't help but be entranced while looking at him eat her food. She was very happy to see someone enjoy her food.

Suddenly, when Sian was done eating, he realized that he might have been gone for too long and Catherina might be looking for him.

"Thank you for the food. It was really delicious, but I think I have to leave now. Please forgive me for suddenly leaving and rudely entering your house before." He slightly bowed his head. He was grateful that she treated him to a meal, so he was feeling guilty for suddenly leaving.

"It's fine don't worry about it. And if you would like, you can come visit me here anytime you want, whenever you feel like it." She said. Though her voice seemed a little lonely.

On the other hand, Sian was overjoyed when he heard her words. He would be able to come here anytime he wants and eat her delicious food while at it. So, of course, he agreed to her offer.

"Yes! I'll be sure to come back. After all, I want to taste your delectable food again! Bye!" He left behind those words as he left with a smile.

Now it was time to return to the present, where Sian was leaving with a large plate full of food made by the elf.

"Thank you again for agreeing with my request, Geneia. I'm sure Catherina will like it. Bye!"

The beautiful but almost naked elf Geneia was left alone in her home. Her face became a little gloomy when Sian left, but it once again turned bright as she laughed at herself.

"I can't believe I'm getting jealous of a 19-year-old girl. Though it'd be a lie to say I didn't get jealous whenever he happily talked about her. He's clearly in love with her. Still, I won't give up on obtaining his heart. So he better be ready the next time he comes here!"

Unbeknownst to Sian, he would be getting a surprise of a lifetime the next time he visits.


Sian returned to the house and prepared the dinner he brought to the table. Catherina had already finished washing herself and was now in her room, picking out what pajamas to wear later.

She came down the stairs when Sian's voice calling that dinner was ready reached her ears. She was surprised to see delicious-looking food on the table, not to mention the smell that could make anyone hungry.

"Did you make this?"

"No. Someone I know gave it to me when I went outside looking for dinner to eat." They didn't talk anymore as they began eating their food, and just like Sian, she found herself liking the food very much and ate it all in a graceful manner.

"That was really delicious, Sian! It was even better than what the chefs make back at my father's mansion." She praised it, and Sian made sure to convey her words of praise to Geneia the next time he came.

"I'm glad you liked it, Lady Catherina." He said that before changing the topic at hand.

"Mmmm. Didn't I tell you to call me just Catherina if it's just the two of us?" She puffed her cheeks as she told Sian.

"I forgot Lad—I mean Catherina."


"Catherina, would you like to take a look at this book? It is said that with this book you would be able to summon the spirit of an element you have great affinity with, and that spirit would also help you increase your strength." He just took out a book out of nowhere. It was a book that could cause many magicians to fight over it.

Catherina didn't even question where the book came from or how he got it, as it was from Sian. As they say, love can really make one blind. You get what i mean here, right?

In truth, the book was much more valuable than a mere spirit summoning book. It was engraved with something that can summon spirit queens or kings. Sian wanted to make it summon spirit gods, but after thinking about it, he decided against it. The current Catherina wouldn't be able to handle the blessing of such powerful beings.

"Why don't you give it a try, La—Catherina, but I must warn you. You only have one attempt in summoning a spirit, if you fail then you fail there are no second chances."

"Okay, I'll try it!"

She replied enthusiastically, and Sian handed her the book, and she immediately poured some of her Aeven into the book as per his instruction. The book turned the color of an iceberg, and suddenly the whole house's temperature dropped below zero. Sian made sure that it wouldn't leak outside.

The glowing book levitated in the air and turned into ice before shattering into millions of pieces. Following the process, a bright light shined in the room, and a gentle voice resounded in the place.

"Are you perhaps the one who summoned me, little girl?" The voice questioned her, and her figure was revealed afterwards.

She had a blue crown hanging above her head, along with a blue dress and pale white and blue skin. She was two times taller than a man. As for her eyes, they were covered with chains of ice.

She was one of the most powerful spirit queens in history.

She was the one who held the title "Chains of Eternity."

She was.

Sfragismena Queen Aneira