
love at first sight

i remember it was 2016 summer when i with my friend loya was just walking aimlessly ,gossiping. i had three besties named loya , jenny and portia.suddenly we decided to eat some soya from our school canteen and we did but when we were about to leave.loya said,"hey!hibba that handsome guy is staring at you!i think he is obssesed with your beauty!". i was like "what? staring at me!really?" it was difficult for me to believe in her such talks because in my school almost every teenager had hatred for my religion. But when i saw that handsome brat staring at me i was likee "oh my God" but still i ignored him and controlled my emotions.

Even after my so much of ignorance shown to him, he was still staring at me and kept on following me .Many days passed away but my ignorance remained constant . My friends and I were now sure that he loves me from the day he saw me orlove at fight sight !!