
The Girl Who Live

"She died but then as fate played its part, she became the girl who live again."

chichimm · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Inside a room with luxurious decorations which could only be found in a rich household, a girl so beautiful it could rival a goddess was seen sleeping peacefully. It was such a picturesque scene if not for the constant wailing of the girl's supposed family beside the girl and the annoying beep of the heart monitor which displays a flatline.

"My daughter!!! Why?? How could you leave mother this early? Come back to mom okay? I'll do whatever you want, just come back! Open your eyes baby please. ", despair was evident on the middle aged lady's voice as it mournfully plead for its daughter to open its eyes again with tears freely flowing on its eyes.

A lone tear was seen escaping the eye of a handsome middle aged man despite its stubbornness to accept the reality laid before him. His daughter died just like that. His beloved daughter which he have painstakingly brought up for 20 years. The daughter he loves the most. He can't seem to accept the idea of it and was only staring blankly into space until he caught sight of the doctor nearby.

"Save her!!! I don't care how you will do it, but please save my daughter!!! Save her.....save her.... Save her. Ple-e-ase!!!" He kept on shaking the doctor but the doctor can only shake its head and sigh in silence. No matter what he do, he doesn't have the ability to bring back a dead person to life.

" I'll give you everything, just please save her!"...the father kept on pleading but was only met with silence. He slumped to the ground as despair overcomes him. His eyes are becoming bloodshot by each second that pass, its as if a ferocious animal will be unleash any second now.

A teenager on the side can't take it anymore and rushed to hug his father and said comforting words but it isn't clear if it is saying those words to his father or to himself. Tears won't stop flowing from his eyes. He can't help but look in the direction of the bed and stare at his sister who won't be able to sweetly call him 'little brother' anymore. His sister who loved her unconditionally and the one who was always there for him. His silent cry became a full blown wails which adds to the gloominess lurking inside that room.

Minutes passed and the door was then forcefully opened by a man which was very handsome despite its disheveled state. Anyone who saw him would know that he rushed to go there. He furrowed his brows when he saw the things happening inside the room. He can't seem to believe the reality presented to him now. He first look to the middle aged man and was only able to utter a silent 'father' in which the man was not able to hear. He later saw his mother and immediately rushed up to her side. He hugged her whilst the said mother have a faraway look and while repeatedly saying 'She's gone'.

The man could only clench his fist as he thought of ways to make his mother calm down. As much as he wanted to cry, he reined his emotions because he knows his family needs him. One person should be clear headed in their family.

His mother fainted after crying so much and that's the only time he was able to look at his sister who was lying on the bed. Her injuries were still visible but that did not diminish even an ounce of her beauty. He clench his fist so much that veins could be seen on the verge of popping out of his skin. In his mind, he thinks of countless ways to punish the ones responsible to her death.

While this scene was playing out, no one knows that the girl's soul saw slowly separate from its body. As much as she wants to go back and comfort her family, she know that it's impossible. She could only cry in silence as each of her loved ones broke down because of her.

Three days passed and her burial was conducted. Month's after that, her mother's health declined and eventually died. Her father couldn't accept that the most important women in his life left him and so decided to commit suicide after his wife's death. Her older brother became cold-blooded and overworked himself and so can't take care of his younger brother. His little brother was left to fend of for himself and was eventually lead to commit crimes after he was dragged to join a gang. He was eventually caught and sent to prison where one of it's inmates accidentally killed him when a brawl occurred. His older brother, after hearing what happened rushed to the prison and unfortunately met with an accident as it's car collide with a truck.

Seeing her family's decline from its former glory, seeing her family's death one by one almost drove her to insanity. She couldn't forgive herself because it is in her death that all the misfortunes started.

She was in so much pain but she could only helplessly watch as the things play out one by one.

On both of her brothers' funeral, their family's relatives came one by one to pay respect but she was able to see the gloating look on their faces as they glance at her brothers caskets. Their looks weren't that of despair but instead they seem to rejoiced.

Right then she heard her second uncle said, "Good riddance. Finally, we were able to wipe out older brother's troublesome family. All our plans and schemes had paid off."

"Killing his daughter was a right choice. Good job Alie my girl for taking care of that pathetic bitch.", her Aunt Carla said.

"Of course that bitch should die. Being more beautiful than me, it's all her fault for always stealing my limelight. Hmpp! " Alie then said to her mother.

"It is better that Devon died on a car accident so that the company will be ours now." Her Uncle Brian (2nd uncle) said.

She can't accept what she was hearing at that very moment. Their supposed closest kin turn out to be the ones who plotted their family's demise. She was so mad that she wished she could tear their faces apart and let them experience what her family have gone through.

Her soul was about to explode because of too much negative energy when a pendant out of nowhere appear on her neck. She wasn't able to notice it because her soul was slowly being suck out by the void which prevents any soul from exploding. Her last thought was 'I want to live again' before completely disappearing.