
The girl with a broken soul

Nothing interested her except reading. She had devoured books to forget that she wanted nothing. A shadow, without friends, without a lover. But that was the world she had built for herself. Then she died. A god passing by told her that her soul was broken. "Don't worry your next life will be awesome." "Awesome? You call that awesome!" she cried as a gigantic tiger chased her.

Dream_Thunder7 · Fantasy
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It was not what I expected wishing to keep my memories! Alicia thought

It hadn't taken her long to figure out her situation. She was already regretting her first wish. Why Sol hadn't told her that she would be reborn in the womb of a new mother.

He had given her no warning.

No refund, no refund, I want a refund!

There was little to do when you were an embryo in your mother's womb. She didn't even have well-formed hands and feet yet. Alicia loved to read so her memories of the evolution of a pregnancy were clear. She was even surprised that her brain was so developed when it was not even the 10th week of pregnancy. The months were going to be long.

She still hoped that her mother knew about her pregnancy, and if she was drinking a lot of alcohol, and if she was poor and not eating enough. Didn't Sol say that his universe was less advanced than the others? What if her mother was a homeless woman? How was she going to feed two people?

While an embryo was having an anxiety attack, a woman busy reading, sneezed.

"Did I catch the flu? I better go see the doctor. I hope this time it's a girl. she said, watching the three boys playing in the yard, their clothes covered in mud.

She felt the irritation rise inside her, but took a deep breath.

"Calm down, inhale, exhale, the doctor advised me to stay calm, to increase my chances of having a girl. A pregnancy spent in anger gives birth to little male demons. Calm down, you want a girl, you will have a girl" she said in a determined tone.



"Sorry Mother!" they cried in unison before running back into the house.

Seeing that they had obeyed, Alicia's future mother went back to reading as if nothing had happened.

Weeks passed and Alicia felt her body slowly transform. She had come after several days of panic to appreciate the warmth that surrounded her. Her mother's heartbeat was soothing. She began to hear voices, a male voice that must have been her father and children's voices that certainly belonged to his brothers. The voices were like an indecipherable echo at first, then she began to hear the words.

"My dear child. »

Oh no, it was starting again. Chills ran through her small body at the sound of her mother's voice.

"I love you so much already, you're a girl aren't you, a little girl that I could spoil unlike those other little monsters. You wouldn't disappoint your mother before you were even born, would you? »

The fear of a mother's wrath could begin in the womb. Alicia was now convinced.

Every day, every day that Sol did this woman said she hoped she was a girl, and in her mouth it sounded almost like a threat.

But the worst part is that Alicia didn't know what her sex was. She was swimming in amniotic fluid, it was dark. So she couldn't check if she hadn't acquired something new between her legs.

A certain fear towards her future mother had therefore set in.

As the days passed, the space she occupied shrank. She even kicked to try to make more room for herself, and every time she did that she heard cheerful voices.

She would have continued to do this often, but one day she heard her mother say a few kind words to her.

"Kid, are you going to stop kicking my bladder. I swear if you move one more time before I give birth..."

She had stopped moving too much since that day.

Then her body turned. D-Day was fast approaching.


"Push Madam, push, you're almost there!" »


Alicia was feeling a huge migraine. She felt like she was being crushed all over.

"AHHH, are you going to hurry out, 32 hours you've been torturing me, AHHHH !"

Hearing her mother's irritated voice, Alicia began to push as well.

Then finally the light appeared and she let out a loud cry.

Finally, she was free!

"Bravo madam, she is a very beautiful little girl! The Creator has heard your prayers! »

Alicia felt her anxiety melt away at those words.

Her vision was blurry, but she felt someone pick her up and put her on her mother's chest.

"Oh my baby girl, you are so beautiful." her mother said softly before kissing her forehead. She felt the tears wet her hair.

"What name did you choose Madam?" »

"Alicia, her name will be Alicia as the name the creator whispered to me in my dream. »

This God was not so useless after all. She had made the right choice, Alicia thought exhaustedly, before falling asleep.

"He, he, he, now that I have a daughter, let's see what these old goats will say the next time I meet them. »

In her sleep, the infant shivered.

As the newborn tried to escape her first nightmare, heated discussions took place in her new home.

In an office a man was going around in circles, his hair disheveled and muttering under his breath.

"Please Creator, please. »

Suddenly, the door banged open.

"My lord, my lord, it's a girl!" cried a servant.

The man fell to the ground on his knees, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.

"Thank you creator, thank you creator, finally this woman will stop harassing me. Open my best bottle of wine! »

In the yard, three boys looked at each other as they heard the cries of joy. Mother will finally calm down, they thought before sighing in relief.

In her new cradle, Alicia did not know that she had acquired despite herself the adoration of the members of the household.

At the same time at the Heavenly Crossroads, a man entered his domain laughing.

He staggered, his face flushed with alcohol.

"She really throws the best parties, this goddess of lust. I'm never bored at his orgies." he said before his gaze focused on a door.

"I forgot to reincarnate this soul, well if she has to wait another hundred years, she won't realize it. he said before zigzagging off down the halls.

If he had entered the room, he would have realized that it had been destroyed, and that a gigantic cocoon had taken its place, devouring the ether that entered it at an unimaginable pace.

A voice escaped from it.

"I hope she appreciates my little present. »

A mother's wrath is more terrifying than an eldritch monster chasm.

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