
The Gnoll Story

The Gnoll Story Fan Made story that takes place in the world of Warcraft universe. The story takes place right before the Warcraft classic starts from the game, and it will continue to the most recent expansion of the mmo. The is a sub story that may deviate a lot from the actual history and telling of Warcraft, in other words the main plot points and themes will be present, however told in a different way. This story is purely written for fun! Disclaimer slight romance with little to no harm, and no adult scene will be elaborated on! The story follows our main protagonist who was once neck breaded man named Lanthios who died and reincarnated into the Warcraft universe as a baby Gnoll! Read and watch as our champion...oops I mean adventure! Goes on a long journey from being a creature slightly stronger than a normal human man to a freak of nature paladin! Gifted with an unnatural high affinity with “the light” our adventure must go save his sister who is captured by the legion forces! But how will he do so?? And whom will he do it with?? And more importantly who will teach our young Gnoll the ways of the paladin! Well, one must read and find out! Author notes check out my other novel: The Unforgiven Satyr! Disclaimer: This novel has nothing to do with the Warcraft universe, it is written completely from my head! And please give me you power stones!

Sulfates_Cidif · Video Games
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23 Chs

The Dreamer part 1 and 2 

When silver moonlight chooses' those with open eyes to sleep, they will dream, a dream of futures past.

--Taken for the lost archives.

Day 2 Dreamer's Night

As Cynthia was busy conversing with the other refugees, the night weighed heavy for a wondrous baby girl whose teary eyes cradled her to sleep. But as she dreamt, she kicked and screamed for the flashes that befell her eyes were of scene too laden for her to bear.

[Do you really believe that you can delay me? Do you really think you're worthy for me to hunt?] Asked Xavalis in full anticipation.

[NO! Even, I know that my strength won't be enough to hold you here for long... but that doesn't matter… for the time my blood will give will be more than enough.] replied, the mysterious wolf.

[HA, HA, HA I see… then prepare yourself!] Xavalis said with a snort then continued; [I'm going to enjoy this!].

With words behind them, Xavalis then pulls out two twins fel-infused short swords and points them at the old wolf. As if to respawn to Xavali's obvious taunt, the wolf puffs his chest out and does a horrific howl! And with it came the raining down of scores of moon fire and falling stars! As they fell like shooting stars and burning Brimstones, came the screeching of the demon and the satyrs as they were scorched with mother moon magic! Though lesser demons died from the stars, the other more capable continued to will themselves forward through the pain and the burning, through the melting flesh and broken bones they charged at the spider and the wolves.

The satyrs stabbed and gutted the wolves in their wake, for neither the webbing of the spider nor the taunts of the bear could stop the flood of blood that the satyrs spilled! As each wolf fell the bears grew more relentless in their pursuit! As bear claws met satyr skulls, so too, did satyr magic burn their hides! As spiders flanged their poison dry! They cried to their queen for aid! But their cries were left unanswered for she was laid to rest! Torn apart leg by leg, piece by piece by the hounds that surrounded her, however many hounds were laid to rest with her! For she slept in a pool of demons' blood and melted bones.

As scores of spiders fell one by one, the battle quickly turned one-sidedly, for no longer could nature keep the demons trapped or poisoned! With the spiders gone, the satyrs attack the bears with more ferocity. For the bears were using the spider as a way to control how many demons to fight at one time, but with them gone. Their main pillar of support waned with each passing second, for without fresh webbing nothing could stop the relentless assaults of the unending tides of demons! And what made matters worse was that the satyrs were already freeing those already caught. However, what was even more shocking to the nature forces was just how fast their foe was in eradicating the spiders. It was like it was all planned out from the start!

But in truth whether it was planned or not did not matter to nature's forces for they came knowingly to their deaths! With one last roar, the bear king led his troops with a ferocity rarely seen of any creature, for even when surrounded and on each side, cut off even from the wolves they bravely stood their ground until the end. An end that came all too swiftly as no matter how physically strong one is, the living still gets tired... As the bears grew tired, the satyrs took this chance to humiliate their fore, for instead of simply killing them, they chained them down with darkened thorns!

Then they proceeded to either slowly burn them to death or chop off their limbs and watch them squirm in pain! Then when the eldest son of the bear king collapsed to exhaustion, one of the satyrs walked up to him, brandishing his razor sword! And as he stood on his body, he lightly lifted his head and while facing the bear king... he slid his throat!

As blood poured out the satyrs danced and mocked the king's son. Seeing this the king was angry and wanted to race over and slay those despicable satyrs... but he could not… for he was exhausted from the consent fighting, for he took on the bulk of their assault! With no energy remaining and a fur body filled with stab wounds, curses, and bite marks the king fell with eyes glued to the ones he called family. There was no climatic burst of energy… nor berserk mode... no hate, for he was going home to Elune!

[ So, tell me…wolf! how does it feel to watch your friends and family die!] Said Xavalis with much maliciousness as he stood over his beaten foe.

[Cough… u think you've won…ha ha ha.. you know nothing of her plans...] the mysterious wolf said as he coughed out a mouth full of blood.

A few hours prior:

As Cynthia ran past the mysterious wolf, the wolf charged headfirst into Xavalis while raining down moonfires. As the fires fell from the sky onto Xavalis's body he felt nothing!

[weak magics won't work on me pup!] Xavalis says mockingly

[ Fine if magic can't hurt you, then I'll just have to use my claws!] said the old wolf.

While forgoing his magic the old wolf brandishes his claws against the nearest tree shredding it to pieces. He then looked at Xavalis who just stood with the expression saying "what? Is that all". Then his expression changed to

[If you want to play intimidation tactics! then you should do something more like this.]

Xavalis then stretched out the sword in his right hand and sliced a tree in half, but it not only sliced the tree in half it even sliced his own men next to and behind the tree! The old wolf winced at the sight that his foe just killed his own men without the slightest hesitation! And just to make a show of strength to boot! Xavalis laughed at the amusing face the wolf was making as if saying:

[This is how you play intimidation tactics pup]

Annoyed the wolf charged at his foe, swiping at him several times, however, Xavalis parried each and every swipe, to the point he was getting bored. After realizing the wolf's strength was so weak, way weaker than he thought, he even began to wonder why the wolf even bothered to show up at all.

The wolf on the other hand was covered head-toe with wounds, his once beautiful white fur was now covered in blood, for each parried swipe led to him receiving injuries instead, for each time those swords would cut him, the wound would burn as well, however to the contradiction of the fact that even when the wounds were burned, they still continued to bleed at a frightening pace.

Knowing his old body wouldn't be able to keep this up, he decided to put the rest of his strength into one final attack. He then leaped high into the air while charging his claw with all the magic left in his body. His body glowed with the light of the mother moon so brightly that it was like a mini sun had arrived in the dark forest. He then pushed off a nearby tree and headed straight to Xavalis, he knew this was foolish, he knew he couldn't win, he knew that his job was to only buy time for Elune chosen to escape, but he was at the end of the day, a warrior! And he wanted a warrior death!

Seeing the old wolf charging at him from above, Xavalis simply "sighed in disappointment" as he trusted his sword through the gut of the wolf as he was in the air! His claws never touched him!

Xavalis then said to the old wolf [You did all that showboating… And what did it amount to? Nothing!]

The old wolf then replied [No! Not nothing!], for just behind Xavalis were huge claw marks stretching deep into the ground! With dozens of corpses from demons and satyrs alike.

[So, you're good at exterminating pests... So what? In the end, you accomplished nothing] Xavalis said as he stood over the old wolf.

[Enough just kill me] said the wolf.

[No! I won't kill you just yet! I will let you live long enough to watch all "of" them die.] And watched them he did, he watched as the bears fell and how the spiders died, how veteran wolves in his company were eaten. And as he watched Xavalis would twist his blade in the gut which would cause him to cough up large amounts of blood. And every time the wolf was about to die, Xavalis would then heal him with dark magic just enough to stay alive.

Now seeing her mate being treated as such, the mate of the old wolf went into a frenzy and charged full throttle to her beloved! But with each pass, the satyr would get a stab in, the hound would get a bite in, and the warlocks would get a bolt in! But through the cuts, and the burn, and the missing flesh she pressed on as if they were nothing. But just as she was about to reach her mate, Xavalis threw his swords! The sword twirled in the air, slicing off her legs and leaving deep gouges through the sides of her body. Slamming the dirt, she came to a stop right next to her mate, nose to nose.

Seeing such a scene Xavalis laughed maliciously, while the old couple simply ignored him and just stared into each other's eyes. With bloody tears, the old wolf watched as the light faded from his partner's eyes. It crushed him that she went before him, and in such a way… As life flashed before his eyes, he remembered the last meeting he shared with all the creatures of the forest...

Hours before the fight:

The bear king said:

[so has the time finally arrived you old wolf, Lupos! And may I ask where your mate is?]

But just as he finished that line, a beautiful pitch-black as the night, wolf came out of the cave with the deepest blueish eyes you would be hard-pressed to find anywhere.

[I'm right here! she replied but were Tarantis?] Lupos then replied:

[she'll be here in a minute because she is busy doing the final touch-ups in her nest.]

[while in that case, are we all done on our end?] replied, "The night beauty."

The bear king said [yes, I have many sons who can carry on the family den].

[As I have many children to carry on my nest] replied Tarantis, to everyone's shock.

[O! You're finally here Tarantis, Great! Now we can carry on to the point]. Said Lupos.

Lupo's speech:

As you all know the moment has finally arrived! The destiny our great goddess foretold to use since the day our generation was born! For her chosen has called for aid! I know that we are going to our deaths! but this is our moment! And no one can take that from us! Though I can't speak for you all, I have no regrets for it is far better for me to die in combat while my body can still move. For a warrior such as I, I couldn't ask for a better death. But don't be sad of our passing, for our young one will rise in our stead, to be her shield when the time comes! Even when the light of her eyes' fades! She will still be Elunes' child!

End of speech

As Lupos ended his speech he took one last long look at everyone present for this would be the last night he would ever see them again.

Unfortunately, the old wolf reminiscing was cut short, for Xavalis was about to remove his head when a random beautiful female satyr named Yoi interrupted him, and said [my good master, instead of killing him why not corrupt him with the nightmare? Wouldn't the face of the rabbit be ever sweeter, when she sees her savior as a monster at the end!]

Xavalis pondered on Yoi inquiry for a few minutes before replying [Yes! That is a great idea. Glad I thought of it…Hehe he]

Yoi getting the hint immediately replied with

[your so wise young master, for no one can match your wisdom]

With that out of the way, Xavalis pulled out a red crystal! Seeing this and hearing their conversation, Lupos began to mentally panic and yelled [No! Not that! Anything but that! Just kill me you...], but would Xavalis listen to a pest pleas'… No! It only encourages him more! He then ordered Yoi to hold him down with dark thorns. As the thorns began to wrap around Lupos. Lupos mustered what strength he could to try to put up a fight, but with his body half dead there was nothing he could do. He could only helplessly watch as Xavalis shoved the crystal deep in his open gut causing the old wolf to whimper.

As he felt the dark magic coursed through his veins, he could do nothing but squirmed about for the process wasn't a painless one! As time passed, his beautiful snow-white fur turned a dark purple-blackish red, he grew horns on his once pristine head, and his mouth opened wider at an absurd degree, as a reddish-black gooey substance dripped uncontrollably from his mouth. Then rows of teeth filled those new empty spots. His body size easily doubles what it once was, his ounce silver eyes are now blacker than Xavalis's heart.

When he finally finished his transformation, he bowed at Xavalis while waiting for an order. Pleased with the result, Xavalis was about to give a new order when another subordinate interrupted him by saying, [sire, word has come that the rabbit has arrived at the logging camp!]

[Excellent] replied Xavalis, and just as he was about to port out to the logging camp, Yoi said

[Master, why not take the head of the old wolf's partner and show it to the rabbit! I can easily cast illusion magic on it to make it look like it belongs to the old wolf!] Quickly catching onto Yoi idea Xavalis smiled a wicked grin.

This is two chapters in one, for the sake of the story flow I left it this way. btw if you recognized some of the names you should buy yourself a cookie.

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