
The Gluttonous Wizard

A boy cursed with a weak and body, doomed to spend his life on the bed waiting for death, gets a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic with his most desired ability.

Krishna_Is_Here · Movies
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18 Chs

CH 8 Shopping Spree

"Ah, there is one thing I forgot to mention." Arknog said all of a sudden "But before that, seeing the large amount you have brought to us this time, may I presume that you will be making similar large deposits in the future too?"

"It is quite possible, Arknog," Alcor admitted vaguely with a smile.

Obviously, he would be making more deposits, Gringotts was the perfect place to launder all kinds of black money from the muggle world. They didn't ask as many questions or kept as much track of where the wealth was coming from as muggle banks did.

He had decided that he would use the dark side of the muggle world as fuel to increase his wealth and bring as much peace as he can to the muggle society in return.

"May I suggest then that you invest in a high-security vault with us rather than low or medium security vaults?" Arknog suggested, "High-security vaults grant our customer vaults a wide array of high-quality security measures."

"Moreover, we won't pry into the matters of the contents of High-security vaults, which grants you the secure access to store whatever you like." Arknog tried his sales pitch on Alcor.

While Alcor realized that they just wanted to be able to charge a higher commission based on his income, he did realize that it would be to his benefit if he gets the High-Security vault.

After all, based on his future plans, it was very much possible that he would be making a boatload of money and even gather precious artifacts, books, and so on.

"I accept. Open a High-Security vault for me." Alcor said.

"Thank you for your patronage. As an owner of a High-Security vault, you won't need a Key. You can set the identification to be your wand, blood or, if you can use wandless magic, you can even set it as your unique magic signature." Arknog said.

"I think I will go with blood for now. I don't have a suitable wand, as my previous one got damaged. Also, I am not that confident in my wandless skills." Alcor said to hide the information of his abilities "However, does Gringotts guarantee that my blood will strictly be used only for my identification and nothing else?"

"Rest assured sir. We have contractual-based restrictions on us regarding these matters. We can only use the blood for the activity permitted by the customer." Arknog assured him "I will also be assigned as your personal Goblin Teller, so you can be assured that the matters of your vault will be kept in strictest confidentiality between you and me."

"Okay then." Alcor nodded. They finished the formalities soon and Alcor was provided with the Extension Bag he had requested. It was enchanted with all the necessary charms, such as Anti-Theft, Anti-Damage, and many more.

The additional special extension bag he had requested would take 3-4 weeks as estimated by the Goblin Enchanter. Alcor affirmed that he will come and collect it at that time.

After stuffing 5000 Galleons into his pouch, he accompanied Arknog to his new vault. This type of vault didn't have a number, rather they were assigned custom names based on the owner.

People who owned this type of Vault were generally the oldest Wizarding families. Such as Lestrange, Blacks, and a few others. Alcor could gather that goblins were treating him with a great amount of respect by providing him with such a vault.

This was not just a simple case of opening a vault. he felt pretty sure that goblins won't be offering such services to other customers even if they did transactions similar to himself. there was something they were hiding from him, but since they don't want to reveal it, for now, he would give them privacy and not pry.

He noticed the various security measures on their way to his new vault. Thief's Downfall, the dragons, and other measures he knew about. But Alcor also swore he saw a creature that looked like a Manticore or a Chimera.

Soon they reached a Vault in a dark corner of the lowest floor in this enormous underground Labyrinth. He saw that a metal tablet was placed on the big complex-looking door that seemed like it was fused to the rock wall.

Arknog got off from the goblin cart and placed his palm on the tablet and pressed a metal card containing a bunch of runes on a slot in the tablet. The card melted and fused into the tablet, which in turn then fused into the door. Various shimmering runes appeared on the door and it shuddered once before calming down again.

"Your vault has been keyed in with your information Mr. Celesta. As long as you keep your account open with us, this will be your main vault." Arknog informed him as he placed his palm on the door. The door slowly melted and retreated to the sides, providing a gateway to enter.

As they entered the vault, Arknog pushed the wheeled box with the galleons while introducing Alcor to other benefits of the vault.

"The vault's security so far has been seen by you. By that is only the physical security. If you employ more of our detailed security services, the contents of the vault can be enchanted with dangerous charms such as Permanent Geminio and Flagrante charms as long as the contents remain in the vault."

"This way, not even a goblin would be able to remove the vault's contents unauthorized without activating these charms as the Vault is enchanted with your information. Only you can remove the contents without activating any security charm." Arknog assured him.

"That sounds assuring, but I will like to keep the Vault as it is for now. If I need the additional security then I will definitely ask of that from you, Arknog." Alcor replied.

After completing the various other registration processes, Alcor left Gringotts and started exploring Diagon Alley. He had arrived days prior to Harry so that he could finish all his exploration and shopping before then. With this, he would be free on the day Harry and Hagrid arrive here.

He first went to Madam Malkin's and got a set of wizarding robes made of the most trending designs and enchanted with all the necessary charms like self-cleaning and auto-repair.

He also got various other stuff like protective gloves and boots, special belts with enchanted pouches for potioneers and enchanters, enchanted cloaks for protection in various environments, and so forth. Madam Malkin was so pleased with his orders that she even gave him a 10% discount.

His next stop was Flourish and Botts, where he bought books and every wizarding subject possible. He even bought a few non-standard books such as Curses and Counter-curses, Evocation: The Art of Elements, and few others.

He tried getting books related to Occlumency, Leglimency, and other rare topics, but the Shopkeeper got very insistent that those books were forbidden to be sold to children.

He visited other shops and bought stuff that he would need once he starts Hogwarts. He didn't get weighing scales and telescopes and other such stuff, as he was very sure he can get better ones in the muggle world.

However, he did get the best supplies and equipment possible for Potioneering, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, and other such subjects from their respective stores. He even made sure to order a monthly supply of various Potioneering kits, with larger than average supplies, which were to be delivered to Kane's home every month.

He passed on buying a pet, for now, as he would buy one before going back home. He also didn't go to buy a wand, as he knew that there was a high possibility of Ollivander to see through his actual physical age of 10 and report to Dumbledore or the Ministry.

With no other immediate goals, Alcor wandered the Diagon Alley, exploring all that it had to offer. He noted various stores he would visit in the future like Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions, Obscurus Books, Sugarplum's Sweets Shop, Twilfitt and Tattings - the Elite Clothing Store, Whizz Hard Books, and Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment.

Suddenly, he noticed a shop located on the South Side of Diagon Alley, next to Second-Hand Robes Shop, called the Junk Shop. This shop sold junk and secondhand items such as broken wands, lopsided scales, items with failed or weird enchantments, etc.

Seeing this shop, Alcor's mind suddenly went to the new skill he had gained from Gluttony, Devouring Mouth. Sure Alcor could use it on the other items he bought, but using this skill on items he could use made Alcor hesitant. But, if the items were the defective ones he buys from this shop, he could use the skill on them with no hesitance.

As he entered the store, he saw an old man slumped on the counter, smelling strongly of Tobacco and Alcohol. Alcor rapped on the counter with his knuckles, causing the old man to wake up with a jerk.

"Wha ---? What do you want?" the old man asked Alcor in an annoyed voice.

"I want every enchanted trinket, toy, and artifact you have in the shop. It doesn't matter if they work properly or not," Alcor said domineeringly. The man was shocked and stared at Alcor with confusion, disbelief, and anger.

"Are you making fun of me, Boy?" he asked Alcor.

"Do I look like someone who wants to waste his time making fun of you?" Alcor said with a raised eyebrow as he placed a handful of glittering galleons on the counter.

Seeing the Galleons made the old man change his tune almost instantly. He obeyed Alcor's instruction with a flattering tone and soon Alcor left the store with 170 Galleons less but with three large boxes filled with variety of enchanted objects. He stuffed the boxes into his pouch too and decided to return for the day.

He rented a room at the Leaky Cauldron for one month, planning to stay here as he explores his new skill. Staying next to the 'shopping center' of Wizarding World would allow him to gain steady supply of materials for his new skill, and he was going to milk it to the best possible extent.