
The Goblin's Feast

“Goblin or not, we all deserve to live in this world” The world is full of wonders, terrors, monsters, and demons, and Blake Heathens must find a way to survive. The slightest mistake will kill him and everything he loves. But having to learn the mysterious Tear of Life, his goal went astray. “I shall revive my family,” He said and at once set off a quest to find this immortal treasure. However, what lies beyond was something he had never expected. The Twelve Kingdoms of Demancian shares the same goal; and what happens next is for you to find out... -The book cover belongs to FJFT-Art https://www.deviantart.com/fjft-art/art/Goblin-archer-551201383

kuhaku_sora · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Before the All-Out War

"How many monsters are there alive, Shadow?"

The Alpha wolf sticks out his nose, trying to sniff out the presence of the horde that once pursued us towards the village.

"I can sense their faint arcane, but none of them should live for long," Shadow confirms the situation, paired with [scan] ability as I can also sense them from afar.

[Your party killed seven-hundred and fifty monsters in total. The system will reward you with the amount of experience that you've earned.]

[Congratulations! You have earned the title {Monster Slayer} and {Poison Ivy}]

{Monster Slayer}- gives you +15% damage to monsters and 10% damage reductions

{Poison Ivy}- You have a better understanding of poisonous substances, making you comparatively immune when injected by one.

[Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 43!]

[Name]: {Lake White}

[Titles]: {Viscount}, {Elanor's Disciple}, {Decent monster}, {Loyal Leader-Friend}, {Monster Slayer}, {Poison Ivy}

[Species]: {Goblin}

[Occupation]: {None}

[Age]: {0.07 year old}

[Class]: {S. Class Ranger} [Tamer] {S. Class Priest}

[Level 43] {Next Level-> 41,231/60,000 Experience}

[Stat points]-{+57}

[STR]- 10 [VIT]- 10 [MEN]- 18

[DEX]- 25 [INT]- 115 [LCK]-1

[M. DMG]-58

[CRT]- 30.00%

[H. RATE]- 205.%

[C. DMG]- 40.0%

[DEF]- 2

[P. RES]- 1.0%

[M. RES]- 0.9%

[EVD]- 20.0%

— [Health] --- {100/100 [+5.0 Hp regeneration per minute]

— [Arcana] --- {1,644/1,644 [+31.02 Arc regeneration per minute}]

Now that I have levelled up and got fifty seven points, I despote them all in my intelligence points, increasing both my magic damage and arcane capacity.

'I can feel the sorcery surging through my veins!' That is what I wanted to say, but keep it all inside my head. It almost makes me feel quite embarrassed to say that despite living here for months inside a different world.

Even with these power-ups that I have received would do little to nothing at the mighty orc. Regardless of its status information, I can assure myself that the orc has more levels than Natalia and me combined. He should also have unique skills that he has yet to reveal, considering that he could hurl his bat accurately in my direction.

Pushing the window aside, Elanor escorts us back into the inn and reports what we have seen and experienced during our assault. Every detail that we have to perceive will define the results of the upcoming battle,

"So, tell me everything that has happened," Elanor rushes straight to his point and asks his fellow guards to note down all I was about to say.

"According to Imra, the monsters were approximately one-thousand with a massive orc as their leader. Their population comprises four-hundred orcs, four-hundred ogres, one-hundred boars, and the remaining one-hundred are mixtures of wild flying beasts and insects."

"How come we have not yet encountered any of these winged creatures?" One elite soldier asks, curious about their behaviours.

"Because they are still hibernating during the night," Shadow steps in the conversation and adds the information. "They can only take part in the battle during the day. These creatures are not like the bats seen in caves."

"Then that makes sense to me," I mumble to myself, trying to differentiate the two species in comparison.

"How many have you killed?" Bill interjects while marking down the previous statement I have said before. "And how many beasts do you think we need to expect if they would score a wide-scale attack?"

Natalia and I trade gazes, dwelling on a concrete answer.

"About five-hundred,"

"Five-hundred? Well, that's a small number-,"

"Five-hundred thousand more," I cut Bill's sentence off with a heavy exhale escaping my lungs.

"The camp that we had raided was their sacrificial lamb. Nothing more, nothing less," I appended while pushing pieces of blocks on the location of the bivouac. "Those guys are still out there, waiting for our next move. And even if we prepare, they would not hesitate to overwhelm us with their numbers; lots of them."

Everyone has disbelief and a grim look on their faces as they digest the words that I have said. We all thought that we would fight wandering monsters controlled by a high-ranking beast. Elanor mentioned that once in a blue moon, they congregate together and hunt a populated village.

However, in this situation, we faced a formidable matchup. An orc that could, somehow, move the mountain itself with its herculean arms. His worn-out bat looks menacing from afar, despite the ridiculous blood stains coating its tip. He also wears different accessories that enhance his physique, making him look more like a titan than an orc.

According to both Shadow's senses and my system, the boss Orc survived the catastrophe despite digesting the poison from the river. It would have been nice if the toxin could end his life here and there, but that must be too much as a Christmas gift for this lonely goblin.

"What's our plan?" I voiced out, lending my ears to those strategizing our next course of action.

If I would be the one who would start the scheme, then I would raise our defences and ready the soldiers to defend the village. The villagers could also dig a hole underground to serve as a shelter and hide inside, with a few servicemen guarding the entrance.

"We could raise our defences by barricading the outside with fences and stones. After fortifying our forts, the rest of the villagers will burrow below ground and wait for the monsters to disappear. Until then, we, the front line forces, will fend them off with the best of our abilities." Natalia exclaimed while pointing her hand at the soil in the farthest area of the town. It was the best place where we can til and make the basement unnoticeable by the monsters.

'Wait? Was that something I just said a while ago? Did she read my mind and copied everything that I wanted to say?' My mind ogles at the space while I let my regret sink inside of me.

"That's a brilliant idea!" Everyone remarked in a chorus, stupefied about the plot that Natalia uttered.

"At once, I shall call out the guards and make their way to the border of the village and set up the bar, just like you've expressed!"

Everyone who has heard his speech immediately moves to their post, trying to give life to the King's instructions. Even the villagers rush over at the setting while quickly picking their shovels to cultivate the land.

I was the only one who got left behind by the stampeding crowd, doing nothing like a surprising statue overseeing the whole town square.

"I know that was running inside your mind," Natalia moves closer to me, almost teasing as soon as she sees my crazed face. "Yet, here I am blurting it out."

"What do you want, a compliment?"

"Nothing much," She replied while deliberately walking away at the construction site. "Just happy that I can finally catch up to you, even though you're a goblin."

She left me with a smile painted on her face, content that she somehow mimicked what was running inside my mind. It was a good thing that everyone agreed on her proposal, which will boost her confidence in leading her people shortly. Natalia will be the ruler of the Elven Kingdom, right after the reign of Elanor.

"Yeah. You are getting smarter, Natalia," I eventually gave in to her pure expression, commending her for the idea she had thought.

I glimpse over to my side and find Shadow and Imra scanning the area. They will not work unless I tell them to do so, showing off their loyalty towards me.

"Master, issue us a command,"

"Yeah, Lake. I'm bored!"

The two of them concomitantly cry out, waiting for something to do instead of idling around.

"In the meantime, why don't you help the villagers dig the ground," I instructed while pointing towards Bil. "They sure need your help as dire wolves."

I have read an article once about dogs love to burrow in the ground for prey or food. These dogs may dig a hole and stash away food or items of shelter. This behaviour is a natural preservation instinct of hounds, and these two aren't an exemption.

"On it, chief!"

"That seems kinda fun!"

The two of them excitedly dashes forth, completely ignoring my presence from behind.

"Be sure to listen to what the villagers are going to say!" I yelled, hoping they would heed my advice.

"Now, what the hell am I supposed to do?" I mumble to myself, pondering the purpose of my existence in this field instead of dilly dallying around. "There must be something that only I can do."

I was never a fan of doing such a minor task unless I am needed to comply. It seems like my two pets are already off to their jobs and took my place for finishing these tasks.

I want something more exhilarating. Something that can trigger my desire amidst all these dangers we are up against to live our lives.

Suddenly, an idea pops out of my mind and puts it into action. Using my signature water jets, I fly above the ground and witness the four bright moons settled at different locations, providing us with their bright moonlight.
