
The Gnoll Story

The Gnoll Story Fan Made story that takes place in the world of Warcraft universe. The story takes place right before the Warcraft classic starts from the game, and it will continue to the most recent expansion of the mmo. The is a sub story that may deviate a lot from the actual history and telling of Warcraft, in other words the main plot points and themes will be present, however told in a different way. This story is purely written for fun! Disclaimer slight romance with little to no harm, and no adult scene will be elaborated on! The story follows our main protagonist who was once neck breaded man named Lanthios who died and reincarnated into the Warcraft universe as a baby Gnoll! Read and watch as our champion...oops I mean adventure! Goes on a long journey from being a creature slightly stronger than a normal human man to a freak of nature paladin! Gifted with an unnatural high affinity with “the light” our adventure must go save his sister who is captured by the legion forces! But how will he do so?? And whom will he do it with?? And more importantly who will teach our young Gnoll the ways of the paladin! Well, one must read and find out! Author notes check out my other novel: The Unforgiven Satyr! Disclaimer: This novel has nothing to do with the Warcraft universe, it is written completely from my head! And please give me you power stones!

Sulfates_Cidif · Video Games
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Steel Determination part 2   

As old honors falls, their last embers burn, but those fleeting burns will kindle a new and brighter flame!

→→→→→→→→→→Excerpt from the library of scrolls in Orgrimmar

As Cynthia fled the dragons quell, she arrived at the bridge to see an army of Gnolls just standing on the other side to Duskwood. Old and veteran Gnoll with years of experience in combat, with battle scarred bodies and fierce expression plastered on their faces, ready and willing to fight to an end.

Just as Cynthia was contemplating jumping into the river below, a freakishly big gnoll the size of a giant refrigerator, dressed in full plate with a spiked collar along with a black eye patch covering his right eye, while also holding a giant two-handed bone sword that glowed with an eerie red came forward and said:

[Peace be with you! We mean you no harm! We simply wish to talk!] said the gnoll like leader of the army that stood before Cynthia while slightly doing the gnoll signature laugh.

Suspicious but intrigued to see where this goes for, she didn't want to jump into the freezing cold water below carrying a child, Cynthia replied cautiously while trying to hide the child form view:

[Who are you? And why are you blocking the road into Duskwood?]

[My name is Urkek Deadpince, Look I'm sorry for sounding rude but we don't have much time for Xavius servants are sure to be here soon! In short, we're here to buy you time to escape!] replied the gnoll leader with much hurry.

Confused, of the whole situation Cynthia asked: [why are you helping me? If you already know why I'm here, then you should already know what I… did and I'm presently carrying in my lap right now. And another thing surely Xavius force will have trouble getting past the dragons.]

The giant gnoll nods in acknowledgement before saying [One, the satyrs will easily get past the dragon for we are but ants below their wings, and so why would the dragons pay attention to ants that crawl beneath their wings? Second, we do know what you have done and we do not care, for we are gnolls! Our tradition has always been about the survivor of the fittest! Death is but another day in our lives! That child in your arms is yours to do as you see fit! Thirdly, we are helping you to stop Xavius from getting what he wants for he brought his army here to our territory!]

Urkek's explanation only caused Cynthia to become more suspicious for it was obvious he wasn't telling the whole truth. In fact, if Cynthia was a betting woman, she would go all in, that half of what he said was a lie, but that look of determination on his face said that he was sincere about the fact they are here to help.

Urkek then continued [look you could either trust us or go back the way you came or jump into the river, which I assure isn't a better option! If we wanted to hurt, you we could have done so already or better yet not even bother to talk at all! After all, we are gnolls! We prefer to talk with our Fist!]

Realizing what the gnoll said had some merit but still hesitant to trust them, Cynthia thought through her option, but what other option did she really have? Go back to those dragons or worse like he said earlier if she ran into them plus a satyr hit squad on top! There's no way the kid would live! Or jump into the river and end up God knows where! Shaking her head, she knew she only had one real option set before her! Trust, a rare commodity, she had to put her hope in.

Deciding to trust the gnoll, an action she thought not possible, for gnoll aren't known for their "kindness "and they don't do anything that doesn't benefit them, hell they even enslave those they view lesser. But as she approaches their front lines, they split apart to make way for her to ride all the way through. And as she galloped past the gnoll leader she could have sworn she heard a faint whisper. A very soft whisper that sounded in the most loving voice she never thought possible for a gnoll! He whispered the words [Live well]! At that very moment she knew he wasn't talking to her but the child in her arms.

As the Gnolls watch the ever fleeting back of Cynthia, one of the old female elder walks up to Urkek and questioning ask:

[Are you sure about this? Isn't she the one that killed your son's family? Are you really fine with her taking away your grandson?]

With a heavy heart Urkek replied [Yes… the might of the night elves will keep him safe… More than I ever could. I'm mean… Just look at how well I protected his father… Besides I have another son named Yowler, I will leave the rest to him.]

The old elder Gnoll nods but then replies: [It's a shame that we will not get to see the future that child will bring to our race! But it's also an honor that I got to live long enough to finally see him… the one the gods have foretold us about, and that our kind was chosen for it.]

Urkek then replies [Your right it's an honor not only to see him but to die for him! May our bones lay the foundation for his path, while our blood will wash clean all obstacles! After all, isn't this why we only brought the oldest here with us today! For the old should make way for the new!]

[Insert hyena laughing sounds here] Surprised Urkek and the elder turn around to see that the other gnolls were all laughing in agreement to what they were just talking about! Urkek then says [HA! How-ever un-gnoll like of us! To, care of such things!] [insert hyena laugh]

But just as they were having their banter a scout came running up and yelled: [The satyrs are here with an army of shadow fiends!]

The elder then says [looks like you were right… dragons are such useless creatures Azeroth has ever made!] [insert hyena laugh]

Nodding in agreement Urkek yells [Get in formation! Prepare to take on their charge!]

But just as their army was at the cusps of fighting Urkek had one last fleeting memory of his son with his grandson flash past his eyes, causing him to say out loud: [One day… You shall be king!]