

We live in a world of lies . A world where Superheroes are the real villians . A world where people are fed lies everyday. A world which is corrupted. A world where if someone tries to expose the truth are killed immediately .

I was sick of living in this kind of world so I decided to change it . How hard could it be ? A girl v/s the world . Seemed fun .


It was a normal Monday . A day every worker hated but not me cause I used to love my job before finding out all the lies that had been fed to me .

I entered the building only to be greeted by the front guard . I greeted him back and displayed displayed my I.D. card in front of the big screen which would grant me access inside . The screen showed my name and beeped and I was allowed to enter . On the way to the head of the organization I passed many of my co-workers and my boyfriend Michael . I smiled and said 'Good Morning ' to everyone but kissed Michael and then walked on .I knocked on the door and a soft ' enter ' came from inside .

Pushing the door open , I came face to face with Miss Leah Miller . The head of our secret organization , ISE .

" Ah Sam . Come in " ; she said to me .

I went and sat down on one of the chairs .

" So lets get down to business . You have agreed to let us put a chip inside your brain which will enable you to gain the power of technology .And by that , I would like you to get it done by today " ; Leah said .

" Power of technology as in like a Hacker I would be able to access any network and control any electronic device ? " ; I asked .

She nodded.

" What is the catch Leah ? I mean do I have to spy on some foreign agency and steal documents or use my newfound powers to prevent something big ? " ; I asked again .

" You were always the most curious that's why I recruited you straight out of high school . Yes , we need you to prevent something " ; Leah answered shortly .

I sat in place thinking all about it again before standing up .

" I will go down to the labs because that's where I will get my special abilities , right ? " ; I asked with a smirk.

" Right " ; Leah agreed .

I exited the room and went back to my workplace first . My team was there . My team consisted of my boyfriend Michael Page Brown , the gunman Ryan Brooks , Agent Myra Stiles and me .

" So guys. If something happens to me today , move on . I hate chick - flick moments " ; I said the last part mainly to myself .

" Well , best of luck drama queen " ; Ryan said laughing .

" Watch it Brooks " ; I said back .

" You will be fine Sam. You are the best damn agent at ISE " ; Michael said slinging his arm around my shoulder .

" Ya and when you come back , We will have another hacker on our team besides me " ; Myra said grinning .

" You know what guys . I am gonna go . Abby's waiting for me with her team of doctors . Bye guys. See you later " ; I said as I walked downstairs towards the lab .

On reaching there, Abby pulled me into a tight hug and practically dragged me to an experiment chair in the middle of the lab .

Abby is highly energetic and is really funny .

" Okay so take off your jacket and any jewellery that you have on yourself and hop onto the chair . Then we will put an oxygen mask on your face which will put you into a deep sleep . After that we will start our operation and insert the chip in your brain . Recovery is of 1 day " ; Abby said quickly .

I did as instructed and sat on the chair . Abby lowered me down so I was lying on it and put the mask on my face. It was mildly terrifying so I squeezed my eyes shut .

" Sweet dreams " ; Abby said and that was the last thing I heard before falling asleep .

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