
CHAPTER 89 Epilogue: The Her Before You (pt 2)

  (Sartis Est: Some time ago)

  It was over, at least in real time. In her head, it was still ongoing. She was still imagining the agony, the fear her brother and parents and thousands of her people had experienced when they were blown to bits. Even as she watched her country still alight, still burning while what was left of her people worked tirelessly to put it out, she was kneeling in the dirt and the ashes to receive the crown, her father’s crown. A crown that was never supposed to touch her red haired head. She remembered her father’s strict words to her brother every time he showed that he was hurt or wanted to cry.

  “Tears are not for monarchs,” he’d say and Ethan, her brother, would immediately stop crying, like it was a switch he’d just flipped.