
The Gnoll Story

The Gnoll Story Fan Made story that takes place in the world of Warcraft universe. The story takes place right before the Warcraft classic starts from the game, and it will continue to the most recent expansion of the mmo. The is a sub story that may deviate a lot from the actual history and telling of Warcraft, in other words the main plot points and themes will be present, however told in a different way. This story is purely written for fun! Disclaimer slight romance with little to no harm, and no adult scene will be elaborated on! The story follows our main protagonist who was once neck breaded man named Lanthios who died and reincarnated into the Warcraft universe as a baby Gnoll! Read and watch as our champion...oops I mean adventure! Goes on a long journey from being a creature slightly stronger than a normal human man to a freak of nature paladin! Gifted with an unnatural high affinity with “the light” our adventure must go save his sister who is captured by the legion forces! But how will he do so?? And whom will he do it with?? And more importantly who will teach our young Gnoll the ways of the paladin! Well, one must read and find out! Author notes check out my other novel: The Unforgiven Satyr! Disclaimer: This novel has nothing to do with the Warcraft universe, it is written completely from my head! And please give me you power stones!

Sulfates_Cidif · Video Games
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The Hunt  

Day 2 Continue

In dense forest moonlight fails to reach those who call upon Elune's grace for even her spies with big o'll owl eyes fail to spot those who pray for moonlight light. But when moonlight fails to reach, then moonlight's shadow shall cover those who are hidden, with a howl!

[Haha, come on out little rabbits! We know you are there...alive and well!] Said Xavian


[No response, fine… you three! Go pry open those carriage doors and drag them out!]

With three nodes the men quickly approached the carriage when boom the carriage door came flying up! Within a smoke covering came a man attached to its underbelly! Without wasting time, the mysterious man throws knives at a furious pace. caught unaware the three satyrs could do nothing as razor-sharp knives rushed into their bodies slowly killing them for, they were coated in the most lethal of poison.

Oh how they tried to retaliate but they quickly found that even moving their body was impossibly slow, no! Even moving a finger was hard to do. That even their very thoughts became slow and sluggish. What made matters worse for them was that even the simple act of breathing made it feel like their lungs were on fire! While the three were busy coughing their lungs a mysterious dagger ended up pricing their backs!

With the three henchmen dead, the mysterious man turned to face the group of satyrs and said:

[Well, well look how the mighty has fallen! If it isn't Xalan the feared! What is the once great general of the war of the satyrs doing all the way out here? Or are times so bad that even you have been reduced to that of a mere bandit?]

[Haha don't play with me! I know you're just trying to buy time for your companions to escape! Do you really think that I would fall for your poor use of provocation or that I wouldn't come prepared? Jannok Breezesong!]

[A! So, you know me then? I'm honored! really for I never knew that my name would have received one as yourself.]

[Of course! I make it my job to note any worthwhile night elf rogue! After all, I must always be ready to receive your "kind". Either way, you should have just been a good night elf and stayed locked away in your big tree! Like the rest of your noisy race!]

[Well, I'm sorry to have disappointed you! After all, the call to adventure was just that great! Having said that, please do tell me why someone who is as important as you is all the way out here. For I seriously doubt that you came all the way here to kill little old me.]

[Enough little elf! You're about to learn why I earned the title "The Feared". Jalzzos! Make yourself useful and kill this little elf!]

"Haha, with pleasure boss! Men! You heard the boss! Charge!"

[Sigh, is this all the great general has to offer? Just throwing his men into the fray? I seriously doubt it, just by looking at that evil grin, anyone can tell he must be planning something… I hope Cynthia is able to get away with the kids for I fear that's what they are truly after… but how could they have known about them?

Even I only happen to stumble across them. If they are truly their goal, then it's even more punitive to get them to safety, I can only imagine what vile thing they have planned for the children. But first things first! I need to survive this predicament!]

As the satyr charged forward with no regard for their lives, Breezsong zipped in and out of stealth stunning and killing those he could for his plan was simple just do what rogues do best! However, it was suspicious as to why these groups of satyrs were so weak! For they were composed of either very low-skilled rogues or very weak warlocks who only knew how to stand there and cast shadow bolts with low curses.

But as he killed and kept killing, he eventually stopped at his tenth victim! As he slowly pulled out his sharp jagged dagger from his last victim's back, he looked on to stare at the remaining seven or so enemies in front of him. And while he was completely ignoring the bloody corpses and foul smells of the dead, he noticed the one called Jalzzos about to prove his earlier suspicions!

With a vile laugh that would cause the purest of children to cry, the man named Jalzzos yelled:

[HAHA thank you so much "Breezsong" ] said Jalzzos with much contempt in his voice.

[for you saved me the trouble of killing them myself! Now behold as I use their blood and soul to bring your end! HAHA!] Continued Jalzzos

[Tsk... this is why I hate dealing with legion psychopaths, for they care little even for each other! I may be a killer myself but at least I have some principles!] Said Breezsong

As Breezsong was dealing with his own inner thoughts, Jalzzos tore away the souls of his fellow man to open a door into the nether! As their souls were twisting and turning while howling terrible screams converged into a single point! With a bright green light, four hands tore away space like a curtain!

With the curtain open a terrible furious red beast came forth! It was a demon that was all too familiar… It was a fell hunter! But no ordinary fel-hunter for it was half the size of an infernal!

Bright red were its scales, with two twisting heads, teeth as sharp as the strongest dragon tooth, with twisting black dreads for hair. Its Four tentacles raised, with four glowing green eyes. A creature born solely for the hunt.

As Jalzzos looked at the demon in glee, he was so ecstatic that he cared little for the fact that the cost to summon this demon was at the expense of his minions, minions that he was entrusted with by his great general. Hell in his mind their lives were well worth the cost for the sight before his eyes! But within all the excitement, his eyes fell upon his remaining men and a wicked grin was all that was plastered on his face.

But as he stared in a state of ecstasy, Xalan looked on with indifference, for he saw many scenes such as this during the war.

Brezzsong on the other hand sank into deep thought for he knew that this creature must die for it could easily find any who wish to hide.

[Shit... my apprentice and the kids are in danger if I let this thing go... Hell, even I am not sure I can kill this thing by myself! The only saving grace is that this thing, the only primary method of attack to bite and eat magic.]

But little did Breezsong know that as he was dealing with "Xalan the feared" his little apprentice was having trouble of her own, for she had to make a choice, a choice that would forever change the course of time.