
The Goblin's Feast

“Goblin or not, we all deserve to live in this world” The world is full of wonders, terrors, monsters, and demons, and Blake Heathens must find a way to survive. The slightest mistake will kill him and everything he loves. But having to learn the mysterious Tear of Life, his goal went astray. “I shall revive my family,” He said and at once set off a quest to find this immortal treasure. However, what lies beyond was something he had never expected. The Twelve Kingdoms of Demancian shares the same goal; and what happens next is for you to find out... -The book cover belongs to FJFT-Art https://www.deviantart.com/fjft-art/art/Goblin-archer-551201383

kuhaku_sora · Fantasy
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178 Chs

The Story Behind the Orcs

The winged beasts plummet to the ground one after the other, soaked in scalding water with an arrow piercing their feathered wings. Sadly, I have never roasted a single chicken for dinner since then as I instantly killed them with my intense liquid. I don't know if the villagers below would gather these corpses, but I am really longing for some grilled poultry right now.

"All clear up here," I announced while gradually descending from the sky, firing my shaft at my right hand and water spheres at my other. "How's the status here?"

"Great! Never been better," Elanor commented in a sarcastic tone while creepingly flashes me a smile.

I only shrug my shoulders and continue firing my spells at the monsters while keeping the wild orc busy. Bill and Douglas focus on evacuating the villagers while the rest of the elves join forces to defend our lives.

Those who have the will to fight and get involved have the chance to weld on the battlefield and give any aid they can. Fortunately, the villagers who learned the beginner's sword springs into action, parrying the boars at the side, making our job less strenuous if we were alone.

"Do you have any plan in mind to stop this thing from rampaging?" I direct my question to the wheezing Elanor. He had been out of breath since the time he was buying us time to assemble and defeat the orc.

Unfortunately, the arrows thrown by Elanor deal no damage at all to the orc's skin, leaving us bewildered at the moment. Even the blades that Elanor used as his weapon of some sort cannot graze the callus of the maddened monster.

"Spells might work," I suggested while conjuring a sizable water sphere enough to push back any beings.

In a flash, Elanor disrupts my focus and banishes my spell using his bare hands. I can see in his eyes that the magic circle he had activated and ruined the formation of my magic circle.

Even the familiar window appeared before me and gave me a warning that my spell collided with a force that had ended it into nothingness.

"Hey! That orc should probably be dead right now!" I retorted while unlatching my arm from his firm grip.

"Save your arcane for later," Elanor whispered while looking closely behind the bushes.

At first, I had thought that this elf has gone senile because of old age. However, as I discerned closely at the shrubs, I saw multiple shadows dashing forth on the trees, wanting to escape after finding out their presence.


"Yes," Elanor replied while clicking his tongue in dismay.

"They're waiting for an opportunity to take both of us down the strongest warriors of the village."

Elanor summons his recurve and shoots an arrow towards the townspeople, nearly hitting one of them on the head. Thankfully, Bill's reaction time clips his hands on the dart, wondering the reason behind the lost bolt.

Eventually, his face turned pale, recognising something that only the two of them know. I, who could not understand a thing about what was happening around me, tugged on his tunic and asked him a question.

"Why are they doing this? Who are they? What do they want? And when do you think they'll attack?"

"You're more annoying than that bastard," Elanor shushes me with his wind magic and quickly materialises another to form a barricade to block the orc's attack.

"I hope he's not here,"

"Who is not here?" I repeated, twisting my brain to come upon an answer of my own. "Who should not be here and must be here?"

"That is the least of our importance. Right now, I advise you to duck and fire your water ball on your left,"

I listened to his instructions and hastily lowered my head, unwittingly eluding the wild pebbles hurled in our direction. Elanor has already vanished beside me and sniped the rest of the ogres throwing whatever they can at the battlefield.

"Way to go, Elan!" I yelled and came up with a nickname that I can tease him.

He abruptly swivels to me and leers into my eyes, non-verbally taking something that I need to give.

"My apologies, Elanor." I gulped while letting my cold sweat burn my right eye, unable to wipe or blink it.

"That's right, goblin," Elanor concluded the conversation while angrily slashes the poor ogre careering behind the trees operating his enchanted long-bow.

It has been a long time since I have heard him calling me that. I believe elves do not distinguish other races and name them out of respect. They only call a monster a monster if it plays havoc with their Kingdom, particularly the wild boars inhabiting the jungle.

They have witnessed few goblins from here and there, but they never interacted with them because of their foul odour and intellect. These green sprites only have invaluable goods for the elves and deemed it necessary to converse with them.

"That reminds me of something," I voiced out my concerns. "I have yet to see a goblin in this pack of monsters."

"Neither do I, Lake." Elanor furrows his eyes and discerns more monsters rushing over a distance, with numbers reaching for hundreds or even nearly to a thousand.

"Maybe they are back up of the horde?" I guessed while preparing my bow and arrows at each side of the map.

'We still haven't dealt with the frenzied orc, and now we have another thing to handle?' I release an exhale, wondering when this problem will end.

As I peer closely at the pavement, I can see midget-sized creatures rashly waddling with their peers. It was a sight to behold, as if they were ugly ducklings marching for a race. However, they were no ordinary animals.

They are a gang of hideous, green goblins, just like me.

"Your friends?" Elanor asked while pointing his finger at the mob and back to me.

"I am a goblin, but that's just rude!"

"Hey, Dad!" A familiar voice echoes through our eardrums, accompanied by a gust hitting the neighbouring boars. "How are you holding?"

"We're fine, my lovely daughter!"

"By fine, do you mean getting ourselves killed by that Humongous hand?" I instinctively raise my hand and cast a tidal wall, deflecting the massive meat over to the side.

That simple spell cost me half of my arcane capacity, nearing to drain all of my mana if the orc prolongs the match. It was a good thing that Natalia supported us with her sorcery, continuously striking both the horde of goblins and monsters and this disgusting bastard.

"Square up, you two," She utters while gliding over to our side, mimicking my movements when I use my water jets.

I could only force a snicker, knowing that this petite elf imitating my moves. Natalia had been learning from the master, and I commend her actions for that.

'I forgive you for your actions,' I nod in satisfaction, knowing she will excel more than me in this pace.

"I won't let you steal the show just like that!" I excitedly exclaimed while pivoting upwards using my trademark spell, waterjets.

Stretching my hands, I call forth a massive whirlpool akin to the twister I invoked from before. Afterwards, I combined the vortex with [Mistify] and [Hail], making it more devastating than a customary maelstrom.

"Brace yourselves," I mumble to my comrades, hoping they would heed my instructions.

All of my allies shielded their vulnerable bodies and hurriedly went to the shelter. The soldiers grouped up and formed a dome made of dirt and wood, wishing that their spell would last enough to keep them alive.

I, who seemed unaffected by the storm, spots the orc desperately clinging to the old bark, frightened about the whirlpool devouring anything on its way.

"Not so tough now, orc," I grumble while deliberately hovering closer to its side, admiring the shaking body of the vile creature.

The orc tried seizing the chance and attempted to grab me by the neck, but alas, I rendered his efforts useless.

I watch him cling to the glimmer of hope that he has as he grabs hold on to the tree, soon to fall off in just a few seconds.

"Goblin, I will kill you,"

"I've heard that a million times before. Don't you have anything else to say to me? "I responded, striving to act cool amidst the situation.

"Our clan will remember what you did,"

"So, you refuse to give up when you guys attack us in the first place!" I raised my voice and conjured a lasso made of water, another skill that I made up just now.

"No! Everyone must hear our voice no matter what circumstances we are in!" The orc intensely growls at me with all his sputum showering my face.

It was a good thing that I can efficiently control water. If I had not, then he would have already littered my face with the orc's awful saliva.

"We demand our freedom," The hazel orc continued. "It is our right to live freely in this world."

"Says who?"

"Alk White,"

[Congratulations! You have unlocked a new skill]

-unlock skill

[Water Lasso]-Summons a rope made of water. The more arcane power it has, the tougher the lasso could get. It can reach up to 50 feet in length. Arcane cost 60. Damage per strike 30.