

  (An hour later)

  It was evening by the time Aria met Aaron in the garden.

  "That was not quick," he said, taking her in. "And it shows. Red is absolutely your color."

  She smiled. Clearly he liked what he saw.

  He meant to complain about how long she took, how he'd been waiting out there for half an hour, but it didn't quite come out that way. Except for the diamond necklace, she was all in red tonight.

  "I see you got an upgrade," he said, looking at the necklace. "Troy really does have good taste."

  For the first time that day he was angry. It wasn't like she hadn't been wearing it all day. It was just more on display now. This was obviously his intent when he gave it to her. He wanted to mess with Aaron's head and Aaron was letting him.

  He sat down in his chair. Didn't pull out hers for her first like last time. She had a sneaking suspicion that this would end in a similar way to the last time.

  "Lanterns this time huh? Did you run out of candles last time?"