
The Goblin's Feast

“Goblin or not, we all deserve to live in this world” The world is full of wonders, terrors, monsters, and demons, and Blake Heathens must find a way to survive. The slightest mistake will kill him and everything he loves. But having to learn the mysterious Tear of Life, his goal went astray. “I shall revive my family,” He said and at once set off a quest to find this immortal treasure. However, what lies beyond was something he had never expected. The Twelve Kingdoms of Demancian shares the same goal; and what happens next is for you to find out... -The book cover belongs to FJFT-Art https://www.deviantart.com/fjft-art/art/Goblin-archer-551201383

kuhaku_sora · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Leef and the Worcestershire

[Congratulations! Your skill {Water Jet} brought light to a new ability!}]


-Summons a fountain of water emerging from the ground. The water will depend on the user's ability, temperature, and the arcane power inputted on the skill. It can also block a certain amount of incoming projectiles!

Costs 40 arcane.

[Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 10!]

[Congratulations! You earned the Kings acknowledgement {King Elanor of the Elven race and King Markus of humanity!} Title earned: {Viscount}, {Elanor's apprentice}, {Decent monster}, {Loyal Leader-Friend}]

[because of your continuous growth, the system rewards you with 10 additional status points!]

[Name]: {Lake White}

[Titles]: {Viscount}, {Elanor's apprentice}, {Decent monster}, {Loyal Leader-Friend}

[Species]: {Goblin}

[Occupation]: {none}

[Age]: {0.05 year old}

[Class]: {none}

[Level 10] {Next Level-> 192/18,000 Experience}

[Stat points]-{0+19}

[STR]- 2 [VIT]- 2 [MEN]- 3

[DEX]- 11 [INT]- 40 (21+19) [LCK]-1

[M. DMG]-25

[CRT]- 0.02%

[H. RATE]- 105.%

[C. DMG]- 14.0%

[DEF]- 2

[P. RES]- 1.0%

[M. RES]- 0.3%

[EVD]- 3.0%

— [Health] --- {10/10 [+0.5 Hp regeneration per minute]

— [Arcana] --- {554/599 [+9.23 Arc regeneration per minute]

I inputted all of my points in intelligence, increasing both my magic attacks and arcane capacity. Although I only have a vague idea of how my magic attack works on my targets, having it expand would be beneficial to me soon. I also noticed that the system added the water move-torrent to my skill list. It conjures an immense amount of arcane that can uncomplicatedly obstruct weak missiles directed at me.

Resuming my senses back to my reality, Elanor invites me to become his apprentice after witnessing me defending his brusque strike. The arrow will not kill me or cripple my limbs, but the power was enough to instil a wound on my skin. It was still a threat, and its discharge was too fast for anyone to perceive; anyone besides Natalia.

Elanor lowers his quiver and strides to my direction. I, who feel insecure about his tactics, prepared myself for another attack that he might have devised.

"I want you to be my apprentice," He repeats, offering a hand for me to accept his proposal. "And I come in peace."

But then he quickly raises and extends both of his palms after seeing my reaction, showing that he did not conceal another weapon upon his sleeves.

I could not help but wonder why this sudden event keeps happening to me. The situation has etched similarities between saving Markus' family and piquing the interest of Elanor. However,

"My apologies, Elan-, your majesty, but I would have to decline your wondrous proposal," I answered, pushing his hand off to the side.

Three of the guards rushed to the scene, infuriated about my declination to the royal's order. They raise their blades and coat their limbs with their sorcery, hoping to trample my pride.

"Silence!" Elanor's thunderous voice reaches everyone in the room, halting everyone dashing at me.

The triad guards stare at me with menacing globes, eyeing my next move. For now, my life is safe in the hands of the two King and Queen.

"Why don't we head upstairs and talk everything from there?" Reverting to her elegant disposition, the Queen approaches us with a calm voice as she signals everyone to ascend on the second floor, where their office rests ahead. The clash happened from before felt almost like a dream, continuing to drift away in the thin air without notice.

Once all of us agree, we head towards the stairs and pass a long-drawn-out hallway filled with the greenest of nature. Various plants, bugs, and other animals are open to prowl around the environment. They do not feel threatened from the elves attending to their needs. But that thought changes everything once they see my figure.

Similar to the horned rabbits, a bunch of terrifying yet adorable beasts welcomes our eyes. In this world, they have a fish with two limbs at its back and are walking freely on the aisle. Some birds have uniquely drawn feathers, more gorgeous than to those wings of the peacocks. Unfortunately, every single one of them hurriedly retreats to their cave, not wanting to show themselves as we walk by. And some distinct creatures that we discerned run opposite from our direction, shrieking for their life. Even the plants that have minds of their own curls up their leaves upon recognising the utter stench of the vile goblins.

Izz hides behind my back, anxious from the phenomenon around the place. The plants and wildlife only target us green sprites, shrilling to our existence and wanting us gone.

Goblins do not have an excellent reputation. People know about them as being outrageous pests that everyone wanted to purge entirely out from this world, and I second that motion. They are always up to no good and kidnap, usually, female species apart from their kind. Even these home plants and animals for pets know about the roots of the goblins and their infamous title. However, I have yet to see them with my own eyes and judge them from their character.

Elanor desperately asks the maids and butlers for their help to escort us three goblins to the studio without getting the nearby animals agitated where we will discuss the political manners. As for being the apprentice of the elf king, I will put that into consideration.

Finally, after walking for over half a kilometre, we arrived at the destined location at the far end corner of the residence. The two gates guarding the insides are massive for us to reach, making me feel small from its height. There are also a pair of guards safeguarding the entrance. Both of them have their quivers at their backs and blades on their hips, ready to spring into action. If I could engage myself in a battle to the death against these two, then I would probably lose.

"Open the gates," With a single phrase, the soldiers immediately push the knobs, revealing the interior of the room. The guards did not utter a word afterwards, knowing that they cannot voice any retorts in front of the king.

After stepping our feet inside the grand base, the gates gradually closed in and shut itself from behind, leaving the two servicemen protecting our posts.

"Now that problem is out of our way, would you care for a cup of tea, Lake, and you, goblin girl?" Beatrice said while walking closer to where they place the cups in the chamber's corner.

Izz places Grer's body over to the wide sofa with the help of Delwyn fluffing the pillows. My body wanted to hep them both, but Izz insisted that they can tend to our friend on her own.

Letting my eyes wonder around, I noticed these generations value their refreshments as they invite their guests inside their castles like the royalty in my world. Their sense of taste is quite rich for their town, especially when modern technology has yet to introduce itself to the people. The choice of herbs used to brew the tea are all exquisite in terms of the taste and presentation, which I have never made distinguished in my life.

"How about, you…?" Beatrice's eyes twirl to my friend, Izz, while she hesitantly hands over the warm brew.

"Yes, your majesty." Much to her surprise, Izz alluringly reacts like I did and takes the cup away from her hands.

Beatrice curls up into a smile as she witnesses the impeccable scene of goblins receiving such intelligence similar to humans. Etiquette is always a substantial thing with royal affairs and getting their respect.

However, in an instant, her image changes as Izz gobbles the entire tea in her mouth, nearly spilling the contents to the uncle-like elf by her side.

"You good for noth-," Before the bloke elf could even complete his sentence, Elanor leers to the elf's direction, not wanting to hear any pessimistic comment out of his lips.

Luckily for him, he notices the stare and bites his lips to disrupt him from spouting the next words.

"What I meant to say is, good job of holding it!" His sarcastic tone did not help the atmosphere, but it was more acceptable than his previous remark.

"Who are these couples?" I point my hand to the baffled uncle elf with his wife sipping at the couch, not minding anything at all.

Among the people that I have heard of, they are the liveliest bunch that I stumble upon. Who in the right mind would suddenly attack someone, the King and Queen, of the town?

'These two, and you, your highness, Queen, are all mentally retarded!' is what I have wanted to say, but kept it in all to myself.

"The guy is my cousin, Arion Worcestershire," Elanor jots his forefinger towards the man still glaring at the sight of both of his partner and Izz sipping on the same table.

After recognising the King's presence, Arion nervously waves his hand and starts galloping his way to the settee.

"and his wife, Sidney Worcestershire," Elanor switches his barb at the same woman Arion was staring at.

Despite their aggressive characters exhibited earlier, they both walk to the centre and introduce themselves to the King behoving like an aristocrat.

"My apologies for the late introductions, dear. I am the duchess of the Elven Kingdom,"

"Please accept my penitence. My name is Arion Worcestershire, the duke of the Elven Kingdom."

Succeeding their inauguration, gushes of wind envelopes their shoulders, forming a pendant of some sort on their respective necks. Their necklaces have a bird's crest with its wings extended towards the horizon. The same goes with Elanor's family, sharing the same animal obtrude from the centre. However, instead of the golden hue covering the Leef's family, it has a hyacinth hue coated with the shades of gilt of the beads, marking the lineage of their royal kin.