
The girl with the sad eyes

in ancient time.there was a girl her name is ariana . when she already grown up she just want freedom and go to the place that she wanted to go .but when she knowing that her parents didn't allowed her to go to place that she wanted . she feel so sad and hide the tears come out from her eyes. when the day swallowed by night . she always look at the skies and tell all her feelings with her sad eyes with the tears .Ariana don't even know that her parents loved so much and cares about her . ariana a Joyfull girl and behavior girl . since Ariana kid Ariana don't even have friends because Ariana she always want alone . when year has changed she becomes brave girl because all had changed her parents talk to Ariana that they allowed to let her go to place that she wanted . Ariana so happy that time and ariana very appreciated her father permission .

one day Ariana go to the place that she wanted paris tower and spend time there a lot with a Joyfull feelings and beautiful smile she given . when the day swallowed by night . Ariana go to hotel las Vegas to slept overnight there.