

  Aria stopped banging against his arm and he set her down.

  “Just give me a few days and I’ll find it for you. Okay?”

  “Why?” she asked suspiciously. “What’s this got to do with you?”

  “I’m trying to get my sister away from Prince Troy. If I can get something on Diane-”

  “You want to leverage their engagement?! Are you insane?! I’m not letting you do that!”

  “Do you want to know what’s going on or not?!”

  Aria took a deep breath and looked at him.

  “Terres Somnia and Sartis Est are allies. I’m not going to do anything to jeopardise that. I promise.”

  Shit, shit, shit! She fucking knew it! She knew Diane wasn’t trustworthy. But Aaron was right, at least about Ethan needing proof. He was so completely in love with her, Aria didn’t think even her word would be enough. And the alliance wasn’t with just anyone. Sartis Est couldn’t take on a country like Warlanda. They would have to tread lightly.