
Chapter 2: Marry me?

My eyes widen. What does he mean marry? I'm not even in a position to date and he thinks I can get married? Married to who? The weird brunette guy?

"I didn't think he was serious." Black Hair mutters.

"I'm sorry. I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm not marrying anyone." I say, but they both ignore me. Instead, they whisper amongst themselves.

Suddenly arms wrap around me from behind and I jump. I tilt my head up and look at the guy who stole my life. He takes a deep inhale of my skin and sighs as if he's content.

Red Hair gives him a pointed look, "I thought that roses thing was a joke."

"No." He says simply. His calm demeanor must be annoying them. The way he just completely casts their questions and concern aside looks to be what's making Red Hairs' ears burn. His breathing increases as he gets annoyed while The Guy remains locked into me cool as a cucumber.

"Kal," Black Hair huffs in annoyance, "You plan on keeping her here?"

"Where else would she go?" The Kal guy asks. He seems just as annoyed as Black Hair now, if not more annoyed. He must not like being questioned

"Home. You know the place you kidnapped me from?" I look at him and he laughs.

"Your "home" smelled like nothing but booze and depression. That's no place for you."

His words make my ears heat up and I detangle myself from his strong arms. While there was no chance of me staying in his embrace anyway, I definitely wouldn't remain after he insulted my home.

He looks down at me calmly. He's not giving me the same look he gave the other two. This look is gentle. I'm not used to this look so it takes me a moment to say something back.

"Will somebody please tell me what's going on?" I asked. "Just who are you guys, why am I here, and why do you keep smelling me?"

Black Hair and Red Hair look at Kal expecting an answer from him. He studies my face silently for a moment then shrugs. "Because you smell like roses, and I love the smell of roses."

"So I've been told but what does that mean? I smell like perfume and that definitely doesn't smell like roses."

It's Black Hair who laughs at my comment, "Your artificial scent may be perfume but your natural scent is that of a rose. That's why Kal is so drawn to you."

"Because I smell like roses?"

"Yeah." Kal scratches the back of his head. "Why is that so special?"

Red Hair makes a "follow me" motion and I'm led to a large living room. I sit separately from them. Even though I'm not as scared as I was previously, they're still vampires and I'm still considered a hostage.

"Since Kal put you in this predicament it's only fair for him to answer all your questions, right?" He gives Kal a pointed look and Kal shrugs.

"Sure." He smiles at me. "Ask away"

"Why did you do this to me?" Sure they'd answered that in vague hard-to-understand terms, but I want the real reason.

"When I was young I had a really sensitive nose, especially to a human's natural scent. The only smell that didn't make me gag was a rose. When a human smells like one it's especially pleasing, so I always said I would marry a girl who smells like one. And here you are."

"So you took my life from me because I smell like a flower?" I ask.

He only nods. For someone who claims to want to marry me, he's not being sympathetic to my feelings and emotions. "I wouldn't say I took your life from you. When I bit you I got a small glimpse into your past and it looks to me like you were comfortable with your shit situation, not happy. If you were happy then I guess you could call it living, but conforming to your situation is anything but."

My face heats up. He read me like a book and it was pissing me off. That has nothing to do with him and his opinion definitely wasn't needed.

Black Hair watches the emotions flash across my face and he looks to be genuinely amused. He must've been expecting this response from the beginning. But hidden behind that look of amusement is the need to rescue Kal from his own insensitivity.

"You have to excuse him. He's been a vampire all his life so he doesn't know what it's like to have his entire existence changed in one night. If what he's saying is true, it makes sense for him to be confused about your anger. After all, it doesn't sound like you have an easygoing living situation." He says.

"I don't have it easy but I never complained about it. At least when the outcome is always the same I don't get the feeling of anger or frustration because it's always like that. But this is like...I don't know where to go from here or what to do. This is unfamiliar for me. I'm put in situations now where I could lose everything because of who I am now and that scares me." I stare at my lap.

"There's no doubt that the people in your life will have mixed emotions about you becoming a vampire but you were never bound to be the same person in the first place. The way I see it if they can't accept this then they aren't meant to be in your life." The Guy shrugs. "Anyone who really cares for you would be able to see past that."

I don't respond to him. It's a lot to take in and I need to organize my thoughts and options. For starters, I'm a vampire now which means everything is different. I have to tell my Dad, and my brother, and Carly. I have to tell my boss and my school. That's a lot of people to reject me. While my dad and brother won't really matter because one isn't sober enough to comprehend and the other isn't a central part of my life, Carly keeps me sane. What if she casts me aside?

"I can't live here." I look up finally. The Guy cocks an eyebrow. "My Dad will die if I don't take care of him and my brother will worry if he comes home and I'm not there."

"You're willing to stay in that unhappy home for your father's sake? Why not bring him food every day if it's so important?" It was almost cute how much he doesn't know about humans.

I laugh, "It's not just about food. I pay the rent there too. He'll get kicked out if I don't."

"I'll cover it." He's quickly deleting my reasons to say no to living here.

"I'll take a few days to consider it if it'll make you happy. It's not that simple." He rolls his eyes but lets it go. "But, I've been referring to all of you by your hair color in my head. I'd like to know your names."

Black Hair chuckled, "I'm Spencer. That's my brother (Red Hair) Adrian and that's Kalen. We also live with this kid Nathan but he's been gone since yesterday. What's your name?"

"It's Alana...nice to meet you."