
The Glory of Blaze Lucy Rasia

Lucy was running aimlessly, what was important to her was to get out of that strange maze, when her breath sounded weak, she slipped into the abyss but was unharmed. In front of her was someone who gently touched. it's made her shudder in fear which instantly woke her up! What has happened?

acicolok · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Sixth Sense Beginning

The recess bell rang, each student mingled to leave the classroom. Lucy & Ratih also don't want to lose to filling their stomachs with Pak Kumis meatballs in the cafeteria. But unlike usual, Lucy felt her head quite heavy. Had thought in his mind, maybe because of the chemistry class they just passed.

"I feel dizzy!" said Lucy.

"I think because we are too hungry, let's go to the canteen!" said Ratih.

Class 2 science is on the 2nd floor of the Cakra Timur High School. While leaving the class, Lucy & Ratih were still talking about the things that Mrs. Meta brought, feeling impressed because of her expertise that always finds the answers to tough questions. Along with time, Lucy felt that she was starting to lose control. (Brugh!) The vision suddenly blurred. Until Lucy realized she had fallen.

[Sports Field]

"That's how she fell..." Ratih explained.

"I don't remember exactly the last time we talked until I realized that I had fallen from the stairs," said Lucy.

"As long as we talk, Lucy isn't uncontrollable with an empty smile..." continued Ratih.

"You lost control, Lucy," Winter concluded.

Winter is their senior in extracurricular Silat (Indonesian martial arts). Winter deduces that Lucy may be possessed as her body weakened.

"Impossible! I've never experienced that before!" said Lucy.

Winter was not surprised by Lucy's assumption & reminded her to focus because when one's level rises & one's soul begins to open, one will experience supernatural things often. Plus, Winter understands what traits Lucy has, namely hidden talents. Their conversation stopped instantly when their mentor arrived to start the practice.

[Next day]

It's a sunny morning, but not with the boring history class. Ratih whispered to Lucy that was beside her.

"Psst, come with me to the toilet!" To which Lucy nodded.

Honestly, Lucy didn't want to go to the toilet to pee but wanted to wash her face in the sink. Meanwhile, Ratih entered the closet in the middle between the available doors. Immediately Lucy turned on the sink water with a gurgling sound, but the atmosphere turned colder.

From the mirror, see a middle-aged woman come out of one of the far ends of the toilet door. Dressed in a traditional kebaya combined with a Jarik skirt, leave the room silently.

Until she realized that Ratih had just come out of the bathroom until Lucy realized she hadn't washed her face with the tap water that was still coming out.

"Let's go back!" Ratih said.

"Wait for me" while washing Lucy's face following Ratih.

Through the hall to return to class, Lucy recounted what she had just experienced & the suspicion that there was a stranger who didn't look like the cafeteria staff or the school caretaker.

"You give me goosebumps! I think from now, I'll ask you to entourage me to the toilet," Ratih annoyed.

Ashley (class leader) enters the room and informs that the Language teacher can't attend because there is an urgent meeting, the class becomes free with notes not noisy. Instantly the students in the class split into several groups, including Lucy with her friends who were curious about her new skill in hypnosis.

Elsa volunteered to be a participant in Lucy's hypnosis experiment. Not without reason, she wants to get rid of the trauma caused by being depressed, sad and excessive self-confidence that turns out to be a result of the burden of being the eldest child who gets her family's demands to be the best.

"Elsa forgets the things that make you sad, turns the struggle into a challenge, enjoys the process. Be happy!" Lucy suggested.

Before giving further advice, a commotion had occurred because the teacher arrived earlier than expected. Lucy hastily awakened Elsa to come back to her senses.

Mrs. Tina's face doesn't look good, maybe we will hear bad things to our class.

"Do any of you play with forbidden things?" said Mrs. Tina.

"Hahaha!" uncontrollably loud laughter from one of our classmates, Demitri.

To be continued