
The Gluttonus Beast

Amari Rex was an adamant animal lover and had an abusive childhood. The only love he was shown was from the family's dog, that was abused alongside him, and the animals in the forest. The dog raised him as its own child and the animals in the forest, causing Amari to become more distant from humankind, more beastly than human. The only thing that kept his very thin line of humanity was his desire for human affection. So he needed to learn why humans are the way they are, and the library was his own choice. There he learned about dragons, phoenixes, cultivation, the fantasy world, and his favorite Monster Hunter. He learned his morals and beliefs from anime and changed his outlook on humans. However, life always dealt him a bad hand and took everything away from him, he went mad on a rampage. Lost in madness, he killed his parents, caused the death of his true family, and his existence came to an end, or is it a new beginning? Disclaimer- I don't own the picture, should there be a need to take it down then plz let me know. Disclaimer- I only own the OC I make, and other things I created. I don't own Monster Hunter, any of the anime-related things, or things along that line. Disclaimer - Changed Tags a bit, but Webnovel got rid of some.

TheSimpleGamer · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Getting Started Part 3

'Alright here goes nothing...Status.' I calm myself, nervous about how I stand in this world. Will I start off weak and die early, or struggle to survive, or will I stand among the strong?


[Name: Yahweh Magnus: Healthy, Age: 0, Race/Tier: ???, Supreme Mid Tier]

[Level: 0, 173/200]

[HP: 50,000, MP: 50,000/50,000]

[Strength: 500 (1000)]

[Viality: 500 (1000)]

[Endurance: 500 (1000)]

[Agility: 500 (1000)]

[Intelligence: 500 (1000)]

[Luck: 100 (200)]

[Charisma: 100 (200)]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Beast Points: 673]

[Skills: Limb Attachment, Super Regeneration, Air Mastery, Heat Resistance (Extreme), Cold Resistance (Extreme), Poison Immunity, Tortoise's Body ( All Stats Raised By 100%), Explosive Punches (Generate Shockwaves), Eternal Youth (After Age 21), Heighten Senses, Inspect, Body Manipulation, Roar (Creates Fear, Chaos, Damages, and Flinches), Speed Boost]


'Wow! I'm really strong it seems, hehe, I guess I wouldn't have much of a challenge anytime soon.' I raised my head in proud, I mean look at my stats and look at the wolf's stats. There is a very big difference, I could kill that thing in my sleep if without even trying.

[Host the thing you killed was a Low Tier Beast, they have very low stats and are basically equivalent to most basic humans in sats at Level 0.]

'Low Tier Beast, why didn't it say anything about it on it's Status Menu, along with that, my menu has race and tier as ???, what's with that, and it wasn't on the wolf's Status Menu. Also what's with the numbers after my Level?' It seems there was a lot more than was shown to me by the System that I'm missing out on.

[Host the reason for the numbers after your level is that is the number of points needed to raise your Level. For the less informative inspection of other creatures that is because it was set that way by Master Nushi, should I turn on the setting [Show Race/Tier]?

[Yes] [No]

'I see now all right so like the Beast Points, experience is based on their amount of stat points, ok, oh yeah. Yes.' Alright now that all these problems are out of the way, I guess it is time to get out of here. I look around and see if I can find a good place to move towards and leave this place, but I didn't.

'Hmm, I saw a cave on the way down here but it was a bit far away, I may lose the way to it in this maze-like forest, hmm. Aha, I should just take to the skies, they seemed pretty safe, it was clear on the way down.' I look towards my back and seeing how wings would fit just nicely on them I think about them sprouting from my back and so they did.

The wings that sprouted were curved and swept back, they were also long and pointed they reached a wingspan of about 7 meters in length. The feathers/fur was slim and as stiff as metal, all this combined made them very aerodynamic. They sported the same black and white colors as me, mostly white and the tips being black.

I spread out my wings which caused the surrounding dust and a strong gust of wind to blast outwards, 'My wings are pretty strong, good to know.' I started flapping my wings to get adjusted to them, they were really strong, almost immediately sending me backward on to my back the floor cracking it under my weight. It didn't hurt at all and the cracks spread outwards to about 10 meters in each direction, I guess I'm pretty heavy, maybe between 1 to 2 tons.

Since I never experienced flying or had wings before it took me a good few seconds to get adjusted to them, my [Air Mastery] probably helped immensely with that, but now I'm ready to go find that cave. I leapt into the air and flapped my wings again causing chaos to the surroundings but not as strong as late time, just enough to stay in the air, then when I was ready, I turned to the direction the cave was located and soared into the air.

I raised high enough into the air to where I could see where the cave was, it was about 5 miles away from me, so I traveled at a nice pace of 400 mph or 179 m/s.' My top speeds reach up to 800,000 mph or 357,632 m/s, which means I'm .001 the speed of light, pretty impressive right...right?'

[...Sure Host, very impressive to normal creatures yes, however, to creatures on higher tiers that is basic speed for them at Level 5, and they level quickly, also your ground speed is about 75% of that.]

'I didn't ask for your sarcasm System! But I'm 25% faster in the air, huh, so escaping from the air is the best from now on, along with not proving these High Tier creatures...yet' Since they are higher tiers they must be packed with higher tier meat, I can't wait to devour them.

[Host has indeed become a glutton.]

'Hey, don't blame me for getting addicted to them, they are just that good, and never actually eating anything good ever in my past life, doesn't really help the situation. Anyways, I'm going to need more information on the Tier and Ranks of beasts once we get settled down.'

[No problem Host, we are rapidly approaching the cave, you will arrive at the entrance in 5 seconds, be careful.]

'Ok well, there is most likely going to be a beast or something how the likes in the cave, so time to get ready to fight, hope it's not a High Tier beast or something.' Well in my train of thoughts I arrived at the cave, and proceed to land. I don't know if it was just me but as soon as I landed, it was like all the noises and sounds that were sounding throughout the Wildlands' Forest...stopped, and if I wasn't going crazy, I felt that I could hear the music that plays when enemies show up.

"Grrrr!" Several deep, raspy, and threatening growls that caused a shiver down my spine, resounded in my ears like they were trying to penetrate and destroy my brain. I looked towards the entrance of the cave and saw 5 giant wolves that made the Green-Furred Wolf look like a puppy.

The wolves had large sharp fangs and teeth that could tear through the flesh of most creatures easily, they were bared at me. Their claws weren't lacking either they shone menacingly in the Sunlight, ready to tear me apart. They were covered in electric blue pelts of fur, that glistened and sparkled, and white sports their snouts, feet, ears, and the tips on their tails, the tails weren't bushy but whip-like as they swayed into the air, ready to strike at any point. They were all killing machines, however, one looked different or at least its eyes were, they were more...intelligent.

'Why did a spine roll down my spine, I know they are scary looking but, I'm definitely not scared, cautious but not scared. Hmmm, well only one way to find out, [Inspect].'


[Name: Lightning Wolf Alpha: Healthy, Age: 25, Race/Tier: Raijū Bloodline, Mid Tier]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 45,000, MP: 42,000/45,000]

[Strength: 300(450)]

[Vitality: 300(450)]

[Endurance: 300(450)]

[Agility: 400(600)]

[Intelligence: 300(450)]

[Luck: 10]

[Charisma: 25]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Skills: Pack Leader, Lightning Body (Stats Up By 50%), Lightning Tackle, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Claws, Lightning Crunch, Electrifying Howl, Glare]


[Name: Lightning Wolf: Healthy, Age: 23, Race/Tier: Raijū Bloodline, Low Mid Tier]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 20,000, MP: 30,000/30,000]

[Strength: 200(300)]

[Vitality: 200(300)]

[Endurance: 200(300)]

[Agility: 250(375)]

[Intelligence: 200(300)]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 15]

[Extra Stat Points: 0]

[Skills: Lightning Body (Stats Up By 50%), Lightning Tackle, Lightning Ball, Lightning Scratch, Lightning Bite, Stare]



'It was mostly like all their skills stacked on top of me that sent that shiver down my spine. Well, it looks like this will be my first real fight in this world...hehehe, alright bring it on!'

Hey guys and gals, Simple here. I wasn't able to post chapters because I was busy with school and stuff, you know tests and studying. I think I stated in my review that I was a student and my upload schedule will be random, from like 1 chapter per day or 1 chapter per week (but it probably will never get that bad, but who knows). There is one thing that I can promise tho, I won't drop this book ever, or anytime soon, I like writing, I find it fun to write that is why. I have many more ideas for books too, but I want to improve first before writing them, anyways Simple out. :]

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