
The Gluttonous Wizard

A boy cursed with a weak and body, doomed to spend his life on the bed waiting for death, gets a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic with his most desired ability.

Krishna_Is_Here · Movies
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18 Chs

CH 0 Prologue

Alcor moved a bit on his luxurious large bed to make himself comfortable as he watched his favorite movie series, Harry Potter, on the giant plasma screen television on the wall of his bedroom. With a slight touch on the customized touch screen computer, he adjusted the air conditioner in his room to a more comfortable temperature than before.

For those who hear of his life for the first time, Alcor's life would be a dream come true. The stupendous amount of wealth, a large comfortable mansion filled with the latest customized amenities and technologies for his comfort, and an army of servants to take care of his needs.

However, once they come to know more of his life, they would only be filled with pity. Alcor had a terrible mutation in his genetics which had made him unable to eat or digest anything. His body was also weak to the point that a random 4-5 year child could severely injure him.

For his whole life since the day he was born, Alcor had been confined to this large mansion he called his home. This was not to keep him prisoner but to protect him from the world in an effort to make him live longer.

But despite all that, he could not fight his own body's condition, which had already decided that it will shut down by his late teens or early twenties. As a result, His parents and elder sister worked hard to provide him with all the comforts they can shower him with while he was alive.

However, if anyone asked Alcor what he thought about his life, they would find that he was content mostly with what he had. But if he had to admit, then he would say that he had two main wishes if he had the next life.

First was that he wished he was born in a world that had magic. Secondly, he wished he would be able to eat anything he wanted without fear of harming himself, as this was one of the things he sorely desired when he saw Harry and his friends having a grand feast in Hogwarts.


Days passed and Alcor's body got worse every day. Finally, by the time he would turn 19, Alcor was weak enough that he barely breathed. His body was turned into a medical freak show, as various expensive machines were used to support his body.

However, when death comes calling, even the world's most powerful medical abilities can not save a person. A few days after his 19th birthday, Alcor's eyes blinked and shut for the final time and the last hints of breath started fading away from his body.

'Ah, so this is what dying feels like..' Alcor thought as he felt various parts of his body shutting down. Starting with his limbs, he slowly started losing all feeling over one body part after another.

'I just wish that in my next life I am reborn in a world of magic where I am the opposite of this life and can eat anything I want …' Alcor thought as his vision faded out and he took his last breath.


"Oi, get up you trash. It's time to work!!" Alcor felt a blast of pain on his chest as something collided with him hard. A gasp of pain escaped his mouth as he curled up in pain.

"Hmph, better get up and be ready for work in 10 minutes laddie, or I will come back and show you what real pain looks like!!!" the same harsh voice as before said before the owner of the voice walked away from Alcor.

After the pain subsided a bit, Alcor sat up and thought about the memories of the other 'Alcor' again. Well, the other Alcor was basically himself from his previous life. This was his new life after reincarnation, which was surprisingly in a world identical to his previous one, but in the past.

At the time of his death, he had wished that he would be reincarnated in a magical world with the ability to eat anything without being in danger of dying. In his current life, only one of his wishes was granted apparently, as he was blessed with a healthy body with no maladies or defects.

In this life, he was apparently an orphan. He was born to one of the more well-known night beauties of the red light district. She had swarms of lovers due to her beauty and would entertain at least 4-5 people every day.

One day she got pregnant out of the blue and no one knew who the father was, based on her popular lifestyle. Nevertheless, despite all the other women friends of hers advising her to give up the baby, she refused and instead gave up on the red light district.

To protect herself from the world's evil gaze, she deliberately scarred her beauty and took shelter in one of the church's shelters in the slums of London. For nine whole months, she suffered alone and finally gave birth to the baby on the winter solstice of the year 1980.

But, unknown to her, she suffered complications while giving birth on her own and suffered some internal injuries. Barely a year after giving birth, his mother passed away from her injuries. The only gift she gave him was his name, Alcor Celesta.

After her death, he became one of the many random orphans surviving in the orphanage. Blessed with previous life's memories and his increased intelligence as a result of it, he was one of the quieter and more mature children in the orphanage.

He made sure to take advantage of the sensibilities of his previous life and the healthy body of his current life, and kept himself fit and well trained. As a result, by the time he was 4 years old, he became the boss of all the children of his orphanage.

However, everything changed a month before his 5th birthday. As the previous caretaker of the orphanage passed away, the orphanage was bought by a different owner. However, unknown to others, the current owner was one of the top-secret members of one of the largest gangs in the streets of London.

He had many other orphanages to his name and he used them to supply his gang with a new workforce. As a result of this, by the time he turned 5, Alcor was working for the gang of the orphanage caretaker, The Night Wolves.

As one of the lowest rung child workers, Alcor was tasked with being an errand boy for the gang members most of the time, and at times when he was lucky, he would pickpocket a few unsuspecting Londoners for a lucky windfall.

Thanks to his diligence and hardworking personality, he was generally treated well by the gang members. It was only on one of these rare times when he had vivid dreams of his previous life and he overslept, that he would get beaten up by the one in charge of managing newbies like him.

He was living a monotonous life all in all, but unknown to him everything was going to change on the 7th New Year's Eve of his new life. This change would introduce him to a world he knew of, and yet was ignorant of it for so long.