
A first friend

One day I got enrolled into a school called "Wondering Chills" I still think it's a odd name for a school but at the same time everybody is odd. I remember the teacher greeting me to the class. It was friday and christmas break was about to start so I pretty much had one day there and BOOM we are on christmas break.

Everybody was nice to me and there was someone just like me but no scar just another tomboy and me and her got along very well. I forgot her name so let's call her ummm.... Emma yeah that's a good name for her I think?

Well me and Emma spent a lot of time together, " where did you get that scar from" Emma asked. I kinda got scared that she noticed the scar but not really sense it's really easy to notice. I thought she was scared of it to but the person I was back then told her the truth.

" It's a dog bite, I got it when I was 2 years old" I felt so scared at that time because she was the only friend I had at the only time. It felt nice to talk to someone who but to my surprised she thought it was cool.

Me and Emma played a lot of pranks at the boys it was fun, everyone said that we are sisters that got separated when we were born. That's when everyone started to call us "The separated sisters that found there way back" Me and Emma thought it would be cool to shorten it so it won't be so long so that's when we came up with the tsst.ft.WB.

We thought that was a cool name so when someone seen us together they will call out "LOOK EVERYBODY IT'S THE TSST.FT.WB." looking back at it that's the most dumbest thing I ever heard but that was what 8 year old self had in mind.

It was the end of the day and me and Emma said bye to each other I was looking forward after christmas break. This school is the one who changed me and who I was..