

John runs a family homestay somewhere in the misty mountains and is on his way to work.

He sees Elizabeth, who is stuck in the middle of nowhere with her car broken down.

He asks her if she needs a ride and Elizabeth answers yes.

On their way, the two get talking about their professions.

There's something off about Elizabeth as she reveals she doesn't do anything and then goes onto tell a story about her paranormal experience.

JOHN doesn't believe in ghosts but he instantly gets engrossed in Elizabeth 's spooky story.

Then, it's John's turn and he says the only bizarre situation he has ever encountered was when a female guest was found dead at their homestay and the police couldn't find a reason for her death.

Suddenly, Elizabeth loses her cool and starts accusing Sumit for not doing anything for the deceased soul.

She tells him that the girl's father is still waiting for the body and he needs to help him.

She keeps repeating the same line while blankly staring at John.

Suddenly scared John stops the car and runs far away from Elizabeth.

Is Elizabeth the same girl who died at his homestay?

Is she a ghost?

She, on the other hand making fun of Elizabeth and the situation, gets ready to drive.

OMG, it's a twist.....she was actually obsessed for John's 1987 model Fancy modified Volkswagen car and there she goes with car ....and John is stunned and haywired because he has been fooled in complete daylight.